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Optimizing Our Data and Time

Data Value

Data utility depends on whether it

Data dimensions

Size/Structure (false) dichotomy

image/svg+xml StructuredData BigData MendelianDiseases EverythingElse Structure Size

Data Availability

  1. Permitted to see it -- license/policy
  2. Physically reachable -- publication/distribution
  3. Understandable -- published model/semantics
  4. Machine-readable -- consistent, unambiguous representation
  5. Temporally available -- use it before the sun burns out
  6. Interconnectable -- consistent with other data
  • Lower barrier to investigation.
  • Data for far-sighted decisions.
  • Democratize innovation.
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Data scale

Growing data size:

heat map

Growing data vectors:

Three forms of standards:

Semantic standards:

Reduce the n2 pressure.

dense network

Semantic Web standards:

further reduce the n2 pressure.

Clinical Informatics: connected models

image/svg+xml Diagnosis Evidence Evidence Rectord Target IsabellaJones NEXTGENMedicalPractice PATIENTRole recordTarget player scoper ClinicalDocument Diagnosis 282291009 20130605 20130602 SNOMED Encounter REFR DRIV DRIV 20130131 inpatient Information Model Terminology Model Diagnosis 282291009

Lay pipes and conduit

... to provide homogeneous interfaces ...

:subjectspostOpDay3GFR a rrej:RenalFunctionObservation ;
    mm:observationTime "2013-07-08T14:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    rrej:gfrFlowRate [ data:value 12.0 ; data:units ucum:mL-per-minute ].

Would be in a table with codes in an EMR:

obs idwhencoding system ObsCode valueunitsaddressingperformer
12342013-07-08T14:50:00CPT 82565 12mL-per-minute
56782013-07-08T14:50:00SNOMED 2014-01-0124137400912mL-per-minute
43212013-07-08T14:50:00LOINC 48643-1 12mL-per-minute

or C-CDA:

<observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
  <code code="48643-1" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC"
        displayName="Glomerular filtration rate/1.73 sq" />
  <effectiveTime value="201307081450"/>
  <value type="PQ" value="12.0" unit="mL/min"/>
  <referenceRange />

... so mashups become queries

    ?iuphar  iface:family      ?family .
    ?iuphar  iface:code	       ?code .
    ?iuphar  iface:iupharName  ?iupharNm .
    ?human   iface:iuphar      ?iuphar .
    ?human   iface:geneName    "GABBR1" .
    ?human   iface:entrezGene  ?humanEntrez .

     _:gene  dbp:entrezgene    ?humanEntrez ;
             rdfs:label        ?label ;
    FILTER (lang(?label) = "en")
     ?topic  rdfs:label        ?label .
     ?post   sioc:topic        ?topic

Don't have too much fun


SemWeb makes invention too easy and safe.

Try stuff out, ask questions, fix other peoples' stuff.

When I understand a model well enough to criticize it,
only then do I understand it well enough to use it.

Roman god Janus

the Pain of Re-use

Portable BRIDG Representation


Thank you

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