See also: IRC log
<CyrilV> * I am connected but I hear nobody
<scribe> scribe: manu
<Ian> DavidE invitation ->
Ian: David isn't here to talk
about next steps for ecommerce, we'll hold off on that.
... He is scheduling a call and I have the feeling that he may
not have been ready to talk about a plan on today's call.
<Zakim> manu, you wanted to say there is a rough plan.
<Ian> Manu: There is indeed a rough plan
<Ian> his email he raised some interesting points
<Ian> ...I think from Conexxus conversations I am feeling good about direction of this stakeholder group
<Ian> ...meeting likely 9am ET on 4 Sep
<Ian> (IJ regrets)
Ian: Maybe Manu, you can help
ensure that the ecommerce stuff ends up on that wiki.
... There is a link to the minutes for the telcos - haven't
summarized yet, should reach out to Natasha.
Ian: We now have 6-7 people that
have volunteered to plan content for the face-to-face - still
looking for more people - still some more topics - like
... I'd like to create a strategic agenda - potential topics so
that we have a narrative to follow at F2F.
... If we look at our charter...
Ian: It's a good place to ground
ourselves in what we're trying to do - haven't done this
exercise yet - one way to think about the agenda is -
existentially - what is it that we need to be doing.
... We're supposed to have a vision for web payments, greater
update, coming back to the job of the IG - reaching out to
people - communicating - getting participation.
... If we can frame the meeting that way - it may help us make
sense of the topcis - make sure we have a sense of direction -
same page - same view of where things are headed by end of TPAC
manu: +1 - sounds like a good plan.
<Zakim> manu, you wanted to raise the "support WG w/ deployment".
<AdrianHB> +1
<Ian> Manu: we had discussed deployment at some point
<Ian> ...what success will look like for V1
<Ian> ...but we don't have anything on the agenda yet on IG support of deployment
<Ian> ..the WG will be busy...the WG may not have time to "go get orgs to implement"
<Ian> ...we do need commitments from orgs re: pilots, etc.
<Ian> ...going back to what the IG should be doing, I think "ensuring success of phase 1"
Ian: One quick comment I have -
recast your comment - I think we want implementers at the table
- we shouldn't be talking to implementers because they should
already be at the table. Don't know how far our role goes - WG
should deal w/ it's test suite needs - opening the meeting w/
"what are the IGs goals" - with a proposal to start - frame the
meeting w/ that
... one observation - we created a bunch of task forces - and
they're not really relevant anymore (or they are inactive) - we
should reset them to align w/ a fresh set of goals.
... We should end w/ a plan - opening the meeting w/ shared set
of goals and stick to those might help a lot.
... The goal of ensuring phase 1 sounds like one of those
... I haven't stepped up to do a session yet - rather, have
other people find their passion and speak to it.
<Ian> Manu: I'm not seeing movement on hardware security.
<Ian> ...would be good to get an update4
<Ian> ACTION: Ian to talk with W3C staff about getting a security update at the FTF meeting [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-145 - Talk with w3c staff about getting a security update at the ftf meeting [on Ian Jacobs - due 2015-09-10].
<AdrianHB> +1 on hw security (it came up from a bank I spoke with yesterday)
<AdrianHB> ... with Ian
<Ian> Manu: I think ISO20022 discussion on the mailing list is really interesting and appreciated Adrian's response. I think there's a discussion to be had there.
<Ian> Manu: I think ISO work will have an impact on vocabulary work of the WPWG in v 1.0
<AdrianHB> +1
<AdrianHB> (It could, but it should definitely be considered even if it doesn't ultimately)
Ian: Maybe we should have a discussion on how ISO20022 impacts phase 1 at the F2F - having someone that read the charter and is involved in the work is good.
<Ian> Ian: I will follow up with Kris / Vincent about TPAC
Manu: It would be good to align w/ ISO20022 where we can - and I think that there are a number of places we could and should align (personal opinion).
<AdrianHB> +1 that having anyone with ISO20022 knowledge (esp SWIFT who maintain it) would be hugely valuable as the vocab SHOULD align with existing standards
Ian: This is an important deliverable -
<Ian> Manu: I have updated the identity and credentials section
<Ian> also helped me see how to write the document
<Ian> ...I think the exercise we went through (Ian notes: Manu primarily),
<Ian>'s really important to:
<Ian> a) introduce the topic
<Ian> b) State the goals
<Ian> c) State the capabilities we believe necessary to achieve the goals
<Ian> ...I think that's a helpful organization of the information
<Ian> ...I think we should remove "key concepts" ... I think those are actually the goals
<Ian> ...also, I made sure that the capabilities section for identity and credentials has entries for each item
<Ian> ...I feel that if we follow that pattern for most of the sections, then it feels like a good way to introduce our thinking to WG and other parties
Ian: I'll have a look - your
characterization of introducing the topic, stating goals, then
listing capabilities sounds good.
... In some cases, we may find that we want to list,
tentatively, the things we think will help us reach the goal -
even if it isn't a detailed gap analysis, there is still
material there to show awareness of the ecosystem.
... The blog post that you did had another layer - here's what
I think we need - look at existing technologies - at the end we
can determine if there are gaps. You did a form of gap
analysis, I don't think the document should do a gap
... Basically, fodder for a gap analysis... it helps people
understand, at a technical level, what we're talking about. or
it demonstrates that we know what we're talking about.
<Zakim> manu, you wanted to follow up on Ian's comment.
Ian: it might be an interesting exercise to point to related work (I say that in the abstract)
<Ian> Manu: +1
<Ian> Manu: We shouldn't ourselves do the gap analysis here (Ian agrees).
<Ian> ..but pointers to "related specs" is useful
<Ian> Minor comments
<Ian> s/suggested deliverabes/candidate deliverables/
Ian: yes, agreed that "Related Specifications" is important.
<Ian> d/responsible WGs or standards bodies
Ian: I would delete the
"responsible parties"
... I would change "Suggested Deliverables" to "Candidate
Deliverables" or something less strong.
... I don't think "Responsible WGs" belong here.
... I don't care about "who" in this document - I care about
... It feels as if it's going too far to say "here are the
concrete groups that will work on this"
Manu: It wasn't meant as a "concrete groups that will work on this" - it was meant as a "we're thinking about these groups being relevant"
Ian: I think we can keep related
specifications (with groups), and that expresses that
... So, the "Responsible WGs" is redundant w/ info above, or
it's premature.
Manu: Ok, will change it.
Ian: I have to get Pat on the phone and see how we're going to get this document done before TPAC.
<Ian> Manu: Do we have enough time?
Ian: Quick summary - banks have
met once, and are meeting again Tuesday the 8th - don't know if
the next meeting is planned.
... The ecommerce one is having a meeting as early as tomorrow
- assuming they'll need to meet multiple times... will continue
to work w/ David on that.
... I'm chatting w/ Alibaba folks and Amy Zirkle - proposed a
time, but am waiting to hear from Nick to see if he's available
- 9am on 11th of September.
... That's when we'll dig in to the PSP stuff a bit more - the
ones that have momentum - they'll be fine - everyone needs to
be on it. Not nervous about them getting done by Oct.
... We may want to have a template - that's the current
dezell: I saw some of the minutes
- I think Ian covered some of the topic - for ecommerce, there
are several facets that I'm covering - looking for your
... I have setup a stakeholders meeting doodle poll - the
people that have registered so far - we don't have that many of
the merchant folks, so I'm leaving that out there during the
afternoon to decide when people can come.
... That meeting is sort of open ended.
... We've bound commerce to merchant and retailers - that's
sensible - mainly because, most of mobile apps are driven by
ecommerce topic - those applications, if anyone is willing to
have one developed, they want a loyalty program.
... That may be true in general - merchants are driving these
programs - you can see what I've put on there - there's a
matrix of concerns - some programs are driven by various
... That's the basis of it - trying to get this meeting setup -
probably be more than one - also, prepare for a presentation at
the W3C Digital Marketing workshop in Tampa.
... I'm going there wearing both NACS and Web Payments
... I personally believe there is a lot of digital marketing,
while it may not belong in WPIG, we have a strong
... That's one of the things I'm using to drive this - meeting
I'm setting up - trying to prepare for the workshop. I've had a
long conversation w/ folks in NACS - various workshop
presentations - Gray Taylor gave one at the NACS show - all
... I have not been able to contact Joerg - he's on vacation
until Sept. 18th - out of pocket for now.
... Are we conflating two different topics - have merchants and
retailers stakeholders - on the other, I have what we're
presenting at face-to-face - ecommerce aspects of payments. In
my mind, those two things are very close together. Trying to
make sure stakeholder meetings aren't self-selecting.
<Zakim> manu, you wanted to provide feedback.
<Ian> Manu: +1 to the approach
<Ian> ...I'm wondering why there is not as much merchant participation as we'd like
<Ian> Manu: Can we reach into NACS community?
<Ian> (BIG +1 to having questions for NACS members to answer)
<Zakim> dezell, you wanted to talk about merchants behind their backs.
dezell: We had a discussion about
this at the NACS strategy conference - I'll have slides from
Jenny Bullard (Flash Foods) - so will be able to share that.
I've also may have some input from Coca Cola - if they come to
the Digital Marketing workshop, we should be able to pick their
... So, we have some people that do digital marketing, but not
web technology - I have to follow up w/ Jeff Tatner at Coca
Cola on digital marketing.
Ian: I valued the guest participation at our previous meeting - newly arrived folks - I think we should use our next face-to-face as an opportunity to introduce new people - if there are people willing to go to Japan - we should see if we're willing to find someone interested in participating in the work.
dezell: These folks have the
budget, but not the expertise in the technology areas.
... merchants are very much reactionary - it's just the nature
of the industry - but it seems to be a global phenomenon in
merchants and retailers.
Manu: When will you call the meeting?
dezell: Mid-afternoon today, most likely.
Ian: That may not be enough notice.
dezell: I'll try to send the meeting invite out noon, then.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/+present/present+/ FAILED: s/suggested deliverabes/candidate deliverables/ Succeeded: s/do it at/send the meeting invite out/ Found Scribe: manu Inferring ScribeNick: manu Present: CyrilV MattC Ian Manu Matt AdrianHB DavidE Regrets: Pat Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 03 Sep 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: ian[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]