Input for Agenda Planning for the Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group

This is the view of actions grouped by issues ordered by due dates; see also the view of issues groups by products.

Action Items Pending Review

There are 3 pending review actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) pending review create tracker instance Eric Prud'hommeaux 2014-12-06
ACTION-2 (edit) pending review Set up tracker [recorded in -- pending Eric Prud'hommeaux 2014-12-09
ACTION-4 (edit) pending review Establish/make a wiki page for c-cda rdf representations work [recorded in -- pending Eric Prud'hommeaux 2014-12-09

Overdue action items

There are 90 overdue actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-3 (edit) open Figure out whether he can share uri conventions for icd-11 [recorded in -- pending Guoqian Jiang 2014-12-09
ACTION-5 (edit) open And joshua to report on c-cda rdf representations work plan [recorded in -- pending Eric Prud'hommeaux 2014-12-09
ACTION-6 (edit) open Figure out whether he can share uri conventions for icd-11 [recorded in] Guoqian Jiang 2014-12-09
ACTION-7 (edit) open Set up tracker meeting name [recorded in] -- done Eric Prud'hommeaux 2014-12-16
ACTION-8 (edit) open Figure out whether he can share uri conventions for icd-11 [recorded in] -- pending Guoqian Jiang 2014-12-16
ACTION-9 (edit) open Establish/make a wiki page for c-cda rdf representations work [recorded in] -- pend Eric Prud'hommeaux 2014-12-16
ACTION-10 (edit) open And joshua to report on c-cda rdf representations work plan [recorded in] Eric Prud'hommeaux 2014-12-16
ACTION-11 (edit) open Get the document on the web Rob Frost 2014-12-16
ACTION-12 (edit) open Figure out whether he can share uri conventions for icd-11 [recorded in] -- pending Guoqian Jiang 2014-12-23
ACTION-13 (edit) open And joshua to report on c-cda rdf representations work plan [recorded in] Eric Prud'hommeaux 2014-12-23
ACTION-14 (edit) open Supply link for paper on regular bag expressions Eric Prud'hommeaux 2014-12-30
ACTION-15 (edit) open Figure out whether he can share uri conventions for icd-11 [recorded in] -- done Guoqian Jiang 2015-01-06
ACTION-16 (edit) open Refresh hcls zakim reservation Eric Prud'hommeaux 2015-02-10
ACTION-17 (edit) open Suggest modified wording for fhir ont requirement #11 Sajjad Hussain 2015-02-10
ACTION-18 (edit) open Send uri suggestion document to the list Harold Solbrig 2015-03-17
ACTION-19 (edit) open Suggest use cases to look at Eric Prud'hommeaux 2015-03-24
ACTION-20 (edit) open Hausam to send example of multi-axial hierarchy in loinc Rob Frost 2015-03-24
ACTION-21 (edit) open Ask lloyd what this page means: Eric Prud'hommeaux 2015-03-25
ACTION-22 (edit) open Show an example of generating a uri from the xml structure Eric Prud'hommeaux 2015-05-06
ACTION-23 (edit) open Ssk on the list for preferences about which list convention to use David Booth 2015-05-12
ACTION-24 (edit) open Arrange an hcls bridge for 09:30-11:00 edt Eric Prud'hommeaux 2015-05-12
ACTION-25 (edit) open Try functional and inverse functional properties to see if they fix the blank node problem. Eric Prud'hommeaux 2015-05-13
ACTION-26 (edit) open Write up his and josh's proposal for a registry of clinical terminologies Eric Prud'hommeaux 2015-06-09
ACTION-27 (edit) open Start drafting submission, and distribute for comment Rob Frost 2015-07-21
ACTION-28 (edit) open Check with lloyd about whether someone can define a code, specifying a new coding system uri in Rob Frost 2015-07-21
ACTION-29 (edit) open Create a microparser as a tool that takes an rdf graph and a map from snomed relationships to act relationship type codes and emits an rdf graph with only atomic snomed terms, due 21-aug-2015 Eric Prud'hommeaux 2015-07-28
ACTION-30 (edit) open Look at address / addresspart to figure out if nesting will cause problems representing nesting as subclassing Rob Frost 2015-10-20
ACTION-31 (edit) open Make wiki page from tony's valueset doc Eric Prud'hommeaux 2015-10-20
ACTION-32 (edit) open Work with lloyd to show option a approach (making owl barf if code is not in the stated valueset) Eric Prud'hommeaux 2015-11-10
ACTION-33 (edit) open Convert tony's side-by-side doc to xhtml Eric Prud'hommeaux 2015-11-10
ACTION-34 (edit) open And rob to try tony's fhir ontology and provide feedback Harold Solbrig 2015-11-17
ACTION-35 (edit) open Stoeckert to provide additional resources about how to get into bfo, obo, etc. Chris Pierce 2015-11-17
ACTION-36 (edit) open Stoeckert to show sparql queries used in biobanking and show our use case Chris Pierce 2015-11-17
ACTION-37 (edit) open Stoeckert to provide additional resources about how to get into bfo, obo, etc. Chris Pierce 2015-11-17
ACTION-38 (edit) open Stoeckert to show sparql queries used in biobanking and show our use case Chris Pierce 2015-11-17
ACTION-39 (edit) open Work with tony on further refining the diagram David Booth 2015-12-08
ACTION-40 (edit) open Ask ericp about media types for rdf that is fhir David Booth 2015-12-22
ACTION-41 (edit) open Set up separate webex for wed jan 13 9-10:30am Eric Prud'hommeaux 2016-01-12
ACTION-42 (edit) open Ask grahame for index 0 fhir examples David Booth 2016-01-26
ACTION-43 (edit) open Figure out why toc does not work Eric Prud'hommeaux 2016-02-09
ACTION-44 (edit) open Move github branch from master to gh-pages Eric Prud'hommeaux 2016-02-09
ACTION-45 (edit) open Hausam to translate section 4 to xhtml Rob Frost 2016-02-09
ACTION-46 (edit) open Figure out why toc does not work Eric Prud'hommeaux 2016-02-09
ACTION-47 (edit) open Move github branch from master to gh-pages Eric Prud'hommeaux 2016-02-09
ACTION-48 (edit) open Hausam to translate section 4 to xhtml Rob Frost 2016-02-09
ACTION-49 (edit) open Start separate rdf and ontology docs on github David Booth 2016-02-16
ACTION-50 (edit) open Edit section 3 (terminology) Rob Frost 2016-03-29
ACTION-51 (edit) open Edit the fhir rdf doc except section 3 Eric Prud'hommeaux 2016-03-29
ACTION-52 (edit) open Talk to cecil lynch about possibly accenture becoming a full member Eric Prud'hommeaux 2016-04-05
ACTION-53 (edit) open Make a dir on github for shex Harold Solbrig 2016-04-26
ACTION-54 (edit) open Ask grahame and lloyd David Booth 2016-05-03
ACTION-55 (edit) open Add his proposed fixes to his slides Harold Solbrig 2016-05-24
ACTION-56 (edit) open Start discussion in zulip about the exact semantics of multiple codings Harold Solbrig 2016-05-31
ACTION-57 (edit) open Look into hosting shex-based fhir rdf validator on David Booth 2016-05-31
ACTION-58 (edit) open Work on minvalue/maxvalue and other obvious fhir features that are missing from fhir rdf Harold Solbrig 2016-06-07
ACTION-59 (edit) open Check on validating the validators with failing test cases. Harold Solbrig 2016-06-07
ACTION-60 (edit) open Provide the list of remaining items that need to be implemented in fhir rdf Harold Solbrig 2016-06-21
ACTION-61 (edit) open Ask michael about implementing the round tripping. David Booth 2016-06-21
ACTION-62 (edit) open Prepare slicing and extension examples for discussion next week Harold Solbrig 2016-06-21
ACTION-63 (edit) open Contact renato, grahame and marc about joining a call on fhir and David Booth 2016-06-21
ACTION-64 (edit) open Put together examples of fhir on Harold Solbrig 2016-07-05
ACTION-65 (edit) open Ask renato about scheduling a special teleconference time when he could join, 7am or 8am et or 6pm et David Booth 2016-07-05
ACTION-66 (edit) open Check w linda for a link to the snomed-fhir mapping Harold Solbrig 2016-08-23
ACTION-67 (edit) open Draft warning text about using relative uris for the root node Eric Prud'hommeaux 2016-08-30
ACTION-68 (edit) open Let grahame know that fhir:noderole is missing from some examples such as Harold Solbrig 2016-09-06
ACTION-69 (edit) open Discuss with grahame that non-derefable sourceuri must fail strong validation Harold Solbrig 2016-09-13
ACTION-70 (edit) open Add guidance to the fhir rdf spec doc (at w3c) that if someone erroneously creates a ref uri that parses as though it indicates the type, but does not match the type, then validation may be wrong Eric Prud'hommeaux 2016-10-18
ACTION-71 (edit) open Add suitable verbiage to the fhir rdf spec at w3c, about "a type arc for the referent should be used when available. validation is only defined when there is a discriminating type arc on the referent. if a type arc is implied by the reference uri, then it should be used for validation. however, users should be aware that if the reference uri implies a misleading type, then validation may fail and the rdf graph may be interpreted improperly." Eric Prud'hommeaux 2016-10-18
ACTION-72 (edit) open Work with grahame about fhir:index and fhir:concept missing from the datatype def Harold Solbrig 2016-11-22
ACTION-73 (edit) open Ask daniella meeker to see if she has ideas for chem release use case Eric Prud'hommeaux 2017-01-10
ACTION-74 (edit) open Follow up on fhir:concept issue of instance vs class Harold Solbrig 2017-01-24
ACTION-75 (edit) open Document the owl importing sequence needed to make it work, so that david can add it to the web pages Harold Solbrig 2017-02-07
ACTION-76 (edit) open Ask protege folks to have a hacking session around amia timeframe when harold and eric are in ca Eric Prud'hommeaux 2017-02-07
ACTION-77 (edit) open Find the fhir resource uri regex Harold Solbrig 2017-02-07
ACTION-78 (edit) open Update the generation of fhir.ttl to focus only on reasoning support -- not validation Harold Solbrig 2017-02-14
ACTION-79 (edit) open Initiate discussion with grahame about adding conneg and a variable for ont version. Harold Solbrig 2017-04-04
ACTION-80 (edit) open Request indenting to indicate hierarchy use explicit symbol, such as arrow in Eric Prud'hommeaux 2017-04-11
ACTION-81 (edit) open Check on the resolution of final/amended codes (whether amended is an end state) Rob Frost 2017-04-11
ACTION-82 (edit) open Work with harold on implementing mini-ont generation Rob Frost 2017-04-11
ACTION-83 (edit) open Come up with examples of compositional expression in fhir Harold Solbrig 2017-05-09
ACTION-84 (edit) open Initiate discussion with grahame about adding conneg and a variable for ont version. Harold Solbrig 2017-05-09
ACTION-85 (edit) open Will work out canonical uris and content types with grahame, to redirect to turtle. Eric Prud'hommeaux 2017-05-16
ACTION-86 (edit) open And claude to bring example for next week Eric Prud'hommeaux 2017-05-23
ACTION-87 (edit) open Look at fhir examples for potential use with fma ontology Eric Prud'hommeaux 2017-06-13
ACTION-88 (edit) open Fork and enhance harold's demo as a tutorial. Rob Frost 2017-06-20
ACTION-89 (edit) open Try skolemizing bnodes to see if that helps. that will give more info. then ping protege developers again. Eric Prud'hommeaux 2017-06-20
ACTION-90 (edit) open Hausam to discuss with term group about publishing owl vocabularies for codesystems Rob Frost 2017-08-08
ACTION-91 (edit) open Will sched teleconference with grahame at dev days and notify the rest of us about time/day Harold Solbrig 2017-11-14
ACTION-92 (edit) open Clean up slides on fhir rdf conneg and give to david to post online Harold Solbrig 2017-11-14
ACTION-93 (edit) open Followup with protege community and developers to fix their accept header for owl formats Eric Prud'hommeaux 2017-12-05

Action items due next week

There are 0 upcoming actions.

Issues discussed over the last week

There are 0 recently discussed issues listed in the system.

Raised Issues

There are 43 raised issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-1 (edit) RAISED Fhir modifying extensions and monotonicity 2014-12-02 0
ISSUE-2 (edit) RAISED How to handle fhir versioning? should fhir ontology track the fhir versions? how do we know which version the instance data corresponds to? 2015-01-27 0
ISSUE-3 (edit) RAISED How to represent coding system, code and version as round-trippable uris? 2015-03-03 0
ISSUE-5 (edit) RAISED What rdf mechanism to use for lists/sequences? 2015-04-01 0
ISSUE-8 (edit) RAISED If we treat observation.code as an instance of a class, should that class represent the disease itself or a *description* of the disease? 2015-04-22 0
ISSUE-10 (edit) RAISED How to represent codeableconcept, coding and code? should all three be constraints on a common rdf type? 2015-04-28 0
ISSUE-11 (edit) RAISED Should we define uri template guidance for vocabularies (coding system + code)? 2015-06-09 0
ISSUE-12 (edit) RAISED Should we ask fhir to define canonicalization to be use prior to signatures, to make uris absolute and put elements in predictable order? 2015-06-09 0
ISSUE-13 (edit) RAISED What namespace to use for fhirrdf:index ? 2015-06-24 0
ISSUE-14 (edit) RAISED Should our fhir rdf ontology restrict coding.text to cardinality 0, which would prevent that ontology from being usable with fhir rdf that is combined with non-fhir rdf data that adds a text property? 2015-08-11 0
ISSUE-15 (edit) RAISED Should a valueset be modeled as a union of concept classes, or as a set of concept individuals? 2015-08-25 0
ISSUE-16 (edit) RAISED Should fhir:reference.reference->value be a string or an rdf uri node? 2015-12-01 0
ISSUE-17 (edit) RAISED Should the rdf:types be explicit on the wire or inferred? 2015-12-01 0
ISSUE-18 (edit) RAISED How to determine the base uri for a fhir document, and is it round trippable? 2016-01-19 0
ISSUE-19 (edit) RAISED Should shex be a reference implementation or a schema? 2016-02-16 0
ISSUE-20 (edit) RAISED How to represent fhir:datetime values? three different types? plain xsd:strings? 2016-03-01 0
ISSUE-21 (edit) RAISED Should a type arc be required for the target of a reference? 2016-04-19 0
ISSUE-22 (edit) RAISED Should a type arc be allowed for the target of a reference? 2016-04-19 0
ISSUE-23 (edit) RAISED Do we need a fhir:reference (name tbd) whose value is an rdf uri of the referent? 2016-04-26 0
ISSUE-24 (edit) RAISED Must absolute and relative references be round tripped as is? 2016-04-26 0
ISSUE-25 (edit) RAISED Concept code uri: should we have one? what should it be? 2016-05-17 0
ISSUE-26 (edit) RAISED What should the fhir:link target be in the shex? 2016-05-17 0
ISSUE-27 (edit) RAISED Can we use an rdf iri when the fhir spec says xs:anyuri? 2016-05-17 0
ISSUE-28 (edit) RAISED What are the exact semantics of multiple codings for an observation.code? 2016-05-24 0
ISSUE-29 (edit) RAISED How to handle fhir slicing? 2016-05-31 0
ISSUE-30 (edit) RAISED How to handle elementdefinition.type.aggregation 2016-05-31 0
ISSUE-31 (edit) RAISED How to handle fhir pattern[x] 2016-05-31 0
ISSUE-32 (edit) RAISED How to handle fhir min/max value? 2016-05-31 0
ISSUE-33 (edit) RAISED How to handle elementdefinition.defaultvalue[x]? 2016-05-31 0
ISSUE-34 (edit) RAISED How to handle elementdefinition.meaningwhenmissing ? 2016-05-31 0
ISSUE-35 (edit) RAISED How to handle elementdefinition.fixed[x] ? 2016-05-31 0
ISSUE-36 (edit) RAISED How to handle required/extensible/example in shex? 2016-05-31 0
ISSUE-37 (edit) RAISED Should we try to unify the treatment of extensions with regular resources? 2016-06-21 0
ISSUE-38 (edit) RAISED How to handle modifiers? 2016-06-21 0
ISSUE-39 (edit) RAISED Define canonical fhir rdf 2016-08-23 0
ISSUE-40 (edit) RAISED Fhir rdf ontology urls do not resolve 2017-03-28 0
ISSUE-41 (edit) RAISED Protege does not show bnodes 2017-03-28 0
ISSUE-42 (edit) RAISED Need to clean up the hcls-fhir-rdf github 2017-07-11 0
ISSUE-43 (edit) RAISED Talk with rob hausam about whether to publish this on the fhir site or put it in a terminology service 2017-07-11 0
ISSUE-44 (edit) RAISED How to handle gyear gyearmonth etc as datetime in owl 2017-08-01 0
ISSUE-45 (edit) RAISED Need to follow rector's guidance on handling valuesets in owl 2017-11-07 0
ISSUE-46 (edit) RAISED Is mime type application/json-ld still used? if not, need to take it out of the fhir spec 2017-11-07 0
ISSUE-47 (edit) RAISED Need to get code systems and valuesets back into fhir.ttl 2017-11-28 0

Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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