See also: IRC log
<MichielBijl> Yeah, it's not working for me :/
<LJWatson> Michiel do you plan to join the call?
<MichielBijl> Uhm, if I'm allowed to just lurk (traveling).
<SteveF> hello
<LJWatson> Of course you're welcome Michiel :)
<MichielBijl> Thanks :)
<chaals> For today we are using Skype
<chaals> scribe: chaals
<LJWatson> wiki page for some bugs
LJW: Some bugs still open, some
have been resolved one way or another.
... Think we should go through the lot again.
LJW: 3rd task might be "hunt down untracked bugs"
<LJWatson> bugs marked for a11yTF
<scribe> scribe: LJWatson
<chaals> 13449
RESOLUTION: 13449 chaals will keep the bug, track it across on github
<chaals> 13727
RESOLUTION: 13727 Chaals to check bug, and either close or migrate.
<chaals> 16186
RESOLUTION: 16186 Chaals to check bug, and either close or migrate.
<chaals> 22049
RESOLUTION: 22049 Chaals to migrate.
<chaals> 13572
RESOLUTION: 13572 Chaals to migrate.
<chaals> 13663
RESOLUTION: 13663 Steve to close won't fix.
<chaals> 23470
RESOLUTION: 23470 Steve to close won't fix with reference to SVG AAM.
<chaals> 23471
RESOLUTION: 23471 Chaals to migrate.
<chaals> 12587
RESOLUTION: 12587 Steve to check migration has been done, and close.
<chaals> 12591
<chaals> "restrict img from taking @role=presentation whenever img provides link text "
RESOLUTION: 12591 Steve to migrate to ARIA in HTML module.
<chaals> 13509
<chaals> ""
RESOLUTION: 13509 Steve to check, and migrate either to HTML or HTML AAM.
<chaals> 26870 relationship with title
RESOLUTION: 26870 Steve to handle it.
<chaals> 26868 incoporate longdesc
<chaals> [assigned to Liam]
<chaals> CMN Assuming Liam brings his changes across to HTML we cna close this for now
RESOLUTION: 26868 Chaals to
... 26869 Chaals to close.
<chaals> 23870 focus navigation in Shadow DOM
RESOLUTION: 23870 Chaals to check and migrate to the appropriate place.
<chaals> 23871 need contextual scope for tabindex
<chaals> CMN: I'll migrate this as a feature request
RESOLUTION: 23871 Chaals to migrate as a feature request.
<chaals> 27862 reorganise alt note as standalone
RESOLUTION: 27862 Chaals t close.
<chaals> -> 9326
RESOLUTION: 9326 Chaals to close.
RESOLUTION: 8872 Chaals to close.
<chaals> work on alt guidance etc
<chaals> -> 10906
RESOLUTION: 10906 Steve to close won't fix.
<chaals> type table in 4.10.7 should indicate control type changes based on list attribute
RESOLUTION: 13550 Steve to migrate.
<chaals> ->
RESOLUTION: 13553 Steve to migrate.
<chaals> ->
<chaals> SF: This is abotu input type = number and whether it is adequately exlplained.
<chaals> … goes across to the ARIA doc where it is done.
<chaals> … can be closed.
RESOLUTION: 13562 Steve to close (done in ARIA) fixed.
<chaals> CSS2 System Colors Should Be Recognized
<chaals> CMN: Think the rationale for rejection is wrong…
<chaals> SF: Pretty sure it won't happen
RESOLUTION: 13639 Chaals to migrate.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/I'll be on mute once I'm able to call in.// Succeeded: s/(for/For/ Succeeded: s/Ok. Give me a minute to find Michiel and I'll call you all on Skype.// Succeeded: s/skype good// Succeeded: s/Wondering about transferring to Skype?// Succeeded: s/Oh, and of course I have another meeting at 30 past the hour. But that should be rather short, so could rejoin if still going.// Succeeded: s||-> wiki page for some bugs| Succeeded: s||-> bugs marked for a11yTF| Succeeded: s||| Succeeded: s/Topic/Topic:/ Succeeded: s|->|| Succeeded: s/RESOLUTION: chaals will keep the bug, track it across on github/RESOLUTION: 13449 chaals will keep the bug, track it across on github/ Succeeded: s/RESOLUTION: Chaals to check bug, and either close or migrate./RESOLUTION: 13727 Chaals to check bug, and either close or migrate./ Found Scribe: chaals Inferring ScribeNick: chaals Found Scribe: LJWatson Inferring ScribeNick: LJWatson Scribes: chaals, LJWatson ScribeNicks: chaals, LJWatson Present: steveF Michiel chaals Léonie Got date from IRC log name: 23 Feb 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]