WebAppSec WG Teleconference, 8-October-2014

08 Oct 2014


See also: IRC log


BHill, gmaone, dveditz, +1.310.597.aaaa, mkwst, +1.503.712.aabb, terri, +1.310.597.aacc, mgoodwin, tanvi, +1.781.262.aadd
Brad Hill


<scribe> Scribe: Brad Hill

<scribe> Scribenick: bhill2

folks, I have internal approval, but the process for me to officially re-join hasn't completed yet, so I'm just going to be silent scribe today

<dveditz> bhill2: do you have a different link to the minutes from last time?

oh, yes

sorry, my agenda script doesn't know about skipped meetings

last minutes were at:


Approval of previous minutes


<mgoodwin> dveditz: I am here; I have no idea if you can hear me

<dveditz> yes, we can

dveditz: reminder, TPAC is coming. today is last day to register at the lower cost rate
... cutoff may be USA Eastern close-of-business, not sure

dan, I can't run the tracker today, sorry - I'm not authorized as a non-member

<tanvi> sorry, had to step away for a minute

dveditz: Next meeting is Monday, Oct 20 at 12:00 noon USA Pacific Time

<dveditz> http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/track/actions/open?sort=owner

dveditz: update your GitHub issues, too before TPAC

Review of Open Actions in the Tracker

[integrity] content-addressable cache?

Review of Spec Actions on GitHub

[integrity] content-addressable cache?

Review of Spec Actions on GitHub



[integrity] content-addressable cache?


<tanvi> chromes implementation isn't touching caching yet

<tanvi> of sri

mkwst: an experimental implementation my jww will hit Chrome canary tomorrow

<tanvi> enforces everythign is cors same origin, publicly cachable

mkwst: we are not touching caching at the moment
... very interested in the possible performance benefits of content addressable caching
... but erring on the side of caution for now
... need to be very careful in working those issues out before proceeding there
... current interest exists for the feature just in integrity verifying mode, expressed by e.g. GitHub

dveditz: concerns if servers give different content to different users

<tanvi> mkwst: hoping that resources that depend on cookies aren't publicly cachable.

mkwst: we hope we've addressed this by only allowing integrity verifying things that are marked as publicly cachable
... also rely on good hashes for this, need ways to migrate in the future

dveditz: we could still use the integrity properties without the caching properties even if hashes are found to be weak
... mozilla has started work on implementing this as well, will try to get feedback on that

<mkwst> https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/1275

mkwst: someone at github has started putting tests into web platform tests

[webappsec] SRI : allow multiple integrity attributes or ni:// uris?

[webappsec] SRI : allow multiple integrity

attributes or ni:// uris?


bhill2: need to resolve the tension between using multiple hashes to indicate multiple valid content vs. defense-in depth hashing

mkwst: use cases for both exist, may need a toggle

(dan, I'm having a bit of trouble hearing you)

[CSP] may we have script-ancestors to protect JSONP call


(aha, that helped a lot, thanks mike)

<mgoodwin> that's better.

ISSUE look into JSONP protections for CSP v.Next

A long time ago I proposed: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2013Jan/att-0030/JSONPDirectiveStrawman.html

wasn't much interest at the time

[Integrity] hash in HTTP header field


this is probably work for the IETF HTTP WG

would it solve problems for us that it is worth proposing to them?

dveditz: not a lot of interest apparent, if nobody wants to champion it on the list will probably just leave it

[Integrity] Some comments on Cross-Origin leakage and content types


mkwst: boils down to the same question about information leakage, needs to be addressed

yeah, sorry - the subject line looked different when I was building the agenda

dveditz: yes, we have another thread about this, not too much worse than you can already get from cache timing and other detection
... think we can address this thread in the same action as the earlier one

[Integrity] Some comments on Subresource Integrity draft


dveditz: mostly spec nits, need to make sure they are clarified

mkwst: yes, reasonable to file an action against it

<dveditz> ACTION: address Integrity spec clarifications in Angel Gonzalez's mail [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-webappsec-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Error finding 'address'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/track/users>.

[MIX] Feedback on the private origin &self-signed certificate requirements


mkwst: one of the basic problems we want to solve is contention between public and private urls
... keep the web from accessing your local machine and things on your local network
... is about protecting the user, not just the web
... is in conflict with what some developers want to do - install a local server and connect to it from the web
... I don't know how to do it safely. CORS headers are one way - if server explicitly allows it, but doesn't give user control over what's going on
... also makes the distinction a bit muddy
... it's an important question
... my tendency is to come down on the side of blocking more than we allow
... but should explore means to do this

other issue - is this orthogonal to what is in MIX - should it happen elsewhere?

mkwst: irrelevant - question doesn't go away, conceptually its very similar
... insecure resource loading changes properties of the secure environment, loading private content into a public resource is similar conceptually
... if folks wanted to split it out, could do that

wonder if IoT will make this much more relevant, and creating a new spec focused on bridging public/private networks may bring additional participation from experts in that community

mkwst: yes, if we want to allow it, but if we just want to lock it down, makes sense to keep it in MIX

tanvi: does chrome block it today?

mkwst: yes, but by virtue of our considering it insecure
... localhost is insecure because it's almost always loaded over http

tanvi: firefox does the same

mkwst: getting a good amount of pushback from folks interested in these local server deployments, at the moment they intentionally don't work

tanvi: if it's already implemented this way, we aren't breaking compat

mkwst: yes, except that there are things on my local network with self-signed certs I've accepted
... we added some measurements to chrome
... see how much private stuff being included in public webpages, get a feel for the impact

dveditz: believe opera has blocked such for a long time
... may have feedback, but people with problems may just switch to another browser

mkwst: right now 0.04% of pages have this

<mkwst> https://www.chromestatus.com/metrics/feature/popularity#MixedContentPrivateHostnameInPublicHostname

mkwst: this for the moment is just a flat list of yesterday's values

[webappsec] Re-chartering discussions at TPAC


dveditz: please propose new topics we might want to standardize, things that are coming up
... webcrypto group will be meeting at TPAC as well

terri: they are on Thursday, I think

mkwst: credential management unofficial draft I've been working on - not clear to me what group should be publishing that

<mkwst> http://mikewest.github.io/credentialmanagement/spec/

mkwst: this group, webcrypto, webapps all come to mind, I'd like to consider that at some point

tanvi: +1

<mkwst> also http://mikewest.github.io/credentialmanagement/writeonly/

terri: +1, know web crypto is looking at more authN related stuff

mkwst: some overlap, also with stuff like FIDO Alliance, argument to be made to move it into that sort of group
... may be a new group spinning up out of web crypto next workshop
... doing a prototype in chrome in hopes some group will find room for it in charter, not optimistic until after TPAC
... potentially more relevant is writeonly link and an opaque formdata element

dveditz: current experience is that websites try to disable password managers with autocomplete='off'

mkwst: hope that making this explicit vs. heuristic might change that trend
... credentials community group also proposed

CSP for WebRTC


dveditz: thread on how to address RTC, believe mike has a tracker item for it?

mkwst: yes something we can consider for v.next

dveditz: seems odd to have another rich data source that impacts what happens in the page with no CSP control
... but not clear what makes sense in a peer context
... other than to disallow peer connections in a page

mkwst: agree we need something, but don't know enough to know what they should be
... proposal looks sane but very coarse-grained

(maybe we can ask EKR?)

<terri> I might be able to ask some folk who are internal to me; will check

tanvi: what hours are we doing at TPAC?

dveditz: schedule on site

generally 9-5 with break for lunch, will try to get a schedule out

dveditz: reminder: new time and day, Monday, noon, 20th, for next call

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: address Integrity spec clarifications in Angel Gonzalez's mail [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-webappsec-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014/10/08 16:02:09 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138  of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/tanvi/terri/
Found Scribe: Brad Hill
Found ScribeNick: bhill2
Default Present: BHill, gmaone, dveditz, +1.310.597.aaaa, mkwst, +1.503.712.aabb, terri, +1.310.597.aacc, mgoodwin, tanvi, +1.781.262.aadd
Present: BHill gmaone dveditz +1.310.597.aaaa mkwst +1.503.712.aabb terri +1.310.597.aacc mgoodwin tanvi +1.781.262.aadd
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2014Oct/0012.html
Got date from IRC log name: 08 Oct 2014
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-webappsec-minutes.html
People with action items: address

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