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Coverage subgroup

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NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 18 May, 13:00 UTC

Wiki pages and other links relevant to the Coverage Subgroup

Cov Wish List

Cov References

Coverage UCR notes - comments on the aspects of the Use Cases and Requirements document most relevant for the Coverages subgroup

Coverage draft requirements - starting to put together a list of specific requirements for a coverage extracts spec.

Coverage BP notes - comments on the aspects of the Best Practice document most relevant for the Coverages subgroup

Data cube for coverage - notes on how the RDF Data Cube vocabulary might be applied to Coverages and the pros/cons of doing that

Coverage Solution Criteria - what characteristics do we want in candidate approaches for making coverage data easily accessible on the web

Notes from the ANU Team - Rough outline of the current pipeline. Notes about the meetings with Rob Woodcock, Ed Parsons, and Fenner School of Environmental Science

Candidate high level technical approach

Cross reference of UCR to CovJSON spec

Beginnings of a W3C note

Plan for TPAC 2016 F2F