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<trackbot> Date: 09 July 2014
<janina_> Meeting: IndieUI Task Force Teleconference
<jasonjgw> zakim ??p1 is jasonjgw
<jasonjgw> scribe: jasonjgw
Janina notes that TPAC 2014 registration is open and we are expecting business to conduct at the meeting.
Web Apps and another group, Janina notes, have started working on content editing and have expressed interest in collaborating with us in connection with events.
Cynthia: The Web Apps working group has noted difficulties associated with having Web developers respond to low-level events. The proposal is to allow applications to define their own events. There is overlap between the events they have proposed and those in the IndieUI spec. Web Apps are aware of this overlap and have an interest in cooperation.
Responding to Katie, Cynthia isn't sure what the best arrangement for collaboration would be - this remains to be decided.
<MichaelC> FW: Editing TF and list
Cynthia: Web Apps meeting 11 July at 1500 UTC.
Janina can possibly attend the meeting and notes the desirability of collaborating to solve this problem. Janina notes that accessibility is far from the only use case for abstract events, and we are eager for wider participation, noting the historical (but not current) participation of the Web Events working group.
<janina_> s/
Cynthia notes related work on keyboard events of which we ought to be aware.
Responding to questions, Cynthia notes that it's partly concerned with function keys (home, end, delete, etc.).
Rich notes that our events are even more abstract, but acknowledges the overlap with our work and the significance of portability.
Janina notes also that there is interest in controlling media players.
Replying to Rich, Cynthia clarifies that the content editing events are intended to be independent of the input device used.
Cynthia notes that input methods are evolving rapidly, hence abstractly defined events are of growing importance.
Janina is concerned that we should continue working our spec toward a version 1.0 release, but also recognizes the value of real-world implementation and experience. Thus we should collaborate with minimal impact on the process schedule.
Janina is encouraged by the wider interest which the need to work on events is now attracting.
<MichaelC> scribe: MichaelC
-> User Context Draft Requirements
Requirements doc on TR doesn´t yet have user context requirements
need to add them and republish that
not sure what in the requirements doc is 1.0
and what is later
Andy did some triaging
we had some algorithm for that
we haven´t discussed these for a while
what´s in the spec represents a view of requirements
we have agreed implicitly to the requirements behind what´s in the spec
the requirements are pretty 1:1 with the proposed properties
a higher level view of requirements would help decide how to sort topics
might require a walk-through with the group
still open question about how much we want to incorporate existing external vocabularies
vs. constrain what we ask of implementers
extensibility mechanism may or may not be part of the picture
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) WARNING: Bad s/// command: s/ Found Scribe: jasonjgw Inferring ScribeNick: jasonjgw Found Scribe: MichaelC Inferring ScribeNick: MichaelC Scribes: jasonjgw, MichaelC ScribeNicks: jasonjgw, MichaelC Default Present: janina_, Katie_Haritos-Shea, jasonjgw, kurosawa, Michael_Cooper, [Microsoft], Cooper, Rich_Schwerdtfeger Present: janina_ Katie_Haritos-Shea jasonjgw kurosawa Michael_Cooper [Microsoft] Cooper Rich_Schwerdtfeger Found Date: 09 Jul 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]