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<dezell> scribenick: Erik
<dezell> Meeting: Web Payments IG Telcon
<aylcw3c> dialing in
dezell: Announcement, please be
on IRC or say so now so we can be sure you get on the
... Looking at the agenda. Confirming the agenda. Sent on
Saturday. We need to talk about Thursday call and who will be
creating agenda
<Ian> agenda:
dezell: Go to first topic. Face
to Face agenda. We have spent time over the last 2 weeks about
topics of interest. We have a couple of stake holder leads.
Arie will lead Banks discussion.
... Alibaba will talk about point of view about service
Ian: We are still looking for people to volunteer to talk about topics of interest. We have 6 signups to talk about their topics of interest, Are their any other topics we need to discuss please let team contacts or chairs.
<zephyr> 1.Bar code and QRCode
<Ian> zephyr: Two points to discuss - entry of information (bar code, QR code) and authentication
<zephyr> 2. Biometrics for authentication
zephyr: There maybe 2 points. QR code and biometrics
Ian: Concerns at this point is making sure we have a rich discussion at the fact to face. More about agenda than details. Ideas how to gather information for the meeting
<Ian> IJ: It's important to understand people's plans for developing the FTF agenda
<Ian> IJ: E.g., phone calls, surveys, etc.
zephyr: On the payments service provider, there might be some new technologies that are worth investigating. Like Biometrics.
dezell: Zephyr can you talk about QR code and why this is important.
kepeng: We can use mobile application to scan QR code. Then customer can pay based on payment information. Different than traditional bank.
dezell: Dynamically created QR code for payment
<Zakim> AdrianHB, you wanted to ask what information is encoded in the barcode
<Ian> (Adrian on static v. dynamic QR use caess)
adrian: 2 QR codes in South Africa. Card not present transaction and a dynamic QR code to pass information back and forth. Used to pass information across an airgap. Most important to know what information is passed back and forth
<Ian> kepeng: Maybe we can work with GS1 on this topic
zephyr: Is there a standard on what information is passed back and forth.
<Zakim> manu, you wanted to mention that leading with QRCode is a bit too down in the weeds, from PSP perspective. and to mention that QRCodes are probably secondary to "how to get the
manu: QR codes are already in use
case document.
... QR codes are too low level. Best to talk about how
information is getting from payee, payer, and merchant service
provider. QR is an implementation not a specification.
<Ian> Manu: Not convinced QR code is top priority of PSPs; rather, CNP transactions for example
manu: Merchants are concerned by other concerns than QR code. Like card not present.
<manu> +1 yes - I don't think we're seeing a broad list of PSP concerns here - especially if we lead w/ QR Codes
<Zakim> Ian, you wanted to suggest that "what information is encoded" is good WG discussion
Ian: Ian is more concerned about larger conversation topics not low level detailed talks
dezell: There are several other technologies. NFC. Can be constrained or contactless. QR codes is same as NFC. We care more what information is shared not now it is shared.
<Zakim> Ian, you wanted to suggest modeling exercise for PSP presentation
<shepazu> (I suspect that QR code payments might be distinct from purely electronic ones, because it could proxy for a payment provider in offline cases… what's needed to authenticate that, etc.?)
Ian: One way to organize
information for payment service providers. Example: How to get
information from customer to the system (like QR code or NFC).
What roles are payment service providers do. Would be best to
figure out what they do and where a standard would help the
payment service provider.
... Also need user stories and why. Will help build a common
vision about what a payment service provider need.
<Ian> (What do they do? What do they need? What are the user stories? What are the pain points?)
dezell: You also brought up biometrics. Give this the same detailed discussion about what you need out of Biometrics (not how).
<Ian> (My goal is that Alibaba colleagues bring together all the interested parties in the IG for discussion (e.g., in small group calls)
<Ian> (I am happy to participate on such calls)
kepeng: Use Biometrics for authentication. Use hardware to make this happen. Keep the discussion high level.
dezell: Reach out to other payment service providers. Figure out what they do and what they need.
dezell: Next topic, had a discussion about banks and what banks need.
Arie: To continue the
conversation I had from earlier. I am not an expert but a
cheerleader. Focus on retail banking. Separate institutional
from merchant.
... Identity and credentials are important but not in
<dezell> Ian: most KYC requirements hit regulatory requirements at enrollment time. We understand that enrollment is its own thing, and separate from payment.
Ian: We will be summarizing information. We need to talk to central banks to find out what opportinities they see for standardization. Would identifiers be valuable. Treat enrollment as its own thing.
Arie: I did say credentials is out of scope.
<Zakim> padler, you wanted to ask for clarification on identity/credentials
Pat: What I heard at payment rountable and colleagues, how are all these companies building services around payments. How to get those institutions to come to the group.
<dezell> addendum: Patrick: Pervasive challenge within banking and building services is the idea of credential/identity standards. So I don't understand how credentials can be out of scope. I see it as an interoperability, not just an enrollment issue.
Pat: Bank outreach. Feds sends out information to lots of people.
<Ian> erik: From the identity and security POV, what most people are doing is not exchange credentials
<padler> Publication is called FedFocus... it is distributed to around 30K banking and financial industry participants..
<Ian>'s mostly related to single sign-on
<Ian>'s security implementation
<Ian> ...that's where identity is more used for payments and banking
<Ian> ...less concerned about credentials and on boarding of customers
<Ian> ...mostly used at security level
<Ian> ach erik
ian: We need to gain input for a rich conversation at TPAC. At a high level we have had discussions. Banks need to tell us what banks need. We need details from those that know what they are talking about. Urge other groups to explore details but not give the answer.
Doug: Questions of scope. Web Payments IG vs WG. 2 separate meetings. Keep some things out of scope from IG vs SG. Please clarify whats in scope and out of scope.
<padler> +1 to adding context with regard to scoping the comments.. :)
<Ian> (this is about the IG, not the WG)
<Zakim> AdrianHB, you wanted to clarify the conversation around identity
dezell: We are not going to constrain what the IG will talk about at TPAC.
adrian: Comment from previous call. Often discussing large topics at too high of a level. Too much hand waving. Everyone has a different opinion of identity. KYC is not part of payment (and this Identity).
<padler> +1 to Adrian's comments..
adrian: We need to scope Identity down to something managable
<shepazu> +1 AdrianHB
<padler> Is the meeting for the Bank topic at the same time next week? it is labor day in the states..
Arie: Identity is in scope for some areas of payments yet out of scope for others.
<Ian> Erik: We need to focus on use cases (not "identity" in the abstract)
<manu> +1 to what Erik said - Keep identity/credentials at the macro-level - make sure we have a use case identified before we start talking about it.
Erik: scope identity down to something manageable.
<aylcw3c> Apology - must leave early to make an 11am f2f meeting -- cheers~!!!
<shepazu> (please note that "credentials" is just as fuzzy as "identity"… it means very different things to different people)
dezell: Lets hit the high points.
Not go down into the weeds with the topics.
... 2 topics remaining. Capabilities
Pat: Please review the capabilities. Give feedback.
<yaso> bye
<dezell> Ian: I will volunteer, and suggest using the Tuesday staff meeting to develop the agenda.
<dezell> (none requested)
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Meet me in #banks// WARNING: Bad s/// command: s/ \/join #banks// WARNING: Bad s/// command: s/ \/join #banks// WARNING: Bad s/// command: s/ \/join #banks// Succeeded: s/(Meet in #banks)// Succeeded: s/Present + Arie// Succeeded: s/zephyr/kepeng/ Succeeded: s/zephyr/kepeng/ Found ScribeNick: Erik Inferring Scribes: Erik Present: dezell Manu MattC Ju Jiangtao Taylor_Dunn Zach Erik Zephyr padler AdrianHB Arie DJackson evert Ian shepazu Katie Haritos-Shea yaso Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 31 Aug 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]