Arabic Layout Task Force Teleconference

19 Jan 2016

See also: IRC log


mostafa, r12a, Shervin, Waseem, najib
Behnam, Amr


Reviewing action items

<Shervin> https://www.w3.org/International/groups/arabic-layout/track/actions/open

Shervin: Let’s start with reiviewing action items. First one, Action-7 is for Najib.

Najib: I prepared the text and tried to send a PR in Github.

<najib> http://www.w3c.org.ma/Tests/Alreq/

I’m sharing a link to my text.

Najib: I’m stuck with a technical problem in the process.

Shervin: So, Action-7 is ongoing.
... Action-16 is for me. I don’t remember the background for it.

Richard: Yeah. I think I did that for you. Let me share a link.

<r12a> http://w3c.github.io/i18n-activity/editorial-guidelines/

Richard: I think this is what this action was for.

Shervin: Yeah, we have Action-38 for that which covers git issues and is what your document coverrs.

Mostafa: Action-7 was for the drafting process: tool for drafting, opening Github issues, …
... It organically took shape already.

Shervin: Alright, then we can close both issues now.
... Next one, action-21, is for Waseem.

Waseem: I have found the required resources. They are being gathered.

Shervin: Action-29 is for me. I processed the spreadsheet and produced the needed HTML.

<Shervin> http://w3c.github.io/alreq/#glossary

Shervin: Overall, it was okay. But there are some small issues: terms missing, question marks, …
... We are missing some Persian translations.
... There are also some bidi issues with parenthesis.

<r12a> parenthesis problem example EM

Shervin: I would like people to take a look and give comments.

Najib: How are we going to keep the HTML version up-to-date?

Shervin: I’ll export the spreadsheet to CSV and update the HTML code.

Najib: We can even edit HTML at some point.

Shervin: As long as we developing heavily, the current spreadsheet form is a better tool. But at some point, once the glossary is more stable, we can switch the master source to HTML.
... We are also missing transliterations in the HTML table.
... We can have them there in the docuemnt, or link them to a external source.

Richard: I prefer them being in the document. That would help with the pronounciation.

+1 to Richard.

<najib> +1 for transliterations in the HTML too

Mostafa: I agree with Richard about having transliterations in the docuemnt.
... It would be nice to be able to link to specific terms in the glossary.

<Shervin> <tr id="def_hangingindentation">

Mostafa: We are also not limited to the table format. If we end up having more information for the glossary items, we can switch to another format.

Shervin: +1 with the transliteration.
... We already have links there.
... It’s possible to link to each glossary item using the ID I put there for them.

<Shervin> <a href="#def_hangingindentation" class="termref">

Shervin: I agree that we are not limited to the table format. We can switch any time. I just think the table format is more convenient.

Richard: ReSpec already has a way of adding links. We can use that.

<r12a> https://www.w3.org/respec/ref.html

Shervin: I add an action item for transliteration and checking ReSpec for links.
... We are a bit short on the Persian part of the glossary.
... Action-32 is for Najib. Is this done?

Najib: Yes. The translations are almost done. The transliterations are ongoing.

Shervin: Action-36 is about examplar charts.
... I don’t have any updates in this regard yet. This is ongoing.
... Action-38 is where Richard did the work for me. This is a very good guide. Thanks.

Mostafa: I can take action-36 off your hands if your too busy with other ones.

Shervin: Certainly. This would be great.

<Shervin> https://github.com/shervinafshar/icu-stew

Najib: I could also help on actions from others, like action-21 from Mostafa or action-45 from Behnam.

<r12a> http://w3c.github.io/elreq/

Shervin: Action-40 is for Richard.

Richard: I haven’t worked on this one yet.
... Similar work has been done on the Etyopic Layout Requirement document.
... What we want to do is similar to that.

<r12a> http://w3c.github.io/elreq/#relative_character_heights

<r12a> http://rishida.net/blog/index.php?s=arabic&submit=Go

<r12a> http://rishida.net/blog/?p=1059

Richard: I can contribute some draft for the justification section.
... I have a blog post about it which I can contribute.

Shervin: Sure. Justification is one of the topics where there are a lot of different opinions about.

<r12a> http://www.unicode-oman.org/program/

Richard: I also want to say that I’m going to Oman for the Unicode event and I’ll try to speak to other people and invite them to join.


Mostafa: For action-41 I opened a Github issue for discussing this part. This part is very small.

Shervin: Let’s give some time to folks for reviewing this and we can gather comments and merge this next week.

Richard: Action-43 is done.

<r12a> http://w3c.github.io/i18n-activity/alreq/

Richard: Action-44 is done as well.

<r12a> http://w3c.github.io/i18n-activity/alreq/charter

Richard: This is the start of a trend for other W3C projects too.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/01/20 11:48:35 $