- Minutes -

Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

03 Apr 2015


The weekly meeting convened with a review of the comments made by EO participants about the progess on the QuickRef redesign prototype. Eric noted that several design comments would be tabled for later discussion and focused on the concept and execution of "presets." Eric explained that it was meant to provide tailored presentation of the content for those who may be new to the field or have a very specific narrow focus. Filters would then be set to help these audiences. Comments were mostly favorable but some concern was expressed about 1. whether they would actually be used and 2. the technical difficulty of creating them. Eric will analyze effort and report back.

Next was consideration of Kevin's work on the Planning Guide. EO brainstormed use cases and titles, agreeing that the Guide was not highly "dynamic" and so advised against the use of that word in the title. Kevin will review the minutes and make a determination. Discussion of the agenda for the upcoming face-to-face EO meeting led to an agreement to allow non-EO participation if conference attendees wanted to observe. Shawn and other WAI team members that are going to AccessU will meet separately to work out logistics. Shawn announced that she had posted upcoming EO work which does not require review at this time but is posted for those who wish to look ahead. Howard reminded everyone of the 25 April deadline for paper submission for Accessing Higher Ground. Discussion of a possible second face to face in November in Boulder Colorado concluded with the fact that for most of EO it was highly dependent on funding. Submission of papers is encouraged with the understanding that if funding is not secured, papers may be withdrawn as long as it is done with plenty of advance notice.


Shadi, Kevin, Brent, Shawn, AnnaBelle, EriE, Paul, Melody, Howard, Sharron
Lydia, Vivienne, Vicki, Reinaldo, Jon
Kevin, Sharron


Quickref Redesign

<shawn> mockup: http://w3c.github.io/wai-wcag-quickref/

<shawn> results: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/eoweekly20150330/results#xq2

shawn: Eric, what would you like us to discuss?

eric: Thank you for the insightful answers and really good feedback.
... A lot of people commented on the design, which is not something that is fixed just yet.
... I don't have anything particular
... Shawn you commented that the SCs looked like they were clickable, others commented that they liked this, but this may be a design issue for later discussion.

shawn: When you have some filters, how is this communicated? Is this something that is being worked on or that needs discussion?

eric: Yes, this is something that is being worked on. Looking at making the information more condense.
... If anyone has other ideas or knows resources that does this well, please pass them through. Communicating filtering mechanisms is always difficult.

shawn: Lot of good stuff here and I am excited about how it is coming along.
... Is there anything that anyone wanted to clarify about your comment or discuss further before Eric takes another look at this.

Eric: If there is really strong feeling, please do highlight.

AnnaBelle: I don't feel strongly, but if you have time in the next week we could talk about another site that I have seen that I worked on with a similar mechanism.

eric: Yes that would be good

<shawn> filtering https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/eoweekly20150330/results#xq3

shawn: The next point was to talk about the filtering
... Eric, I think there is a fairly definitive answer to part of your question

eric: Yes, I am not really surprised, but I just wanted to confirm
... We need to work on the filter categories, most people feel that there shouldn't be too many categories and that other mechanisms, such as search and tags, might help make some filters obsolete.

shawn: Which ones do you think might become obsolete?

eric: Tagging could make components obsolete, devices could be replaced with tags.
... Filters are very definitive but tagging is a bit more fluid and allows for more granularity and detail

shawn: Ok, shall we talk about presets. Can you say what you think these might work?

eric: For people who are new to the page we provide tailored presentation for the page, e.g. a project manager or content author. The filters would then be set in such a way as to help these audiences. For new to accessibility it might present just the Level A and AA.

shawn: What would you envision a project managers preset might do?

eric: Could hide all the techniques and maybe the detail of the success criteria. So you might not have all the lists that come with success criteria. This may not be too interesting for a project manager. This certainly needs more thinking but it is an interesting idea that would be good to explore more.
... The presets may actually be better presented in another page and then link to the pre-filtered page.

shawn: What are others thoughts on the presets?

<Eric> Brent's comment: [[Yes, I like the idea of the preset filters. I could see a preset for Novice Experience Users or a preset for non-technical reading/understanding. Presets that would focus on SCs addressing accessibility for specific populations with disabilities. Or presets to work in conjunction with the saving and printing functionality. For instance a user may want to expand all A and AA SCs and expand the failures and then save it or print it.

<Eric> I also think that in the Presets menu there should be more than just the preset button with the name. When appropriate and feasible there needs to be a little statement of what the preset will show or why it is used.]]

<shawn> presets comments: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/eoweekly20150330/results#xq5

Brent: I like the idea and I put in a few examples of things that might work. Could have a no-technical/technical preset. Could also do a preset suitable for saving and printing. Maybe a preset that was based on a population disability. For example, if you were specifically interested in low-vision, then you could focus in on those that are particularly relevant.
... Another thing, that might be quite difficult, sometimes when looking at success criteria I am interested in the Understanding and not the Techniques. So this could filter out anything except the Understanding.
... Broadly this is a good idea if we can make it work

shawn: Thanks for that, any other thoughts on presets

Howard: I think this is a good idea. My guess is that many users will ignore them and focus on the bulk of the functionality on the page. I would second most if not all of when Brent was saying. The item I thought that might be missing was an option to preset by Level. This might be a higher priority as it is a common use case.

shawn: Anyone else?

+1 to what Brent has said

shawn: [chair's hat off] I am hesitant that we can communicate what they are and I don't know how useful they are. I think filtering or preseting by activity would be useful but I worry about the time and effort that this might take to create. This may be something that would be prioritized appropriately. Overall, I still think there is a possibility these are useful.

<melody> +1 for Shawn

AnnaBelle: I don't have a strong opinion but I think there is a fair amount of work that would need to be considered for this activity.

shawn: I also had the same thought that eric had about providing these as links somewhere else.

<paulschantz> Eric, is addition of new filters a difficult task? It doesn't seem like it would be.

eric: I think this is certainly something that could go into version 2. It is may not be critical. In general, I don't know that this is too much work but that may be overly optomistic

<paulschantz> I suppose it depends on how the techniques and SC are stored/accessed

shawn: Do you have any comments to add Sharron?

Sharron: I appreciate the technical difficulties with the presets, but they do sound quite useful

shawn: What might be good is if, Eric, could you leave the harder things until after usability testing in May. It might be worth analysing which ones might be worth it based on effort and possible value.

eric: Ok, I will review.

shawn: Any other comments for now?
... Thanks again everyone for completing the survey. Looking forward to seeing more on this Eric

Planning Guide

<shawn> mockup: http://w3c.github.io/wai-dynamic-planning/

<shawn> title survey results: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/eoweekly20150330/results#xq4

Shawn: Thanks for commenting in the survey, it makes our meeting time more efficient. Kevin, what ideas do you take away from the suggested revisions to the title?

Kevin: I have four things that I want to respond to that came up from the comments, OK?

Shawn: Yes, please

<Howard> yes

Kevin: I noticed several people suggested "Organization" related words in the title. Do people feel that that is so improtant to be called out in the title?
... any additional thoughts?

Melody: The reason I used it was to showcase that there were resources for roles across the organization.

Brent: Yes when you are talking about education and affecting a large organization, the tool we are making is broad enough to have impact through out an organization.

<shawn> http://www.w3.org/WAI/impl/ we titled: Strategic Planning for Web Accessibility: Guidance for Developing a Plan for Your Organization or Project

Sharron: To be devil's advocate, a title with "organization" might be misleading if we also are providing resources for project planning as well. I am not entirely certain that I understand the whole purpose of the resource.

Shawn: Previous planning we had explicitly said we wanted to support both organizational and project planning.

Kevin: Yes that will need to be pulled out in the intro or title.
... also there are a couple of points where the word "Guide" is suggested and that we also must be conscious of not confusing with "Guidelines"

Shawn: Let's brainstorm on what this is

Sharron: I liked Brent's rifs on Toolkit
... Accessibility Implementation Toolkit

Eric: It feels like this is first and foremost a page with listed resources, which is not a Toolkit and not really a Guide. So the structure that it is in now does not support those titles.

<Howard> I don't like "toolkit" either - see it as "planning & implementation"

<paulschantz> Web Accessibility Planning Resources?

Eric: I have thought to just keep "Web Accessibility Planning" but don't want to confuse with existing doc

Shawn: This may replace some of what is there, so it is changable...what about resource?

<Howard> Don't like it

Brent: Don't especially like "resources" since I would think of it as more varied than what I understand that we have. What is the development timeline? Do we have time to leave a temporary name for now and provide a final name when we all have better understanding of exactly what it is?

Shawn: Good question. Want to have a discussion, come up with a working title and do some usability testing in May and it would be a while after that we would have time to finalize the title.

Shadi: Is this really only planning? doesn't it also help with implementation?

Shawn: and managing

<paulschantz> Each tab covers a whole set of activities

Shawn: what are thoughts about bigger picture, reactions to managing, implementation.

Sharron: Not sure we understand how this will be used, is it to help people locate and use existing resources?

<AnnaBelle> +1 to Sharron

Kevin: Yes that is part of it but we also want to structure that in user centered way

Shawn: Support for your web accessibility planning, implementation and management tasks

<shawn> http://www.w3.org/WAI/impl/ we titled: Strategic Planning for Web Accessibility: Guidance for Developing a Plan for Your Organization or Project

Howard: I like Strategic Planning for Web Accessibility, I like the title but not the subtitle. Don't think you want more than three verbs. Don't want to overload with too many concepts, but planning and implementation says alot.

Shawn: brainstorming: Guidance for planning and implementing web accessiiblity in your org or project

<Howard> How about "Strategic planning & implementation of Web Accessibility"?

<shawn> brent's catchphrase: - AccessiTask, a Toolkit for Organizations; - AccessiPlan, a Toolkit for Organizations; - AccessiGuide, a Toolkit for Organizations

Brent: I am not set on anything I am about to say...just brainstorming. I like Guide or Guidance because that is an accurate description. I tried to find catchy names (may be cheesy but wanted it to be distinguised). These lengthy, wordy titles are confusing. Went the marketing route. Think of QuickRef - I know what that is and remember "wow that is a good tool."

<shawn> +1 for the idea of a "shortname"/catchphrase

Brent: so if you say something like AccessiGuide with a longer explanation over time it will be memorable and distinct. Thinking of a jargony name that will be recognizable in the future.

<paulschantz> +1 to Brent's idea

<melody> +q

Shawn: Like this direction of the brainstorm, also might consider an acronym.

AnnaBelle: I like the Guidance idea, would prefer project first because once orgs are mentioned, I tune out, not for me.

<shadi> [Managing Web Accessibility]

AnnaBelle: a subtitle might be very useful here. Research indicates people like it too. I like the idea of a distinct name that rolls off the tongue - like EasyChecks.

Melody: When we think about whether to use a branded name or a a descriptive name, it must be a strategic decision. Takes time and attention to manage a brand.
... tools must be in sync with the branding

Shadi: I really like the idea of the easily remembered catch phrase.

<kevin> +1 to Melody's strategic branding thoughts

<shawn> GoDoAccess - Guidance for Planning, Managing, and Implementing Web Accessibility in your Project or Organization

Shadi: do we expect this guide to be accessed as often as the QuickRef? As a user, will I be using it as often as users refer to the QuickRef? Probably not.

<paulschantz> The document is very action-oriented, every section asks "What do you need to do?" Maybe the tool name can refer to this?

Shawn: Wilco had the idea of creating a separate identity name of the WCAG-EM Report tool, and we decided not.

Sharron: Road map, game plan, blueprint

<paulschantz> Actions

<shawn> Task Support for Managing Accessibility

<AnnaBelle> love road map and blueprint

<shadi> Getting going with Web Accessibility

<shadi> +1 to icons

AnnaBelle: I really like those phrases because the iconography supports the terms blueprint and roadmap.

<shawn> Roadmap for Web Accessibility in your Organization or Project

Brent: I like roadmap better than blueprint since a map shows alternative routes

Sharron: Do we really have to have organization and projects in title?

<shawn> Roadmap for Web Accessibility: Guidance for Planning, Managing, and Implementing Web Accessibility in your Project or Organization

Shawn: To address expectations that people assume the resource is only for organizations.

<shadi> Web Accessibility Navigator

Brent: I agree with Sharron that if we can find a clever title that does not use those words, it will be more broadly appealing.

<shawn> Web Accessibility Roadmap: Guidance for Planning, Managing, and Implementing Web Accessibility in your Project or Organization

<shadi> Web Accessibility Compass

<shadi> The Accessibility Navigator

<Brent> +1 to Web Accessibility Navigator

<shawn> Web Accessibility Navigator: Guidance for Planning, Managing, and Implementing Web Accessibility in your Project or Organization

<AnnaBelle> +1 to either navigator or compass

<shadi> Web Accessibility Navigator: Everyday Guidance for Planning, Managing, and Implementing Web Accessibility

<Eric> Web Accessibility Navigator: Everyday Guidance for Planning, Managing, and Implementing Accessible Web Projects

<shadi> Web Accessibility Navigator: Practical Guidance for Planning, Managing, and Implementing Web Accessibility

<shadi> Web Accessibility Navigator: Your Practical Guidance for Planning, Managing, and Implementing Web Accessibility

<shadi> +1 to game plan!

<AnnaBelle> +1

Sharron: +1

<Brent> Base Camp to Summit: Guidance for Planning, Managing, and Implementing Web Accessibility

<shadi> Web Accessibility Navigator: Your Practical Game Plan for Planning, Managing, and Implementing Web Accessibility

<AnnaBelle> agree -- "guide to" even better

<shawn> Web Accessibility Game Plan: Your Practical Guide to Planning, Managing, and Implementing Web Accessibility

<melody> This is a really good resource on brand architecture, if this could be useful: http://www.slideshare.net/CarolPhillips/brand-architecture-toolkit-rev-ii-91414-39246494

<Sharron> Web Accessibility Coach...

<shadi> Tutor instead of Coach?

<shadi> Game of Accessibility (instead of Game of Thrones]

<shawn> Developing Your Web Accessibility Game Plan: Guide to Planning, Managing, and Implementing Web Accessibility

<shawn> Getting your Accessibility Game on

Brent: I like Game Plan because it is not linear, but strategic.

Shawn: It applies equally to projects and organization
... on the other hand, it is quite casual.

Shadi: Not sure the term is used in other languages in the same way.

Shawn: ... If in English we use Game Plan and note for translation that business plan would be considered?

Brent: I would avoid that term, too many expectations for format and financial

<melody> Types of brand names: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/brandarchitecturelogotopologynamingtaglines-140129174917-phpapp02/95/brand-architecture-logo-topology-naming-and-tag-lines-20-638.jpg?cb=1394132767

Kevin: I am not sure about Game Plan because of the expectation for an emphasis on planning. Will go through the brainstorming and try to pull out something useful. This highlights the fact tht people see the resource in this way and that it is meant to be a guide to planning, implementing, managing regardless of whether it is in a project or an entire organization.

Shawn: Any wrap-up comments?

Melody: I provided some resources on branding that might help guide the thinking.

Shawn: The "Plan" in game plan does not bother me but would defintely need a subtitle. And we look forward to what you come up with. We want some kind of title by May when we do usability testing.

AnnaBelle: This is a good candidate for A / B testing.

Face to Face in May

Shawn: Any concerns with allowing non-participant observers? We occasionally allow people to observe as recruitment. Sometimes we choose not to do that becasue it could be awkward and suppress easy participation. The agenda is a bit more refined now if you want to look at it and comment about whether we want to allow observers

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_F2F_May_2015

<Howard> no objections from me

<AnnaBelle> no objections

<Eric> no objections

Brent: What are the ground rules for observers?

Shawn: We define that. In the past, we have made rules that allow their participation but in a controlled way to prevent disruption of our work.

Brent: Is there a limit to how many are allowed?

Shawn: We would have to figure that out ahead of time based on room size.

<shawn> [I assume we won't have many or any]

Sharron: and we can use the conference time itself for recruitment

Shawn: You guys know what a challenge it is to work in this group and so we need to prepare people before we recruit them.

Upcoming work

Shawn: You are not required to review this, we just wanted to let you know we are planning the next round of deliverables.
...you may particularly be interested in the EOWG Deliverables milestones overview to see what will be due in the next year or year and a half.


Shawn: back on the agenda page, there is more detail on what is coming up more immediately in the next couple of weeks.
... finally our goal is to have a weekly survey ready on Friday to introduce during the call so you have a headstart in getting it done.

Sharron: Does the early release of the survey mean we want results earlier? Since the weekly survey is ready right now can people do it over the weekend? We will discuss at next week's meeting when to set deadline for reply.

<paulschantz> works for me

Melody: The earlier it can be made available the better for me

Shawn: We have two types of surveys. One is the weekly survey in which questions are short and are meant to take less than an hour. Another type of survey is the thorough review of content or approval for publication. In those cases we give more than a week, often two or three weeks.
... so the goal here is to have the weekly survey on Friday so that comments are received early enough that those working on the resources have some time to process the input and prepare for the meeting.

Potential F2F at AHG in Colorado in November

<shawn> availability: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/eowg2015f2f/results#xicchp13

Howard: I wanted to remind everyone about Accessing Higher Ground and if we can plan a face to face there as well. People should submit papers by April 25

Shawn: If we consider those who have answered the survey so far, it looks as though several are dependent on funding.
... one of the issues is to follow up with what can be offered in terms of room space and travel support.

Howard: Room space is certain, but we have no travel funds.

Sharron: Let's look for grant funds to support travel

Howard: People can submit and when notified, sya "sorry I don't have funding"
... as long as they don't do it 2 weeks before

Shawn: So if you are in the position of being more likely to get funding if a paper is accepted, go ahead and submit

Brent: Yes that is how it works at Pearson, so Sharron if you can include me
... in that presentation

Shawn: So do you want to be part of the planning, Brent or should we just add your name to the presentation?

Howard: Great interest in Pearson products like MyMathLab etc
... there is some controversy and always great interest.

Brent: I am in the assessment rather than instructional division.

<Brent> Thank you. Good Meeting

Shawn: Wrapped up, thanks all, have a great weekend!

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/04/07 03:50:53 $