See also: IRC log
<eli> Hey everyone! First timer here. What is the meeting pw?
<eli> Thanks!
<jamesn> eli: who are you by the way
<jamesn> welcome
<scribe> scribe:JemmaJaeun
agenda 1
next item
<annabbott> Jemma is working on tree example, Jon is traveling
<annabbott> Jemma will try to have tree example ready for next week
*thanks ann
matt is working on dialog
mk: to show support on combo
... we don't reviewed the text yet though
... need help on css
... I will work on dialog modal
... also will work on non modal
jn: matt, will you work on combo box?
mk: need to 2 combo box examples
ann: how about dialog tool tip?
mk: about to rewrite dialog tool
tip from ground
... bascially decide to rewrite dialog tool tip section
next item
mk: description of combo box here is interestingly terse
ann: interestingly feminize
mk: linked to spec
... using description, first paragraph from here
... trying to help user which role is need to be used.
... explicit description from outset needed.
ann: dialog in combo box?
mk: like a datepicker
jn: do we want to keep
autocomplete together in the section?
... it makes hard to implement combo box with auto
... combobox and autocomplete are separate for design pattern
example for now
mk: talk combobox as simple as like replicating html select
jn: keyboard changes
significantly between two, combo box and autocomplete combo
... common stuff first, (easiest thing first) and different
thing later such as keyboard
... in regards to combo box and autocomplete example
mk: aria-multiline is relevant to
text input method
... how we address this, aria-multiline with autocomplete
<eli> forgive me, but what is an example where a user would encounter a combobox?
jn: multi line text is not necessarily text editor, it could be just one word, single line text box
mk: for now autocomplete does not describe this case.
ann: description will be rewritten?
mk: yes
... download arrow usually open the combo box rather than
alt+down arrow.
jn: down arrow move focus to first item
mk: native element for combo box with autocomplete is similar to html select
ann: more explanation for html select?
bryan: select element with down
arrow, automatically trigger on change event
... not with down arrow with alt
jn: space key does not make sense for combo box
mk: do we want to have the same
behavior with html select then?
... listbox I worked on is not incorporated here yet.
... didnot write about expanding/ collapsing the list box
... should we incorporate list box pattern to combo box
... what about combo box which has only read only text
... I think read only text does not make sense for combo
... considering copy and paste function, it could be a valid
reason to have combo box as read only item.
... if readonly, using space bar and opening the list make
... divide keyboard sections for two, one for read only text,
the other one for non read only?
bryan: yes
jn: let's make this optional - ua implementation
mk: enter key does not expand the
... space is the same as alt+down arrow
*thanks james
jn: creating a bug with discussion summary
eli: esc key fall back to default status
teresa: are we talking about jaws?
mK: no
... jaws behavior is only for reading cursor is active
... this is for widget section
... we are working on aria 1.1 apg, not 1.0
bryan: wouldn't be a good idea to separate design patterns out for each aria 1.0 and 1.1?
mk: there was a discussion separating labels
<mck_> • The next element is an html <button>, or another element with a role of button. This element is used to toggle the display of the combobox's drop down list.
brayn: when edit field is spoken, dropdown trigger is button
bryan: when there is role=combo box, image is outside of list and it uses aria-control
mk: 1.0 pattern still requires to have aria-own
bryan: button is not part of combo box, it is trigger device to invoke the combo box
mk: you may use text box, aria
equal to list box, aria controls on it as alternative and it is
also relevant to aria-descendants discussion.
... not sure yet about "image" part in the combo box
ann: mouse way and keyboard way are different
ann: that is why we are talking about this section
next item
<mck_> • Provide a label for the combobox by referencing the text field in the combobox. You can use an
<mck_> aria-label
<mck_> to associate this label with the combobox or you may use the HTML <label> element and its for attribute to reference the text field.
mk: need to have some discussions with screen reader guy about label
summary about combo box pattern: Keys: Space and Alt+Down expand list without changing the value (both optional) Down (change the selected displayed in the list) and optionally expand the list.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/work/will work/ Succeeded: s/example/examples/ Succeeded: s/combox/combobox/ Succeeded: s/text/text input method/ Succeeded: s/jn;/jn:/ Succeeded: s/download/down/ Succeeded: s/is/is similar to/ Succeeded: s/,/bryan:/ Succeeded: s/brayan/mk/ Succeeded: s/option/optional/ Succeeded: s/only/only for/ Succeeded: s/1.o/1.0/ Succeeded: s/wouldn't be a good idea to separate them out?/wouldn't be a good idea to separate design patterns out for each aria 1.0 and 1.1?/ Succeeded: s/aria control/aria-control/ Succeeded: s/descendants/aria-descendants/ Succeeded: s/section/combo box section/ Succeeded: s/next ite/next item/ No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: jemma_ Found Scribe: JemmaJaeun Present: jaeunjemmaku JamesNurthen Michiel_Bijl WARNING: No meeting title found! You should specify the meeting title like this: <dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Got date from IRC log name: 25 Apr 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]