11 Dec 2015

See also: IRC log


George, Kerscher, Charles, LaPierre, TzviyaSiegman, Deborah, Kaplan, Kathy, Alley


<scribe> scribe: clapierre

Kathy: I work for BlueFire productions. We are a mobile software company, we do epub readers for mobile platforms, we do have a windows client, but android tablets and phones. in all app stores. our interest in Readium from the beginning, and I did quite a bit of work in the spec. I amdoing a new product called cloud shell for epub3. Now my initiative is accessibility.
... , and ensuring our application is accessible.
... , would like to contribute.
... , really here to have the ear of the experts.
... , I would like to hear and participate in how a11y affect the mobile platform.
... , I need to know what is the most important thing for them.
... , goal of being accessible and make sure that happens.

George: I am one of the people who work on epubcheck.org
... , having our a11y call this monday. If you send me your email
... , I will introduce you to the group. Where are you located.

Kathy: Seattle.

George, meeting at 8am pst.

Tzviya, we will take you up on anything you want to commit to work.

scribe: , we will ping you for help :)

Kathy, the more I do this is great and totally changes how I approach my work, what I believe in.

Kathy, I know how to build epubs. We are having fun.

Deborah, people on this call right now, myself and charles we are the co-chairs

scribe: , by helping us helping us with the documents we are creating by definition will help you understand more. George knows about DAISY / EPUB that most people, We all have our separate sets of expertise.

Kathy, I don't code JavaScript. taught myself xhtml to code epub. But understand epub… for the past year 1/2

scribe: , on the mobile platform.

Tzviya, we have a gap in knowledge in mobile so this is perfect.

Kathy, Mobile is now covered.

scribe: , glad there is a spot for me :)
... , epub on a phone is a different world than on a computer monitor.

Deborah, moving on to the work


Charles: talks about our Note and needs to wait for Mark H. and working with George on Diagrammar.

George, gave examples of what are in there, and need urls still to add.

Deborah, I looked it over, the thing that it is missing is why W3C needs to know about why this is relevant.

scribe: , the thing we are missing who is reading this document why is diagrammar a thing you need to care about.

George, then I need to add this to the top

Tzviya, yes. If we want to think about future of Diagrammar. Top section about Information Object we dont need. But metadata on head is unclear. this is a work in progress . add a comment (no details) shifting this model

Goerge, what I was going to add this XML would be transformed using xslt on the fly whenever it is being reference as being an external resourse. and the storage of the info in XML we envision this being a database of enhanced descriptions that can be transformed on the fly to html.

Tzviya, not sure if that is required, but we can work on the wording… not contemporary model. that XML would not be the state it would be used in. Otherwise I think it looks great.

George, I will get this done soon.

Deborah, Do we know if Mia is around? she has a few items on her plate.

scribe: , I will send her a note.

Tzviya, after I left the meeting last week to reach out Web Accessibility Outreach group

Deborah, one of the things in Document we want to do education within/without w3c and what is the process for doing this.

Tzviya, once we have this more in a stable state first?

Deborah, before you get everyone's official sign off you get everyone's private sign off.

Tzviya, I think the chair of this group is Katie, and I can reach out to her, once we are at the right point to do that.

Tzviya, I think that was the only thing on my plate.

Deborah, I did a revise, all word smithing has been done.

Tzviya, Charles sent us more from another group, its a lovely document. They have spent months on it. It is an admiral goal to mimic…who has time? Kathy???

Kathy, Yes I am a writer, as long as I get a style you like then I can do this.

scribe: , just point me in the right direction. I have a lot of reading to do.
... , then I will be able to take on any tasks

Tzviya, sent you a link, and charles is proposing taking this note and organize our document. so take a look at these two documents and see if you want to take on organizing our document.

Tzviya, MAUR document and A11Y Note sent to Kathy.

scribe: , we like the structure MAUR.

George, we want you to look at it, because it is well structure and we want our note to be structured. do we want to define blind, deaf, etc… is that what we want to do?

Tzviya, I don't think that part of the doc doesn't help us.. maybe the system section. described video etc.

George, right the media piece.

Tzviya, no need to read the entire document just the organization of the document./

Kathy, and our document george is making edits to and I have.. what is the name of our doc?

Tzviya, No name yet… suggestions?

Kathy, who is our doc for?

Charles, W3C

George, I have topic.

Kathy, I will have questions once I read this I am sure. I am ready to dive in. and will reach out when I get stuck.

Tzviya, you can reach out individually or to public-dpub-accessibility@w3.org

Charles, anything else before new topic?

scribe: , no

George, EU published A11Y req. for not just web but digital publishing and i believe, they have also identify things form WCAG what apply dont apply etc. En301549 I have not read it but it would be in competition 508 refresh. Apparently there are some groups who want to push it to ISO…

Tzivya, it is $17 so its not free either.

George, is it accessible.

Tzviya, its a PDF so maybe not… oh found a version that I can open, which I didn't pay for and its in english.

scribe: , now I have something to read :)

George, this applies to all kinds of systems no just web/dpub but I am hearing industry is trying to push this forward. European Union is pushing this. Happened last Week.

Tzviya, so EU has an a11y arm?

George, yeah. I have to find where this came from.

scribe: , I will find out where it came from. Not sure if it is a problem, but since its the EU…

Tzviya, thanks for letting us know.

<tzviya> free download http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_en/301500_301599/301549/01.00.00_20/en_301549v010000c.pdf

Deborah, I think we are good. I write to Mia and make sure her outstanding items. Mark H. is out till new year. George will update the Diagrammar. Kathy will read our note and MAUR, Charles will take George's Diagrammer updates and add them to the NOTE. George will find out where the EU document.

scribe: , Tzviya will read this EU document.

Tzviya, I will come back next week on this document for EU (relevant section is page 35

Charles, Thanks everyone, see you next week.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/12/11 18:48:37 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Succeeded: s/xlst/xslt/
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Inferring ScribeNick: clapierre

WARNING: No "Topic:" lines found.

Present: George Kerscher Charles LaPierre TzviyaSiegman Deborah Kaplan Kathy Alley

WARNING: No meeting title found!
You should specify the meeting title like this:
<dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting

WARNING: No meeting chair found!
You should specify the meeting chair like this:
<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Got date from IRC log name: 11 Dec 2015
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2015/12/11-DPUB-minutes.html
People with action items: 

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

WARNING: No "Topic: ..." lines found!  
Resulting HTML may have an empty (invalid) <ol>...</ol>.

Explanation: "Topic: ..." lines are used to indicate the start of 
new discussion topics or agenda items, such as:
<dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report

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