See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 09 July 2014
<Chris_M> just joined the call
<Chris_M> no
<Chris_M> I called in from a private number
<npdoty> volunteers to scribe?
<npdoty> scribenick: ChrisPedigoOPA
Justin: 2 open calls for objections
1 - data append
2 - use of data in a different context
justin: will send a remindernote
to the group
... TPE update
... comments received, put into 20-30 categories
... nick to assign issues, roy to take first stab at
... chairs will decide whether issues have already been
... unclear about timing for when issues will be brought to the
<npdoty> nick is behind, but will start creating issues in the next couple days
<fielding> sometime in the next week or two
<npdoty> so, all, be aware that lots of email announcements about issues will come to the mailing list soon
justin: ninja has accepted a new job!
will still be involved, but not as w3c staff
justin: mike o'neill is ok with existing text
<scribe> dropped his change proposal
will allow one more week before closing out issue
justin: some may still want
... but no one has submitted language yet
<npdoty> I implemented Jack's change, and added a note regarding when minimization/permitted uses requirements applied
justin: how to use the definition
of tracking in 3rd party compliance
... roy has suggested a change
... david tried to merge roy's proposal with his
... will send correspondence to the group detailing differences
between roy and david's proposal
roy fielding: trying to incorporate tracking definition and use it for determining what a server must do
roy: trying to avoid the issue of
whether the server is 1st or 3rd party
... if server can change behavior dynamically, it would say
... trying to define each response that a server could
... might need to include language re "if you say t, but don't
include qualifier, then you are not compliant"
justin: also need a link to the TSR?
roy - yes
nick - sounds like Roy's goals are same as David's
nick: using tracking definition is more narrow than "data" in general, but may also need some language about what 1st and 3rd parties can/cannot do
roy - my lang applies to both
justin - doesn't matter re 1st or 3rd, b/c tracking definition is across multiple, unrelated iste
<npdoty> there is a section now for "server compliance" which applies to all servers who are parties, fwiw
justin: don't see why we need radical change here
nick - my understanding of Roy's proposal, we would add lang re TSVs and delete 1st and 3rd party compliance sections but keep permitted uses sectoin
justin: what would be allowed under reformulation that is prohibited today?
nick: might just need more guidance so there is clarity
justin: I don't think Roy's
proposal changes anything
... may need more email discussion to flesh out roy's
justin: spirited email
... example - on twitter, link to NYT article via bitly. Is
bitly a 1st party?
<WileyS> Bitly only becomes a first party if the user clicks on the link - direct interaction
justin: identity providers issue
2 old proposals that noone is arguing for
example - if I use Facebook to authenticate me on NYT, is Facebook a 1st party?
justin: I will put out some
thoughts to see if anyone wants to engage
... could just leave the standard vague here
... probably will go to CFO on link shorteners
<WileyS> Isn't this ultimately up to the party providing the authentication service and their terms with the user - which the user must explicitly consent to in order to use the service? I'd recommend we remain silent on this issue.
nick - is the wiki current?
<npdoty> I think it'll be easier to discuss the link shortener issue once we get concrete text proposals
justin: long standing issue of deidentification
justin: 11 proposals in wiki
<WileyS> How is different than In both cases the link destination can redirect the user - and in both cases the user can almost always see/discover the domain of the link prior to clicking on it.
justin: current text taken from
Peter Swire June draft
... tracks closely with text in FTC 2011 privacy report
... Dan Auerbach has more prescriptive proposal
... david singer proposed minor changes
... roy proopsed deleting last 2 clauses
... red/yellow/green approach
... red = raw data, yelllow = delinked, green = fully
... part of daa proposal from last summer, rejected by w3c
correction - rejected by TPWG chairs
justin: new proposal from Jack Hobaugh, NAI
Jack - based on HIPPA deidentification process
Jack - proposal submitted on behalf of IAB, DMA and NAI
justin: will take a first stab at merging or delineating differences
<fielding> I want my proposal to be active because it is silly to require a contract exist for the release of anonymous statistics.
justin: good point that contract
should not always be required
... group participants should review the proposals
<npdoty> it seems like the proposals are FTC-style (or more or less on it) or HIPAA-style
justin: 2 or 3 hard issues
remaining, this is one of them
... that's all folks
<WileyS> +q
Shane: can someone post a link to the 2 active CFOs and remind that tonight is deadline?
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/w3c chairs/TPWG chairs/ Found ScribeNick: ChrisPedigoOPA Inferring Scribes: ChrisPedigoOPA WARNING: Replacing list of attendees. Old list: npdoty New list: Npdoty +1.303.949.aaaa Carl_Cargill ChrisPedigoOPA JackH +1.206.770.aabb Wendy Amy_Colando moneill2 Chris_M Nielsen__Raymond_? Justin WaltMichel +1.646.654.aacc hefferjr +1.206.770.aadd Jeff vincent Fielding [FTC] WileyS MECallahan kulick Brooks Chapell Default Present: Npdoty, +1.303.949.aaaa, Carl_Cargill, ChrisPedigoOPA, JackH, +1.206.770.aabb, Wendy, Amy_Colando, moneill2, Chris_M, Nielsen__Raymond_?, Justin, WaltMichel, +1.646.654.aacc, hefferjr, +1.206.770.aadd, Jeff, vincent, Fielding, [FTC], WileyS, MECallahan, kulick, Brooks, Chapell Present: Npdoty +1.303.949.aaaa Carl_Cargill ChrisPedigoOPA JackH +1.206.770.aabb Wendy Amy_Colando moneill2 Chris_M Nielsen__Raymond_? Justin WaltMichel +1.646.654.aacc hefferjr +1.206.770.aadd Jeff vincent Fielding [FTC] WileyS MECallahan kulick Brooks Chapell Regrets: rvaneijk dsinger schunter johnsimpson walter ninja Found Date: 09 Jul 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]