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Web and Digital Marketing Convergence

What's missing? What's next?

A W3C workshop hosted by Nielsen

September 17-18, 2015 Tampa, Florida

We welcome participation from individuals and companies involved with various aspects of the digital marketing landscape and the Web, including:

  • Marketing and advertisers, agencies, operations
  • Marketers
    • social marketers
    • email marketers
    • direct marketers
    • brand marketers
  • System and technology providers
  • System and technology consumers
  • Data eco-system
    • Data Management Platforms
    • Data collection
    • Data aggregators
    • Real-time data providers
  • Publishers
  • Ad support
    • Security
    • Content Creation
  • Ad eco-system players
    • Exchanges
    • Networks
    • Demand-side platforms
    • Supply-side platforms
    • Programmatic Ad Delivery Platforms
    • Real-time bidding
  • Market researchers
  • Retailers
  • Brand Managers
  • Entertainment Companies
  • Academics and practitioners
  • Consumer groups
  • Privacy/Security Researchers
  • Technology developers
  • Mobile technology providers

To help you determine if and how you can participate, we have identified the following likely discussion sessions or panels. You may share ideas for any of these “tracks” — or to additional topic areas we might have missed — by submitting a position paper or statement of interest. Position papers and statements of interest will be shared online before the workshop.


Campaigns are central to marketing. Tools for planning, delivery, measurement and execution of campaigns are key to the success of marketers at their jobs. We invite position papers on the Web infrastructure that might be developed or standardized to improve campaign execution and measurement, especially in an interconnected world of cooperating subsystems.

Experience, Content, and Assets

Marketing is all about experience. We invite position papers on the Web infrastructure and standards that could be developed to improve the authoring, realization, rendering, and interactivity of experiences across channels and audiences.

Metrics and Data Collection

Metrics are key to effective marketing. What are core metrics that can be standardized? What are data collection mechanisms that can be standardized? How do metrics and collected data turn into marketing signals that trigger execution of marketing actions and plans? We invite submissions on what marketing signal data structures should look like and how they can be communicated between marketing systems. What might such marketing signal or event data structures look like, how might data collection be standardized, what browser mechanisms can provide support for data sharing, what data services and exchanges can improve digital marketing and consumers’ experiences. What dimensions and elements of marketing do you see in need of measurement? Do we need standard taxonomies of meta-data?

Channel and Delivery

Modern digital marketing thrives on a diverse set of channels including television, mobile, in-game, social, and specifically within social, on Twitter, Facebook, Google +, Instagram, and many other channels. We ‘ll consider the technologies supporting and enabling digital signage, out-of-home advertising, retail marketing, in-store and point-of-purchase marketing technologies. Marketing channels can be one-way, two-way, and personal, narrowcast, and broadcast. As with all tracks, we have particular interest in the interoperability of this subsystem of digital marketing with other marketing subsystems.


This session covers topics including segment management, segment semantics and communication, personalization from the perspective of audience selection and tracking. Ideas about the communication and management of privacy options are welcome here, as applied to Web technologies.


Context informs experience and content delivery. Is it raining? Are you in the store? Are you driving? Personalization, pricing, and bidding rely on context. This session covers topics including real-time sources of context information that affect marketing. Examples include technologies and infrastructure for context-aware marketing.


This track covers topics including high-scale, real-time, high-performance marketing. We are interested in your thoughts on constraints and proposed solutions. Advertisers and publishers are concerned that insertion of ads, particularly by the real-time auction markets, slow page loads, making them less likely to be viewed. Understanding the causes of slow page-loads can spur standards work to improve their performance options. Cross-device and pan-experience performance issues are encouraged to be discussed. Talk about systemic frailties stemming from fraud and other weaknesses in the marketing chain of execution.

Security and Privacy

Privacy and security are important to Web publishers, applications, and consumers. This track will discuss the interactions between marketing and security and privacy, for example: securing ad-delivery mechanisms and protecting privacy expectations while measuring marketing reach; helping advertisers and publishers to distinguish genuine engagement from mechanical clicks; working with the Web Security model. What missing components would better enable insertion of ads in secure sites, with integrity protection for both publisher and advertisers? How can we assure the end-to-end security of interactions?


Framework and Ontology
What vocabulary, terms, ontology do you want to see applied and adopted?
Platform, APIs, and Bindings
What platform services and APIs do you want to see applied and adopted? We are interested in particular on standards that promote interoperability of subsystems. What are the performance, security, and privacy considerations of these platforms and interoperable APIs?
Data Model and Exchange
What do you believe the data model should look like?

Participation in W3C workshops is free and open to W3C members and non-members, based on the submission of a statement of interest or position paper. If you would like to be considered for a presentation, please submit a position paper (HTML, PDF, or plain text) by email to <team-digimarketing@w3.org> by August 14, 2015.

Statements of interest may be as simple as identification of your intent to participate and subject matter interests. If you plan to attend, please share a statement of interest with <team-digimarketing@w3.org> even before the paper deadline of August 14.

Position papers should be one to five pages long, and may link to longer versions or supplemental material. Please note that all submitted position papers will be published on the workshop's public Web pages.

Registration will be available to those who submit papers or statements of interest. As all attendees will be invited to participate in discussion, registration will be limited to 100 participants. We may limit the number of participants per organization.


  • Chad Hage, Nielsen
  • Reza Jalili, Adobe

Staff contact

Wendy Seltzer
Policy Counsel and Domain Lead, W3C

+1.617.715.4883 (office)

Program Committee

  • Ad-ID, Harold S. Geller
  • Adobe, Reza Jalili
  • CDT, Greg Norcie & Joe Hall
  • Facebook, Chris Clark
  • Nielsen, Chad Hage
  • Nielsen Catalina Solutions, Satya Satyamoorthy
  • Quantcast, Sean McCormick
  • W3C Brazil Office, Selma Morais
  • W3C, Wendy Seltzer & Karen Myers