See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 16 April 2015
<scribe> scribe: nigel
nigel: This meeting will likely be action heavy following last week. AOB?
group: no AOB
nigel: I haven't managed to fix
up the minutes from last week - hopefully I'll be able to do
that tomorrow.
... In the meantime did anyone have any changes to make based
on the draft minutes?
group: No changes
nigel: In that case it's mainly a
tidying job not an editorial one.
... So for today we'll look at actions and I'll set aside some
time for WebVTT as there's been progress there.
glenn: I'm going to have to drop off this meeting; no progress on actions or issues to report.
<trackbot> action-378 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Draft smpte request including dispositions from action-369 and backgroundcolor initial value question -- due 2015-03-05 -- OPEN
nigel: Pierre has posted a draft
for review:
... Thanks for doing that.
pal: Inline space was missing from nigel's draft. Was that just an omission?
nigel: No particular reason - most likely I just didn't notice it in the original message from SMPTE.
pal: I used the latest message
from SMPTE from January that was sent to public-tt rather than
... earlier one that was sent to member-tt.
nigel: That may be the difference then.
pal: SMPTE ST428-7 specifies
character rotation on any character but the TTML2 spec only
allows it on
... on normally horizontal characters in vertical writing
nigel: We need to make clear that
SMPTE can come back to us if they have use cases that we
... considered.
pal: Exactly. We could ask generally for SMPTE's responses or specifically request a request for each item.
nigel: I'd like to make it clear
that we'd like a response on each item as this is very similar
to a request
... for wide review type response.
pal: We shouldn't hold open the issues until SMPTE has responded.
nigel: Agreed - we should close
these issues and if SMPTE or anyone else comes back with new
... we can open new issues.
pal: [drafts specific request]
nigel: The dispositions tool
generates email text that looks like:
... "The Working Group's response to your comment is included
... Please review it carefully and *let us know by email at
[address] if you agree with it or not
... before [date]*.
pal: I would keep it less formal
and provide this as a heads-up - if SMPTE has formal comments
... they can send them or wait until wide review.
nigel: Yes, the original comments
predate the FPWD so they can't be construed as any kind of
... review of TTML2, more of TTML1 if anything.
... Okay let's keep it less formal for now. Current wording
... "W3C TTWG looks forward to SMPTE’s feedback on these
actions, if any, and to a continued collaboration."
pal: I created the inline space text based on my understanding of ipd.
nigel: That disposition text
looks good to me.
... Since Glenn has written the ipd part of TTML2 it would be
good to get his go-ahead for this disposition.
<scribe> ACTION: glenn Review Disposition text for Inline space/ipd for SMPTE [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-399 - Review disposition text for inline space/ipd for smpte [on Glenn Adams - due 2015-04-23].
nigel: Once that action is
complete then in my view we can send this to SMPTE via Mike and
close the
... outstanding issues.
... I've marked action-378 as pending review.
Action-378: Action-399 created specifically for Glenn to review ipd response
<trackbot> Notes added to Action-378 Draft smpte request including dispositions from action-369 and backgroundcolor initial value question.
nigel: Let's quickly step through
the next actions...
... On Action-390 and 391 that's in progress - I'm held up with
some CSS issues right now.
courtney: I think David Singer has the dispositions for WebVTT covered but haven't talked to him about it re Action-394.
nigel: He sent a spreadsheet
around earlier in the week.
... There's been a bit of email conversation between me, David,
Thierry and Silvia about this, offlist.
... So its safe to say progress is being made.
tmichel: The Accessibility WG
said they're working on the WebVTT review and will come back
with a date.
... That was the last message from Julie I think.
nigel: So we don't have a date for a date?
tmichel: I'll wait a week and then ping them again.
<trackbot> action-397 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Prepare cr2 transition version (after closing one remaining issue on imsc 1) -- due 2015-04-17 -- OPEN
pal: On Action-397, we haven't
resolved the outstanding issue with begin yet. I tried to go
... SMIL and the best I found is that if begin is not specified
then it's up to the time container. If you
... recursively follow that all the way to the top, then the
begin of body is the begin of the external
... time container. Is that your understanding too?
nigel: Yes.
pal: I expect to have a resolution to that very shortly.
nigel: There is a use case for no
begin time, which is when you just want the document to
... processed as soon as possible. This might happen in live
use cases. Of course you don't really know
... when that display time will start.
pal: If you have multiple consecutive documents then it's a lot easier if you specify begin times.
nigel: Right, but that does give
the container freedom to resolve the begin and end of each
... Maybe we should leave IMSC 1 as it is or add a note saying
that if you have a time container
... then watch out for the unresolvable time scenario.
pal: Alternately an external time container that says 'start at 5s' should define when t=0 is.
nigel: For me, I think requiring a begin time is a bit too limiting, but highlighting the danger would be good.
pal: Okay then a note
highlighting the time resolution feature of TTML and the
potential danger could
... be the way to go.
nigel: You could say that time
containers that only indicate 'start playing 5s in' should
treat the
... resolved begin time as 'now - 5s' and step in as though
that had happened.
pal: I'll draft something suggesting that an absent begin should be treated as begin at 0.
nigel: I'm happy to review that when I see the wording.
<trackbot> issue-382 -- Require a computed non-indefinite begin time -- open
nigel: By the way, that discussion above related to issue-382.
nigel: I just want to make sure
that there's an opportunity to raise any further WebVTT points
not already
... raised?
courtney: Not from me just now.
nigel: We have no AOB, so I'll adjourn now. Thanks everyone! [adjourns meeting]