See also: IRC log
<hhalpin> 1-617-324-0000 Access Code: 643 244 026
<hhalpin> Password is member-only link
<scribe> scribenick: wseltzer
virginie: Welcome. We're checking
to see whether the spec is ready to progress toward Rec
... Discussion on mailing list over the last few weeks to
finalize the WebCrypto API
virginie: spec in github
... Harry, can you share recent changes?
hhalpin: some edits to prep for
... and Jim giving a substantive check
<hhalpin> pr-edits branch of the git repo
<hhalpin> 1) Normative references
hhalpin: Three edits: fixing normative references
hhalpin: Added a resolution to
Akamai's objection
... noting the CFRG document on crypto algorithm analysis
<hhalpin> 2) We added a sentence to resolve the Akamai objection, noting the CFRG document which the CFRG has accepted to maintained, added to references
hhalpin: minor things
<hhalpin> 3) Editorial Notes -> Just became part of the spec text
<hhalpin> Even though support BER encoding, we don't.
hhalpin: text from note was moved to spec
<hhalpin> 4) Some of preamble removed
hhalpin: preamble was removed,
where it asked for help
... and finally, changing SOTD
<hhalpin> The last PR -> is to change the status section to match the PR section and to change the CSS
hhalpin: Last issue, I thought we
could add a sentence to the algo section saying "if an algo is
not in this list, it doesn't mean it's not under consideration,
please check proposed algorithm note"
... but I wanted to get discussion from WG/editors
... or we could put that on the group homepage .
<hhalpin> Only substantial change to the spec that I would see making before going to PR
jimsch: I have a slightly
different proposal for dealing with editorial notes
... I noted at least one ref to a section in an X9 document
that wasn't filled in.
<jimsch> Let <var>secret</var> be the result of applying the field element to
<jimsch> <a href="#dfn-octet-string">octet string</a> conversion defined in Section ? of <a href="#X9.63">X9.63</a>
<jimsch> to the output of the ECDH primitive.
wseltzer: we're looking for a copy of the X9 spec
hhalpin: let's try to get a copy of the spec, and if not, can delete the reference
<hhalpin_> Not super-happy with deleting reference, but it seems to be the best thing to do if otherwise its unfixable. I would assume Sleevi may have had same issue.
virginie: we need to fix that
before we move to PR
... regarding proposed algorithm note, we don't currently ahve
that document
... so I don't want to put a dangling link
hhalpin: I could write the list,
but we'd want someone available to maintain it
... Does anyone want to edit?
jimsch: there are other documents
we could reference instead of X9
... there's an IETF ref.
hhalpin: sure
<hhalpin_> X9 - what other document could we reference?
hhalpin_: I'll make a "proposed algorithm" page, but won't refer to it in the spec
virginie: We need a WG resolution to move to PR
<hhalpin_> We can make that clear on the homepage, so people who find the spec and are looking for their favorite algorithm, we can at least point them to a document, even if it doesn't have an editor.
<jimsch> Change X9 to RFC6090
selfissued: I had thought that issue of IANA registry adding algorithm analysis line would be done
hhalpin_: I'll put that in
jimsch: I'm willing for it not to exist
selfissued: N/A
<hhalpin_> I'm OK with anything.
jimsch: it's ok if the line doesn't exist
selfissued: for IANA, it shouldn't be missing a required field, even if the field's value is N/A
hhalpin_: 3 options, nothing, N/A, or ref to CFRG document
selfissued: nobody objected to N/A
<jimsch> n/a is fine
<selfissued> Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): n/a
<selfissued> Put that line after each of the Specification Document(s) lines in 34.1
<selfissued> In Section 34.1. JSON Web Signature and Encryption Algorithms Registration
<selfissued> Refreshing I'm not seeing the edits. Is this expected?
jimsch: I want to change one of the editorial issues response
hhalpin_: we should allow editorial flexibility to deal with minor issues that don't have substantive impact
jimsch: should we send notice of pull request to the mailing list?
virginie: yes, let's do that
selfissued: I had thought the current editors' draft was at the "latest" link in the CR
<scribe> ACTION: hhalpin to change the ED link in mercurial to point to github [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-154 - Change the ed link in mercurial to point to github [on Harry Halpin - due 2015-12-07].
<jimsch> Is there a version that gets rebuilt automatically on github?
selfissued: the call for review should contain a link to arendered version of the document with PR edits
<jimsch> Let's make a file that has the link to the rendered document.
wseltzer: we'll make sure when we send the minutes there's a rendered version to include a pointer
<hhalpin_> I'll have to set-up up gh-pages or make a standalone rendered version
<hhalpin_> No problem doing that.
selfissued: please point to both github and rendered version
virginie: provided that we have a link to rendered version, that we fix X9 links, that we allow editors to make non-substantive changes, and ask editor about link to "proposed algorithm"
PROPOSED: That we move the
WebCrypto API to Proposed Recommendation
... as found at
<hhalpin_> "Move the WebCrypto API [at] to Proposed Recommendation with the ability of the editors to make minor changes as needed.
<hhalpin_> But Wendy's is a bit more straightforward.
<selfissued> Please include both a link to a rendered version and the github branch in the review e-mail
<jimsch> harry - are you going to approve your pull request or are you going to wait for an editor to do it?
<hhalpin_> I'm going to give the editor a few more days, I see no reason to rush
virginie: if you agree, +1, disagree, -1
<dconnolly> +1
<virginie> +1
<jimsch> +0
<Charles_Engelke> +1
<hhalpin_> The important thing is to start the clock!
<selfissued> +1
<hhalpin_> +1
virginie: Sounds like consensus
here. We submit to 2-week review on mailing list, and if no
objection there, then 14 December, move to PR
... Thank you for your work
... Anything else to discuss?
<hhalpin_> Just find that IETF reference for me ASAP Jimsch :)
<jimsch> harry - it is in the log
RESOLUTION: That we move the WebCrypto API to Proposed Recommendation, as found at
virginie: in the meantime, if you find editors for the Proposed Algorithms note, please let us know.
<kodonog> +1 (didn't hit return)
virginie: No further calls
planned, but keep working by email.
... Don't hesitate to use mailing list.
<selfissued> What's the e-mail list you referenced, Wendy?
<inserted> wseltzer: For further W3C discussions on Web Security, see the Web Security IG,, and discussion of draft charters for Web Authentication and Hardware-Based Security
wseltzer: (Web Security IG)
virginie: thank you all
trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/PR/pull request/ Succeeded: i/public-web-security/wseltzer: For further W3C discussions on Web Security, see the Web Security IG,, and discussion of draft charters for Web Authentication and Hardware-Based Security Succeeded: s/ (Web Security IG), selfissued/wseltzer: (Web Security IG)/ Succeeded: s|n/A is fine|n/a is fine| Succeeded: s/Wendy's its/Wendy's is/ Succeeded: s/didnt't/didn't/ Succeeded: s/present=// Succeeded: s/me waves// Succeeded: s/I cannot appear to logon and get the password for the conference call// Succeeded: s|Jim -|| Found ScribeNick: wseltzer Inferring Scribes: wseltzer WARNING: No "Topic:" lines found. Default Present: wseltzer, virginie, hhalpin, jyates, Charles_Engelke, jimsch, timeless, kodonog Present: wseltzer virginie hhalpin jyates Charles_Engelke jimsch timeless kodonog Got date from IRC log name: 30 Nov 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: hhalpin WARNING: No "Topic: ..." lines found! Resulting HTML may have an empty (invalid) <ol>...</ol>. Explanation: "Topic: ..." lines are used to indicate the start of new discussion topics or agenda items, such as: <dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]