See also: IRC log
<hhalpin> thanks, that's what I was about to do.
<hhalpin> lets try to join the telco now
<hhalpin> I just sent Wendy the host key as well, I'll send it to you Virginie
<hhalpin> Happy to scribe
virginie: anyone from Microsoft here?
<hhalpin> scribe: hhalpin
Virginie: Tim from Mozilla and
Microsoft said they were going to join but didn't make
... so let's continue this on the mailing list
... we want to go through charter and timeline
... hard to address if state of browser implementation
... test-suite status
... let's focus on that.
hhalpin: We should push the spec to CR and reflect how it's currently implemented, so let's focus on 2-4 regardless of lack of support from browser vendors
wseltzer: It's an important spec for developers, let's tie up loose ends and make sure we can get interop needs
virginie: it's the minimum we can
... the voice of the browser implementers is very important
<inserted> scribenick: wseltzer
hhalpin: we have to assume no new
features, current state of implementation is what goes to
... so we'll need to remove some algorithms
... and make sure we have tests for what's implemented
markw: test suite is key
<virginie> +1 to test implementations by tests
<hhalpin> markw: If we have a detailed test-suite then we can have a clear record of what is miss or missing not.
<hhalpin> ... maybe there's resistance to a few things, but we can probably get a few tweaks
hhalpin: I can review the three
edits we need to go to CR
... procedural, let's move our work to github
<virginie> +1 to github
markw: github will be much better
<jimsch> +1 github
<hhalpin> PROPOSAL: Move everything to github, shut-down redirect and the W3C mercurial repo
RESOLUTION: Move everything to github, shut-down redirect and the W3C mercurial repo
hhalpin: then we have to show
we've resolved all objections
... 1st was Akamai's request for pointer to security
... I suggest we add a pointer to CFRG document
... 2d was non-NIST curve
... CFRG hasn't yet fully resolved
<jimsch> +q
hhalpin: not enough detail for us
to implement
... so I suggest we respond to CFRG
jimsch: what do you believe isn't covered in terms of format?
hhalpin: last I saw, there was still debate on parameters
<virginie> Note : security guidelines from CFRG
hhalpin: on curve 25519
jimsch: wire transfer format is
open in terms of what the points look like
... but it's now a published RFC
... Adam Langley's draft is finished
... Edwards signature is still open
hhalpin: I believe Mozilla is implementing
hhalpin: haven't yet decided to expose to WebCrypto
jimsch: they'll have to implement DH for TLS, not necessarily signature
hhalpin: unless we have 2 implementations, the most we can do now is a note
jimsch: until we get a wire
format for keys, we can't import or export
... neither JOSE nor PKICS is specified yet
... so punt for now
hhalpin: minimum bar, or
... proving that algorithms, WebIDL have been implemented in
more than 1 browser
... using Charles's tests, we showed this was partially
hhalpin: or should we do more?
hhalpin: if anyone is available to help
markw: the challenge with webcrypto is that there are so many individual pieces to test
<hhalpin> webidlharness.js
markw: we have some tests in jasmine, not portable
charles: has anyone written a shim for jasmine to webplatform test framework?
hhalpin: I can ask
markw: then we can put in the Netflix tests
hhalpin: I'll ask Tobie if he knows of a Jasmine->webplatform test framework
charles: I'd love to help, but I'm slammed at the moment
hhalpin: some outside people have
shown interest
... I'd be happy to do test suite training on off weeks between
our biweekly wg calls
... if we can't get WPT, jasmine tests meet minimum bar
markw: I didn't find lots of
... but I could help if Harry is leading a test effort
... if you're willing to lead, then we can help fill in missing
hhalpin: I'll do a training next
week at this time
... pick a few algorithms, make some tests
... we'll test that IDL is implemented
... not testing every step in every algorithm
... we can't test service workers, key format interop
... because we've gotten advice we won't get
... we can submit bug reports on the implementations
... but if we don't get bug fixes, we should take pieces out of
the spec
virginie: that sounds like the right way forward
markw: we're not using key
... can we get enough test cases to show the boundary between
what works and what doesn't?
hhalpin: so long as the guidance is clear, on what's usable, what's not
<hhalpin> PROPOSAL: Do a test-creating session on the off-days from telecon, next week Monday - see who shows up?
<hhalpin> If no one shows up, we already have test of presence of algorithms and we'll just go with that.
<hhalpin> Which is already there.
virginie: we need to keep talking as well with browser implementors about status
<scribe> ACTION: virginie to talk with Microsoft and Mozilla [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-155 - Talk with microsoft and mozilla [on Virginie GALINDO - due 2016-02-29].
hhalpin: it would be great if you share summary of current state
virginie: one month for feedback,
whether to go for extensive or more minimal tests
... and editorial changes
<hhalpin> wseltzer: let's make some concrete dates
virginie: to match
... two big tasks: spec editing, and tests
... if we were going for extensive tests, and you therefore had
to remove features
... can you do that in a month, markw?
markw: yes, for editing, a month
would be fine
... so a month deadline sounds fine
virginie: follow-up call in 2
... bringing info back to WG
... bi-weekly calls for WG; tests on the alternate weeks
... so we'll need to work on mailing list as well
... what's our choice for charter renewal?
wseltzer: we have an important,
mostly implemented spec
... since we also know it needs some cleanup, I'd like to see
it move forward to Rec
... I think we should give it 6 months for the procedural
hhalpin: we know mostly what's
required to be removed
... since CR->PR and PR->Rec are both process steps, even
a 6mo extension gives only 4 months of work
... so if we have no movement by the end of March, we should go
directly to edits on the spec
PROPOSED: extend the WG for 6 months
<virginie> +1 on 6 months
virgine: extension means no
change to scope, continue to move forward
... any objections?
RESOLUTION: extend the WG for 6 months
virginie: so we'll ask for a 6mo
... Harry will meet next week regarding test suites
... any other business?
... thank you to those who participated!
... next WG meeting March 7
... Please come then, and for test discussion on 29 February,
2000 UTC
hhalpin: I'll send an email on TTWF process
<hhalpin> thanks everyone!
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/idividual/individual/ Succeeded: s/mnht/month/ Succeeded: i/hhalpin: we have/scribenick: wseltzer Found Scribe: hhalpin Inferring ScribeNick: hhalpin Found ScribeNick: wseltzer ScribeNicks: wseltzer, hhalpin Present: wseltzer virginie hhalpin jyates Charles_Engelke jimsch markw Regrets: tim_taubert Found Date: 22 Feb 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: virginie[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]