Web Payments Interest Group Teleconference

11 Mar 2015


Manu Sporny, Evert Fekkes, Mario de Armas, Ian Jacobs (Chair), Katie Haritos-Shea, Pat Adler, Dave Raggett.

Regrets: David Ezell, Erik Anderson, Charles McCathieNevile


<scribe> scribe: manu

Ian: Any changes to the Agenda?


<Ian> - Please answer poll for new telco time by 31 March

<Ian> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/73816/wpaytelco2/

<Ian> - FTF 16-18 June in NYC

<Ian> https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/FTF_June2015#Room_Notes

manu: I note that IETF spec is done by Glen Wiley - he's in this group.

Ian: We have info in the meeting page - now in the wiki.

<Ian> https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/FTF_June2015

Ian: If you have any dietary requirements, let me know.

<Ian> telco poll until 16 march

Ian: Any other questions on meetings?

<Ian> manu: At the Bloomberg meeting, there are different meeting rooms planned

goals next steps

<Ian> https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/ExecSummary

Ian: We need to get second draft done and get endorsement done via group.
... I've not heard back from Chaals yet.
... Send in comments in now, we want to do a call for consensus soon.

Manu: Any particular date you want comments in by?

Ian: Comments by March 17th 2015, please.
... After that date, we will have a week-long call for consensus.
... It's important for the purposes of convincing the media.

use cases

<Ian> scribenick: Ian

Manu: Ongoing discussion from docs that ian had produced

Updated use cases draft as a result:

See also from Ian:


Manu: I need to work with Ian to integrate that into the use cases bits

<manu> The "old" sample document: http://www.w3.org/2015/02/wpay-sample.html

<Zakim> Ian, you wanted to mention another doc

Manu: At a high level, the document is laid out in this order now:


1. Very high-level introduction to the document

2. Overview of the payment phases

3. Brief example of how the payment phases look like in real life

4. Detailed breakout of payment phases w/ micro use cases, priorities,

and editor's notes on justification for each micro use case

5. Thorough details on how the payment phases apply to real world

scenarios like credit card, echeck, Bitcoin payment, tax collection,



scribe: use cases are now to be included at each step in each phase.

[IJ excited to see the narratives listed in Manu's 6]

scribe: e.g., "Refunds may not fit" is a good type of comment on the doc

Manu: we are still working on the meaning of steps in the real world:

IJ: we are on the same page
... I feel we now have a good structure to deliver the use cases

Katie: Please include a disclaimer for fictitious company names

Manu: Yes

Web Payments Use Cases - Organized by Phases

<manu> Ian: Two documents that I worked on, glad that they're being helpful.


<manu> scribe: Manu

Ian: I added "Open Questions" in an appendix. Dave Asked a few questions.
... As they occur to us, it may be interesting to write them in.
... Glossary is shared by everyone.
... Speak up if that's something that interests them.

Katie: Payment Agent isn't mentioned.

Ian: Maybe start by bolding "Payment Agent"?

<padler> we'll talk a little bit about that in the payment agent update in a min..

manu: +1

<evert> +1 to deliverables

manu: Why don't we mention slide decks for messaging?

<Ian> [Meanwhile in the timeline I have slides available 25 march]

Ian: I'm working on this, in the background.

<Ian> ACTION: Ian to create draft slide deck on web payments work

<Ian> Payments 2015, 19-22 April 2015 in New Orleans. (NACHA)

Ian: Trying to find the right motivators for a useful slide deck.
... List of companies in group, testimonials, etc. are important.

<Ian> Summary for use cases:

<Ian> * New document structures for comment

<Ian> * Next steps in the use cases task force

<Ian> IJ: Do you have a vision for date for FPWD?

<Ian> Manu: I think we should aim for mid-April

<Ian> ...due to:

<Ian> * once we have that I think that's good enough for FPWD

<Ryladog> Sorry have to drop

<Ian> ...so 2 weeks to get content, 1 week for IG review, 1 week for publishing

Ian: Having that document out by then would be very helpful.

<scribe> scribe: manu

payment agent

Pat: We need to talk through that - focus of the next call.

<Ian> manu: Any questions you need to ask the full IG before Friday's call?

IETF spec on email addresses and payments

<Ian> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-wiley-paymentassoc-00

<Ian> Using DANE to associate payment information with email addresses

<Ian> Abstract:

<Ian> "There is no standard, interoperable method for associating Internet

<Ian> service identifiers with payment information. This document

<Ian> specifies a means for retrieving information sufficient for a party

<Ian> to render payment using various payment networks given the

<Ian> recipient's email address by leveraging the DNS to securely publish

<Ian> payment information in a payment association record. A payment

<Ian> association record associates an Internet service identifier such as

<Ian> an email address with payment information such as an account number

<Ian> or Bitcoin address."

Pat: This is something that we should take a good look at.

Ian: Is it worth doing an evaluation concretely and to the editor?

<Ian> http://www.w3.org/2014/04/payments/webpayments_charter.html

<Ian> Also found from 2004:

<Ian> http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc3867/

Pat: no one specifically.

<Ian> Payment Application Programmers Interface (API) for v1.0

<Ian> Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP)

<Ian> IJ: May be useful to glance at it for architecture discussions

<Ian> Manu: The IETF spec ties in bitcoin to addresses...

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to mention first thoughts.


<evert> https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/GlossaryReference

<Ian> https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/GlossaryReference

<Ian> [Evert: Regrets for next week's call]

<evert> Evert will not be available for the call next week

<evert> So please comments also via the mailing list

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to provide thoughts on glossary

<Ian> Manu: +1 to the glossary direction

<Ian> ...demonstrates to other bodies we are attentive to their work

<Ian> Evert: Still a lot of terms from the old glossary [@@missed]

<evert> There are still a lot of terms from the old glossary

<evert> which we need to decide what to do with

<evert> as these do not refer to the basic terms

manu: +1 to populating the terminology matrix based on need

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to specify why third column is useful.

<Ian> Manu: +1 to not adding to glossary unless the term is actually used.

<Ian> ...I think the refs column is important

<Zakim> Ian, you wanted to clarify comment

<evert> one further question

Evert: One further question.
... Do we need technical integration into use cases document?

<evert> Do we need a "technical integration" in the use cases doc?

<Ian> Manu: Yes.

<Ian> (In the sense of "Respec")

<Ian> Manu: It will be done before FPWD...working on it.

<Ian> http://www.w3.org/2015/Talks/ij-usecases/?full#5

<Ian> payment scheme examples:

<Ian> Examples: Visa, Mastercard, Bitcoin, PayPal, ACH, SEPA.

Ian: What about a fourth column - payment scheme examples?

<Ian> Manu: One concern is space....

<evert> examples might be put in the 2nd column, if required

<Ian> ...if we include completely inline

<Ian> ...maybe we have one shallow up front and then deeper in appendix

Ian: Anything else on the glossary?

<evert> no, input is welcome to the draft


<Ian> we are wrapping up...i can call you separately

<evert> I may have a problem attending the F2F @ NYC

<Ryladog> +1 to combining with June meeting

<Ian> ...I'd rather extend the group's FTF to include a roundtable.

<Ian> padler: I would tend to agree with Manu. When in April?

<Ryladog> Maybe have it the day before F2F

<Ian> IJ: Week of 13 April

<Ian> Competing events:

<Ian> Mobile Commerce and Banking 2015, 20-21 April, London

<Ian> Payments 2015, 19-22 April 2015 in New Orleans. (NACHA)

Ian: I'm hearing no support for April, lots of support for June.

<Ryladog> +1 to June

<Ian> IJ: I will take this back internally

Ian: Any other business?

<Ian> IJ: I don't know date/time of next meeting yet due to open survey

<Ian> ...stay tuned

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION 77: Ian to create draft slide deck on web payments work

[NEW] ACTION 78: Manu to review draft-wiley-paymentassoc-00 and report relation to ig's work


Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.142 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/03/11 17:02:43 $