See also: IRC log
<scribe> scribe: MichielBijl
JS: We've gotten off to a good start this year!
JF: Wilco and Marcy will be joining Deque this year!
MC: Working on the tracker
... Hopefully migrate tomorrow
JS: Expecting some new members
... Old mail list will bounce
... Propose we keep the Webex title the same (means we can keep
the same Webex code)
MC: Might split
JS: Tracker has higher
... Might confuse new members
... If we have to explain this too often we might change it
JS: Differences n PF we had 48
hours for CfC
... We tried to make that longer
... Second change from PF, applies more to ARIA WG,
teleconfrence are important parts of how the group
LW: If a resolution is proposed on a call, will we expect people to read the minutes for the CfC resolution??
JS: We will make a note of it
when we push the minutes
... For this to work it needs to be fair
... Need to make it explicit in the e-mail
<Zakim> cyns, you wanted to say it would be good to have a separate email that lists all the cfcs. Don't want to have to dig through minutes.
<LJWatson> +1 to Cyns
JS: Something like: Not just minutes, also includes CfC
<Zakim> JF, you wanted to ask if Zakim could be modified to auto-generate an email with CfC's
CS: I don't want to read all the minutes
JF: Can it be automated?
MC: If you type "resolution:" the
scribe script takes action
... Think they're also placed at the bottom of the
... We would need to look into it
JF: Yeah I'd love to read all the minutes, I don't get to attend all the calls or can read all the minutes
LW: What if we have multiple
CfC's in the same minutes?
... That'll make it near to impossible to follow
JF: Good point
MB: What is the reason for this proposed change?
MC: Administrative overhead, but
maybe that's the way it needs to be
... It might not be hard to automate it
JF: Can we find out?
MC: Yes
LW: I don't mind volunteering until we have a automated solution
JS: Michael, do you want an action for this?
MC: Not necessary
<MichaelC> PF Resolutions in Tracker
*discussion about dates on the tracker*
MC: If we get CfC mails automated, can we get people trained to reply to those automated e-mails?
JF: Can we test this on this call?
JS: Let's handle one problem at a time
JF: next item?
JS: We have more to discuss, but let's move forward
MC: James set a couple of his actions to "pending review"
JS: Can we bounce e-mails to PF to the APA list?
MC: Let me see
... Splash screens are sometimes used to inform users on how to
use an application
JS: Sounds worthy to me, anybody?
MC: James also send editorial
comments (accessibility related)
... Might want to send them to the group non the less
JS: If there is no objection we have consensus
<MichaelC> close action-1648
<trackbot> Closed action-1648.
JS: Thank you James
... Let's take it up now
... I think it's more than enough guidens on what a good
description looks like
<mck> action-1763?
<trackbot> Sorry, but action-1763 does not exist.
JS: My proposal is that I just
forward that to MSE
... Currently accepted mechanism include longdesc
MC: What jumps out at me is that
it describes colour and shape information
... I think there are formal names for all the symbols
... Arguments, colour and shape can help discussing with a
JF: That's why I include it
JS: I think we can offer to help and refine it
JF: I was on the fore front of
the discussion of longdesc
... This image needs a long description
JS: Saying W3C has formally accepted longdesc might help
<jamesn> +1 to JF - lets state the issue not the solution
JF: That might stir up
... Let's state the issue, not the solution
... We made our point
<cyns> +1 to john
LW: We're not going to include every possible way
MC: Not seeing anything jumping out that we need to look at
JS: One thing we need to care
about is the screen API
... That you can lock it portrait/landscape
<MichaelC> The Screen Orientation API
JS: fantasai has been working on
a new TR design
... We've had comments in the past (colour contrast etc)
JF: I think it is good
... One of the things they did, they reduced the contrast for
... They want to make it very readable
... They are trying to improve the readability if you have
sentence with a lot of links
... They use a darker grey as underline
... WCAG does not state underlines should meet colour contrast
... fantasai has tweaked it a little bit
MK: I'm really wondering why you would consider the underline as part of the text
<JF> SAmple layout is here:
JF: Asked a group member with low vision if the underline was clear, he said no
CS: They need to do user testing
MB: Agree
JS: We need to stop
... Please take a look online
... We'll need to continue this on-list
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/JS/JS: We tried to make that longer/ Succeeded: s/CfC/CfC resolution?/ Succeeded: s/those/e-mails to PF/ Succeeded: s/??/MSE/ Succeeded: s/it describes colour/it describes colour and shape information/ Succeeded: s/TZ/CS/ Found Scribe: MichielBijl Inferring ScribeNick: MichielBijl Present: Joanmarie_Diggs JF Janina LJWatson Michiel_Bijl MichaelC matt_king Katie Haritos-Shea Regrets: Rich Shane Agenda: WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 06 Jan 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]