Web of Things Interest Group Teleconference


20 Jan 2016


See also: IRC log


Dave, Kaz, Louay_Bassbouss, Ari_Keranen, Yingying, Michael_Koster, Victor, Charpenay, Ari, Dan, Daniel, Frank, Jhon, Klaus, Louay, Matthias, Taki, Toru, Darko


<scribe> scribe: yingying

Sebastian: today's agenda->https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2016Jan/0022.html


Sebatian: the first day is the preparation day. There is introduction of TD usage with the things discovery.
... Darko is working on the howto on the TD registry to repository.

<victor> https://github.com/thingweb/thingweb-repository

Darko: This is the first version of things repository.
... there is guide on how you start the thing repository, how you register things, how to interact with respository and so on.

[Darko went through the howto document]

<kaz> thingweb-repository

Michael: how to get the ID?

Sebastian: would update the wiki

Darko: it's not mentioned in the howto. We will update it.

Sebastian: ID will be proiveded in the HTTP response header

Michael: I don't think the server needs to know the version.

Sebatian: the problem is related to lifetime.
... what is the content format supported?
... JSON.

Darko: if you could try before PlugFest, we could discuss more in the F2F.

<victor> instance of the Thing Repository: coap://vs0.inf.ethz.ch:5687/td or http://vs0.inf.ethz.ch:8080/td

Michael: where is the schema for TD?
... is there a web context or tutorial?

<Sebastian> TD tutorial https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/TF-TD/Tutorial.md

<DarkoAnicic> @context": "http://w3c.github.io/wot/w3c-wot-td-context.jsonld"

Sebastian: I would like to talk about how to interact with TD repository.

Sebastian shows the application of ThingsClient.

Sebastian: We had added a new button "Discover ThingDescritpions". You could input URI, port, free text and make triple search.
... We will have it work before the plugfest.

Cleanup and update tech landscape


Sebastian: there are still a lot of white spots. Any comments on how to go ahead?

Darko: could we first restructure it and then go ahead with the content?

[some discussion about restructuring the table of tech landscape]

Sebatian: what is your opinion Dave?

Dave: for very relavant items we could work into deeply. For less relevant items, short summary should be sufficient.

Michael: we need to focus on what the consortia want to resolve.

Dave: We don't have to have the same pattern for each. We need a short summary that will explain each well.

[some discussions on how to go ahead on technology landscape table]

Michael: providing links to resources is also helpful.

Kaz: We had some concrete assignments during Sapporo meeting. We could add their names into the table.

Sebatian: right. Let's do this.

Topics for breakout session next week


Sebastian went through the schedule of breakout sessions.

Sebastian: we have already some topics in wiki for the breakout session.


Sebastian: is there any other topic you want to discuss?

Dave: sure. For example, the JSON mapping to Triples.

Sebastian: could you add these topics to wiki?

Dave: sure.

Sebastian: anything else?

Darko: what are the future steps for things repository.

[some discussions on links between things]

Sebatian: please feel free to extend the proposed topic list.
... I will arrange breakout sessions for different topics.


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/01/21 09:29:49 $