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Technology Talks
Following on from the start we made in Barcelona, and taking advantage of the new WebEx facility for meetings, the Chairs propose to introduce a series of occasional tech presentations in our regular meetings. These talks could be longer and deeper than the 5 minutes we allowed at Barcelona, and we would like to encourage deep discussion by the Group, but the talks should nevertheless be highly focused around the deliverables of the Group. We could invite speakers who are not members of the Group but are experts in the topic of the talk.
Here is a place to nominate a talk and a speaker. Please make suggestions and also briefly connect the relevance of the proposed topic to the work of the Group. The Chairs will use this list as an aid to plan meetings.
-Kerry & Ed
Proposals for Tech Presentations at Meetings
.....write here to suggest talks!!!!
- SVG as a vector format: someone from the working group to speak http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/2014/new-charter (-Kerry, for Linda and others)
- Feng Pan on OWL-Time (Feng is an author) --Kerry Taylor (talk) 16:06, 12 August 2015 (UTC)
- The CEO-LD project and how it will help us with the Coverages in LD standard (Phil)
- Overview of time on the Linked Data web (Andreas)
At the Nottingham OGC TC meeting 13:00 - 15:00 on the Wednesday 16th September (British time) 16th September 2015 12:00 GMT we will have focused presentations on OWL-Time and other temporal issues, requirements and technologies from
- Feng Pan (Owl-time author)
- Chris Little -- Status of OGC Temporal Domain WG Best Practice, and how it relates to OWL-Time and Karl's ideas.
- Simon Cox -- extensions to OWL-Time
- (declined: Lars, Andreas - I'm unfortunately in a meeting, Karl)
- Ray Denenberg -- Extended Date Time Format slides
Record of Tech Presentations at Meetings
- 2015-05-20: Frans Knibbe, Geodan, "Observations on the current state of affairs based on publication of a spatial dataset as linked data", or "Will webex presentations work for us"?
- 2015-08-5: Satoru Takagi, KDDI, "SVG for Spatial Data on the Web". See the meeting minutes and links embedded there including