Custom Elements discussion

26 Jan 2016


Domenic_Denicola, Takayoshi_Kochi, Leonie_Watson, Travis_Leithead, AnneVK, Arron_Eicholz, Chaals, Dimitri_Glazkov, Elliott_Sprehn, Hayato_Ito, Ted_OConnor, Jan_Miksovsky, Justin_Fagnani, Ryosuke_Niwa
esprehn, chaals


<inserted> scribe: esprehn

<inserted> scribenick: esprehn

esprehn: we think it's easy, without it authors do something really bad to emulate links

chaals: we could sit around and argue consensus, or we could write it up and see what people implement and want to rely on

rniwa: why would you put the link element in a shadow dom since you can just querySelector without the parser
... and the <head> problem doesn't apply
... in the case where in the main document you can querySelector and define all instances of a link

esprehn: when do you upgrade the links in the page?

rniwa: I don't think you can expect multiple libraries to coordinate
... you have to create your own shadow dom yourself, ... this is the problem in the current api (as discussed 3 years ago) we want to have the simplest apis to allow frameworks authors to decide how they're used
... now you're saying without this API some frameworks have issues

justin: we think without this there's issues

chaals: my experience is that the use cases keep coming back and the browsers keep coming back and saying they dont' want do it. One browser did it (chrome), one said we think it's compelling (Edge), one said no (Safari)
... sitting around and discussing if it'll fly is less useful than going and just doing and writing a separate spec
... if people implement it then it's done, if the don't then it isn't
... you can't force people to agree with you in a standards meeting

hober: lets see what happens in implementations

jan_miksovsky: the question I have is that a component's kids are just as important as its attributes
... lots of components want to know when they have stuff
... how do components respond to this? is there a callback?

justin: polymer has "effective children changed" for actual or projected children changed (shadow dom concept)
... we had customers who needed to know this

rniwa: key question is direct children, or ones projected

hayato: yeah

jan_miksovsky: use cases we have us knowing final distribution changing, they want to know if there's a <slot> and what changes

rniwa: so it's a shadow dom question

esprehn: right since otherwise you can just use MO

rniwa: yeah so talking about any projected stuff is a shadow dom question

hayato: github issue about slotted change event, we think we should support it with a new MO type

rniwa: we need to have either an event or a MO type
... annevk do you remember?
... want a new record for when a slot changes what's distributed to it

Travis: is the timing nano or micro?

jan_miksovsky: I don't care, today there's nothing, it's hard and brittle to do today

<kochi2> the issue is: https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/288

Domenic_: yeah I think making a nicer MO api for this makes sense, with batching so insert/remove pairs don't spam

annevk: MO has childList, and you can do subtree too

Travis: can we use a selector?

rniwa: still expensive, I don't want to do that

jan_miksovsky: need something like this to be robust
... I don't want something like this to get lost

annevk: can you clarify?

esprehn: this is for slot changing what's distributed

rniwa: you have a custom element with a kid that's a <slot>, slot doesn't generate a box by default, you want to look at the children including the slot to look at the final positions

jan_miksovsky: /does example of a carousel on the whiteboard
... ex. <my-carousel> and you put <img> in there, but you can also put <slot> in there, but the <my-carousel> wants to see all the <img> that go to the <slot>
... getEffectiveChildren in polymer handles this

rniwa: this doesn't seem like a DOM concern
... seems more like a box tree concern

esprehn: no if you create a custom video element, you want the slotted <source> things to participate

jan_miksovsky: yeah this is author expectation

rniwa: you want to know when all slotted elements change, doesn't matter if they're invisible or what

Domenic_: isn't this just solved in polymer?

esprehn: at great expense

rniwa: I thought it was only about boxes, but if you don't think about that and it's just any of the children changed
... you just want to know when the list of nodes distributed to a slot, or any child nodes

annevk: composed includes closed shadow trees?

justin: no, it doesn't matter

rniwa: doesn't matter, only see things outside the shadow

jan_miksovsky: I hear there should really be a mutation you observe the slot with, maybe a new flag for MO

annevk: maybe like the composed child list

justin: not really composed, just projected children of the slot have changed

rniwa: want to know when the assigned nodes changed
... and deep tree as well, reuse the subtree flag

hayato: shouldn't be deep

rniwa: there's one level, which is know the assigned nodes to your slot, and also want to know if any of them, or any of them all the way down

justin: bike shed: maybe "tall" ?

*room laughs*

<chaals> scribe: chaals

esprehn: You're calculating the list already

rniwa: no

<Travis> esprehn and rniwa discuss implementation challenges of maintaining a list for the purposes of mutation observer.

justin: what if you get a simple list, and can ask for the expensive part if you need it.

Jan: just notify when the tree changed, and you can walk it

justin: needs to cover the case that something changed a few levels up in the slotting

esprehn: can you queue a record that the slots changed and then getDistributedNodes ?
... then the user can call the getComp

rniwa: Yes

esprehn: Seems like we can do this, there is a compromise, need a bug on Mutation Observers

<dglazkov> s/getDistributedNodesuted/getDistributedNodes/

justin: OK that it is microtask timing not nano? There will be effective children that can only be observed at microtask level

dglazkov: microtask is OK

jan_miksovsky: So make a bug for a new mutation observer?

rniwa: Think there is already a GH issue

jan_miksovsky: would tell you the slot that changed, and then you can call getDistributedā€¦

<rniwa> https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/288

^the relevant issue.

rniwa: someone should come up with a formal spec.

jan_miksovsky: happy to work with someone to spec it.
... don't want to take the task myself.

<scribe> ACTION: jan_M to work with Hayato and spec this out [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/01/26-webapps-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail <sysreq@w3.org> with details about what happened.

upgrade is top-down, right?

jan_miksovsky: when do you know your children are done parsing?

[you probably don't know]

[in v1 at least]

rniwa: if you use Mutation Observer, by the time you get it all the children have been upgraded

esprehn: We do upgrading bottom-up in innerHTML

Avk: what if your custom elements load midway through parsing a big document?

esprehn: If the definition hasn't appeared, you call a and then b you get all a then all b.
... in construction order

rniwa: That seems bad
... good to stick with top-down always

Domenic_: tend to agree

AvK: tree order doesn't catch things not in the tree

esprehn: that's why we keep a seperate list.

rniwa: why?

esprehn: consistent worldview.

AvK; You have createElement, then a custom element not inserted and then later you add it

rniwa: OK

[theWebIsABadWeb event]

rniwa: Think we should be consistent - keep creation order everywhere then.

esprehn: attach/detach are in tree orderā€¦

rniwa: you need to spec that way.

esprehn: polymer wanted upgrades bottom-up so we did that instead.
... and now we ended up all creation order.

RESOLUTION: we remember why we have the spec the way it is.

Rationale: You can't make it work if you don't have creation order, and consistency is good.

<scribe> ACTION: domenic to document stack of queues and ordering [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/01/26-webapps-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail <sysreq@w3.org> with details about what happened.

Shadow DOM Styling

<kochi2> #316

<kochi2> https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/316

Kochi: think this is a problem of updating order of style comoing from different shadow trees
... we agree prioriity of rules is tree of tree order of shadow trees
... remaining point is bug 316 - how do we handle style attributes

esprehn: Where in the order it comes?
... didn't we agree with Tab on this?

LJW: at the last meeting

<rniwa> Two test cases: https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/2515

hober: No longer see any disagreement in the issue

[jan_miksovsky leaves]

Kochi in the webplatform tests I put some tests. I implemented to follow the option 2 in the github bug.

scribe: if everyone agrees on that approach, we are good.

<rniwa> Here's the test case: http://w3c-test.org/shadow-dom/styles/shadow-cascade-order.html

hayato: basically this means current vs new implementation. Unless there is a strong objection we should adopt option 2.
... if the test cases are unacceptable, please object.

rniwa: proposal is to do option 2?
... we pass everything except a slotted we don't implement yet.

[taken offline]


Domenic_: Make them ES6. Awesome.

[But it was DMitri's idea]

esprehn: we want to drop style

justin: we want the scripts to run

Domenic_: not in the same doc

justin: There should be a registry


rniwa: not sure why mutliple documents need to share the registry

Domenic_: yeah Eliot doesn't like that either

esprehn: came from a debate about author expectation
... if imports don't share the same registry it produces undesirable behaviour - you can't share things across your imports. The rest of the sharing is consistency that I think is confusing - you cannot escape the registry.

AvK: if iframe scrdoc and the registry doesn't cross that would be sad

esprehn: It doesn't - thats a different window

rniwa: It would be nice to be able to use a registry, not be stuck with one

dglazkov: should be a v2

esprehn: want to scale bakc- you don't share registry unless you ask for it

Domenic_: should that be in v1 or can we start out with unshared registry all the time

AvK; if you do shared registry you get global pollution

esprehn: there was one registry for everything. That's not nice - e.g. upgrades run on XHR'ed stuff.
... so it is on some docs

rniwa: yeah. Which is confusing.
... my preference is not to do any of this stuff.
... one registry per document

dglazkov: That's OK
... if we get HTML modules we'll need a registry API.

rniwa: if we get a simple registry API we can have one. Until then you cannot have nice things.

Travis: would it reflect structures?

dglazkov: n argument for doing this in v1, if you had register.set you don't need defineElement

RESOLUTION: no sharing of registries in v1.

Thanks scribes, many thanks apple for hosting, [adjourned]

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: domenic to document stack of queues and ordering [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/01/26-webapps-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: jan_M to work with Hayato and spec this out [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/01/26-webapps-minutes.html#action01]

Summary of Resolutions

  1. we remember why we have the spec the way it is.
  2. no sharing of registries in v1.
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/01/26 07:44:52 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144  of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34  
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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/break it apart/write it up and see what people implement and want to rely on/
Succeeded: s/getComputed/getDistributedNodes/
FAILED: s/getComputed/getDistributedNodes/
Succeeded: s/getComp/getDistributedNodes/
Succeeded: s/315/316/
Succeeded: i/without it authors/scribe: esprehn
Succeeded: i/without it authors/scribenick: esprehn
Found Scribe: esprehn
Found ScribeNick: esprehn
Found Scribe: chaals
Inferring ScribeNick: chaals
Scribes: esprehn, chaals
ScribeNicks: esprehn, chaals
Present: Domenic_Denicola Takayoshi_Kochi Leonie_Watson Travis_Leithead AnneVK Arron_Eicholz Chaals Dimitri_Glazkov Elliott_Sprehn Hayato_Ito Ted_OConnor Jan_Miksovsky Justin_Fagnani Ryosuke_Niwa

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<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/01/26-webapps-minutes.html
People with action items: domenic jan_m

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