See also: IRC log
<jyates> Two of us are on the phone
<hhalpin> Just to note, the W3C AC meeting that both Virginie and Wendy are currently at is ongoing, and so I suspect they may be late. wseltzer?
the AC meeting is about to hit a break, but Virginie is on a panel right after the break
I believe she was not planning to join
<hhalpin> OK, I am happy to chair as stated on the phone.
hhalpin: review quickly with implementors, implementation schedule
<jimsc> Jim Schaad on the phone
hhalpin: WebCrypto charter was
renewed for a 6mo extension
... check in on scheduling
... To get to Recommendation, we need to move from CR to PR,
... show that we have two interoperable implementations of each
... So we need to gather implementation status over the next 2
... 2-3 weeks of work on tests
... ~ May, review status of test suite and test results
... end of May, determine whehter to keep/cancel each
... June/July, CfC to Proposed Rec
-> Virginie's email re schedule
RobTrace: When we talk about
features and cutting features
... that doesn't account for an implementor who wants features
but doesn't have current resources for them
hhalpin: that's a scheduel proposed by Virginie
RobTrace: Do we have to change
the schedule, or if all algorithms are listed as
... with algorithms that can be implement, can we finalize
without having 2 implementations of each
hhalpin: there are different kinds of features
wseltzer: we need to be able to move forward; we could do that by showing progress, by doing extensions, or by cutting
RobTrace: lookng at media,
codecs, we had some options, let the market decide
... we had some items that we didn't implement at first, then
when the market showed interest, implemented later
wseltzer: are you asking for extension points, where we finalize the core, and then extend?
hhalpin: @@
RobTrace: RSA-PSS is the example we'd ask for
hhalpin: that will remain in the
final spec, Firefox implemented
... the resolution we had to stabilize the specwas to put
removed algorithms into a "proposed" status, then move them to
the spec when implemented
<hhalpin> RSA-PSS will be kept
<hhalpin> The implementation report needs to be updated to take into account Firefox's latest work
<hhalpin> Microsoft will not change, but wants to keep RSA-PSS
RobTrace: MS implementation won't change in next 6mo, but we have desire to implement
<hhalpin> I believe Chrome wants to keep RSA-PSS
RobTrace: we want to complete
implementation, support; just can't at the moment
... Are we making everything mandatory?
hhalpin: No. nothing is mandatory
<ttaubert> RSA-PSS is currently available in Firefox Beta
hhalpin: but we could note in
test suite, "browser profile" what algorithms are implemented
... not cutting things out for the sake of process, but
recognizing what has actual interop
... others that are specd but not implemnted stick around for
potential later use.
... So everyone -> "browser profile"
... 2 implementations stay in the spec
... one or no implementations, go into "proposed" for later
<hhalpin> AES-CMAC, AES-CFB, CONCAT, DH are the ones at risk to be moving in a different section.
hhalpin: other issues, key format, service workers
<jimsc> CONCAT has already been killed from the spec
<hhalpin> Sorry missed that jimsc
ttaubert: I'm working on getting
webcrypto supported in workers
... going to turn to service workers after
RobTrace: I don't know that we've
fully internalized SW crypto
... no official roadmap
hhalpin: I think it's in
... so we can keep that part of the spec
... Then key format issues remain
... everyone agrees JWKs work fine, but cross-browser and
in-browser issues with other formats
... there's desire from users to have PKCS
jimsc: 2 ways to deal with asn1
... no longer tie algorithms hard to keys
... pretty simple in current spec
... versus getting people to implement what's in current spec
is hard, not doable in time-frame
RobTrace: Not something we've had deep discussions on
ttaubert: same
... can someone summarize on ml the problems iwth key
jimsc: I'll send something on the ML
hhalpin: concenrn that dealing
with asn1 lots of work
... markw willing to do the work
... testing training, 11 am Friday re TTWF
<jimsc> This is still a clear time for me
RobTrace: I could track that
ttaubert: I couldn't participate
Friday night
... but would track ML
[calendar syncing]
hhalpin: one training, with Mike Smith, then work moving forward
ttaubert: this Friday doesn't work for me
<jimsc> Harry, we should try and record it since it is on webexo
hhalpin: I'll share the
... any other questions?
<hhalpin> We'll go through this agenda
jimsc: note, IETF meeting in 2 weeks, I can't attend then
hhalpin: I'll check with
... Rob and Tim, how much time do you want for review of Jim's
ttaubert: propose 3 weeks
hhalpin: I'll follow up with Virginie
<hhalpin> trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/schedul/schedule/ Succeeded: s/interes/interest, implemented later/ Succeeded: s/afgter/after/ Succeeded: s/web crypt/webex/ No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: wseltzer Inferring Scribes: wseltzer Default Present: wseltzer, virginie, hhalpin, jyates, Charles_Engelke, jimsch, timeless, kodonog, markw, jmann, ttaubert, RobTrace Present: hhalpin wseltzer jyates jimsc ttaubert RobTrace Regrets: Virginie markw WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 21 Mar 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]