See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 17 March 2015
<paulc> ... waiting for others to join
<paulc> Agenda:
<paulc> scribenick: paulc
<scribe> scribenick: joesteele
<scribe> scribe: joesteele
<paulc> Agenda:
<joesteele_> scribe: joesteele_
ddorwin: 2 bugs reported by
jwwang about how our Map is defined wrong
... issue does not seem to be going anywhere
<BobLund> zakim aacc is me
ddorwin: this is a proposal to replace map-like with explicit methods
paulc; do we have a concrete proposal
ddorwin: yes -- replacing the methods it would have added with the actual methods - some remaining to resolve
<markw> Ok, sounds good
<paulc> Outstanding questions are: Shall we include all methods and the size getter? Do we need @@iterator if the object does not have bindings to an ES Map?
<joesteele__> scribe: joesteele__
paulc: so those are the comments you added in the bug
ddorwin: my default action would
be to add the size and the iterator
... would wait on others
<paulc> Doing "@@iterator if the object does not have bindings to an ES Map" needs info from someone else.
paulc: anyone want to help david with this?
<MattWolenetz> correction: I heard "default action is methods and size, don't know about the iterator"
paulc: anyone thinks we should not add?
markw: don't know and I will take the action to look into it
<paulc> ACTION: markw to look into @@iterators for Issue 39 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-78 - Look into @@iterators for issue 39 [on Mark Watson - due 2015-03-24].
<paulc> See Joe's comment:
ddorwin: think more about
... need to understand how this would be supported
<paulc> Possible F2F topic
joesteele__: lets talk in the face to face
ddorwin: think this is down to just three words to add
joesteele__: +1 to this
<paulc> Joe agrees with text in
<paulc> Awaiting Henri's response since he offered original text.
<paulc> Action-73?
<trackbot> Action-73 -- Jerry Smith to Make proposal for resolving bug 26776 -- due 2015-03-09 -- OPEN
jdsmith: I commented on this --
question about what object the event would be fired on
... thinking MediaKeySession
<paulc> Jerry's comment is in
jdsmith: asked to provide example
of errors outside the errors listed in the Promise errors
... listed some pipeline conditions
... some could be merged into keystatuseschange but would need
a systemcode
... previously had proposed having a separate information event
-- thought we had some concensus that this was desirable
<paulc> action-73 is closed
paulc: so Action 73 is done?
jdsmith: yes
<paulc> close action-73
<trackbot> Closed action-73.
ddorwin: answers questions but
not sure we are closer to solving
... we have three different ways errors are reported should
stick with that
... but then where does the systemcode go?
... did not want this to be an event
paulc: how do we make progress?
jdsmith: thought you had some
support at one point for doing the informational event at one
... ok with merging this in with some other event -- but want
to retain the system code
<ddorwin> My previous position:
joesteele__: I also agree with this but I would like to retain the systemcode -- don't want to add a parser for our apps
jdsmith: my intent is to not have applications switch on this either but use as informational
paulc: why don't we have that
text in the spec? take ISO9075 subcode as an example
... there are words that say the app can pass this on but
should not have logic that depends on it
... sounds like concensus may be around that
ddorwin: another option would be
to provide an accessor to show all the error codes seen by that
session -- this allows to show a list
... then apps could check the list
joesteele__: and presumably dump for debugging
markw: I think that a numeric
code is the easiest way to deal with this, changes less across
... but we could handle this in a string
... DOMException could work as well but should be available for
all failure modes
... failures where keys are still usable are not much of a
... this would be a different type of event
jdsmith: mark also said we could
again have text that said the systemcode can change over time
and should not be relied on
... for me it seems like an event is the natural way to return
this information
paulc: seem to be at an impasse
here -- some folks want a systemcode, some are concerned about
breaking interop
... David is concerned that even if we say don't do it --
people will
... sounds like we should make it difficult for application
programs to do the wrong thing.
... using a text list?
... think we need a concrete proposal -- like to have on the
table by the face-to-face so we can make progress
ddorwin: I updated the bug with
this discussion
... if we do make this a getter - we could provide playback
information as well
... also app could check before closing the session
<paulc> David's update:
jdsmith: we have made a number of
proposals -- if we have some verbal agreement on the approach
-- we can move forward
... david is saying we might be able to expand
ddorwin: if there was a playback error -- an app could check the statuses
paulc: jdsmith you want to write up what you think the agreement is then?
jdsmith: ok
<paulc> ACTION: jdsmith to draft a proposal for returning errors as per bug 26776 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-79 - Draft a proposal for returning errors as per bug 26776 [on Jerry Smith - due 2015-03-24].
<paulc> ACTION-74?
<trackbot> ACTION-74 -- Jerry Smith to Comment on issue 33 -- due 2015-03-10 -- OPEN
jdsmith: was trying to summarize the purpose
<paulc> See
jdsmith: believe it is to check
for active session (not previously closed) and then support
secure release
... we expect apps to keep track of active sessions and then
for secure release to attempt to load that session
... could not think of a scenario we are blocking an app from
... but might need a way for apps to enumerate the sessions --
not convinced it is necessary
<paulc> Original request: It seems to me that having access to the non-removed, non-closed set of MediaKeySessions would be handy for EME application developers, and consistent with other media element extensions (activeSourceBuffers on Media Sources, for instance).
paulc: original text
... does anyone else have an opinion?
<paulc> close Action-74
<trackbot> Closed Action-74.
jdsmith: depends on our philosophy -- we have been biased towards providing facilities to unblock
ddorwin: yes we have been trending towards providing minimal facilities -- if we get it wrong it will be there forever
joesteele__: I would like to leave this out for now, don't like the current behavior and would like to leave the door open to change
ddorwin: please comment in the bug on this
jdsmith: I will
<paulc> Jerry and Joe will respond to the issue with their view that they don't want to add this feature.
joesteele__: I will as well
paulc: long outstanding item for Joe to talk to Chris Pearce
<paulc> action-75?
<trackbot> action-75 -- Joe Steele to Steele to ask chris pearce to review issue 31 -- due 2015-03-10 -- OPEN
ddorwin: there was a comment from a week ago
<paulc> Chris's reply:
<paulc> close ACTION-75
<trackbot> Closed ACTION-75.
paulc: so this closes action-75
ddorwin: I think this one is good
to go -- but blocked on 19
... that is the promises ordering issue
<paulc> Issue 19:
paulc: need to work on this at the F2F?
ddorwin: seems like just spec
changes at this point
... don't think anything is surprising anymore
<paulc> ACTION-76?
<trackbot> ACTION-76 -- Jerry Smith to Review and comment on issues 16 and 18 -- due 2015-03-10 -- OPEN
jdsmith: made very short comments
paulc: lets do issue 16 first - mark has already responded
<paulc> Reply on #16:
ddorwin: original intent was to
figure out what happens to the keys
... need to walk through the various use cases
... this is one where there is not a clear proposal -- just
needs thinking
paulc: F2F topic?
ddorwin: yes -- but needs whiteboarding
<paulc> Possible F2F discussion for #16 and #18
jdsmith: think I agree with Marks comments -- temporary keys would disappear when the browser window closes
<paulc> Mark's comment:
markw: 2 questions -- when
session is closed can cause keys to be released? and we need to
document how that happens in that case.
... other question is if the session is closed because of the
UA - should the UA be attempting to send the key release
message to the server?
ddorwin: absolutely not -- that is impossible
markw: not for all implementations
ddorwin: the application is dead at that point
markw: think it is am
implementation issue
... the system is very much dependent on getting these messages
-- the application should be allowed to solve this
ddorwin: I am not sure it is not disallowed by the web arhictecture -- but I think would lead to fragmentation
markw: get the issue when the
session is closed independant of the application, all apps have
to deal with this so would not be interop issue
... don't know what the frequency of these messages will be in
the field
... if we find more cases when we could report them, the
specification should allow us to try
paulc: we could say it is
"implementation defined" whether the messages are sent when the
application disappears
... if they turn out to be useful as Mark is thinking
markw: think this should be a MAY requirement
paulc: Jerry do you want to say anything about issue 18? it was paired with this
<paulc> Comment on #18:
jdsmith: I am greeing with joes comment that key ststatus should be empty in this case
paulc: so we should have some whiteboard discussion on this at the F2F
<paulc> close action-76
<trackbot> Closed action-76.
paulc: let's look at the last item
<trackbot> ACTION-77 -- Mark Watson to Review pushback from apple on issue 9 -- due 2015-03-10 -- OPEN
markw: I did exchange some emails
from jernoble
... don't want to speak for them, but can assume the current
behavior will continue for awhile
<paulc> close ACTION-77
<trackbot> Closed ACTION-77.
markw: no agreement on the
pre-fetching of licenses
... don't think folks are thinking this is a good thing
... one option is to leave the note as it it and remove in the
... another is to explicitly allow for key sessions that do not
operate without attachment and make this discoverable
... think the option of just removing the note will not be
ddorwin: interesting to know whether when they implement the latest spec they can do this
<ddorwin> If not, one option would be to prevent createSession() from being called on the MediaKeys (throw an exception) on such implementations. We would include a note that implementations should not do this but some do, and this is the behavior
paulc: someone should add these options to the bug and get Apple to respond
ddorwin: Mark can you summarize your discussion in the bug?
markw: yes
paulc: discussion going on
amongst the chairs in how to handle the registries
... some pointers sent to David
ddorwin: neither of those bugs
contain the word "patent" in them
... if we go to editors draft and we still have patent policies
-- that does not seem right
paulc: not being able to meet with the team has slowed this down a bit
paulc: we are not necessarily
marching through all bugs -- need the list to be divided in
... some folks have not filled out the survey yet
ddorwin: would like to see folks
list bugs they are interested in
... on the survey
paulc: is there a way to tag the issues with which ones oare being handled by the editord already?
ddorwin: the "to be implemented" tag is what I have been using
ddorwin: can also do this
<ddorwin> ^ bugs that don't have a solution waiting to be implemented
ddorwin: to filter the bugs
paulc: that is a start --
... so we should prioritize those bugs for discussion?
ddorwin: we have not agreed on the outcome for those yet
paulc: thanks everyone!
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/answrs/answers/ Succeeded: s/not for all applications/not for all implementations/ Succeeded: s/allow for key session that operate without attachment/explicitly allow for key sessions that do not operate without attachment and make this discoverable/ Succeeded: s/Issue 33/Issue 33 - Expose unclosed and unremoved MediaKeySessions on MediaKeys/ Succeeded: s/Issue 31/Issue 31 - generateRequest() should allow the first message to not be a license request based on initData/ Succeeded: s/Issue 9/Issue 9 - Remove note that MediaKeySession events may not be fired until the MediaKeys object is associated with a media element/ Succeeded: s/Bug 26776/Bug 26776 - Diagnosing and resolving CDM errors needs a numeric systemCode/ Succeeded: s/would hav/would have/ Succeeded: s/keyststatuevent/keystatuseschange/ Succeeded: s/stikc with/stick with/ Succeeded: s/systecode/systemcode/ Succeeded: s/ISO9075 subcode/take ISO9075 subcode/ Succeeded: s/debugggin/debugging/ Succeeded: s/joes/Joe's/ Succeeded: s/evryone/everyone/ Found ScribeNick: paulc Found ScribeNick: joesteele Found Scribe: joesteele Found Scribe: joesteele_ Inferring ScribeNick: joesteele_ Found Scribe: joesteele__ Inferring ScribeNick: joesteele__ Scribes: joesteele, joesteele_, joesteele__ ScribeNicks: paulc, joesteele, joesteele_, joesteele__ Default Present: MattWolenetz, paulc, markw, +1.650.458.aaaa, pal, jdsmith, ddorwin, +1.408.536.aabb, joesteele, +1.303.661.aacc, BobLund Present: MattWolenetz paulc markw +1.650.458.aaaa pal jdsmith ddorwin +1.408.536.aabb joesteele +1.303.661.aacc BobLund Agenda: Found Date: 17 Mar 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jdsmith markw[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]