W3C @ WWW2014
7-11 April 2014, Seoul, Korea

8APRIL9h00 - 12h30

A W3C tutorial: HTML5 Apps

Michel Buffa (W3C trainer)

Michel Buffa picture

“HTML5 simply rocks!” Web content authors will learn how to enhance the user experience of existing Web sites by incrementally using some of the new HTML5 features presented. This W3C tutorial is a subset of the W3C HTML5 course run within the W3DevCampus program, the W3C online training for Web developers. [slides]

8APRIL14h00 - 17h30

A W3C tutorial: Semantic Web and Linked Data

Fabien Gandon (W3C trainer)

Fabien Gandon picture

“He who controls metadata, controls the Web!”The participants will be guided through the W3C semantic Web stack and its extensions with both an historical perspective and an explanation based on the Web architecture core concepts. [slides]

9APRIL11h00 - 12h30

WWW2014 Conference:
Plenary panel with Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee pictureIn 2014, we all celebrate the 25th anniversary of the birth of the Web and the WWW2014 conference will hold a plenary panel entitled: "The next 25 years".
Moderated by Prof. Wendy Hall, this panel will host Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web and W3C director, as well as leaders in the field who will share with us their vision of what the next 25 years might hold in store for the system that is now an essential part of all our lives. Learn more on the WWW14 Web site.

9APRIL14h00 - 15h30

W3C Track

Harry Halpin

Session 1: Web Cryptography

Harry Halpin picture

"Secure application protocols on the level of Web applications". The W3C Web Cryptography API is the standard API for accessing cryptographic primitives in JavaScript-based environments, and is currently being implemented across all major browsers. We describe the motivations behind the creation of the WebCrypto API and give a high-level overview with motivating use-cases. We'll also explain and discuss with the audience the next steps for the WebCrypto API's future development, which may end up being key to ending the dependence of Korea on plug-ins for e-commerce.

[Talk] Overview of Web Cryptography API and Next Steps, by Harry Halpin (W3C Web Crypto WG staff contact)
[Talk+Demo] Regulatory and technical components of Korean Public Key Infrastructure, by Mountie Lee (Paygate) and Sangrae Cho (ETRI)

9APRIL16h00 - 17h30

W3C Track

Ivan Herman

Session 2: Web and Publishing

Ivan Herman picture

"The Web is “intimately” tied to the intrinsic purpose of publishing". Today, eBooks compete with printed versions, and there is a wide choice of hardware and software available for eBook readers. The worldwide publishing industry is one of the largest communities relying on a large palette of W3C technologies, but dedicated features may be missing.
[Talk] Publishing and the Open Web Platform, by Ivan Herman (W3C Digital Publishing Activity Lead) [slides]
[Talk+Demo]  Publishing and Education Service on the Open Web Platform, by Yong-Sang Cho (KERIS) [slides]

10APRIL11h00 - 12h30

W3C Track

Daniel Davis

Session 3: Web and TV

Daniel Davis picture

"The Web on TV will never work, right? Wrong". Find out how some users are already experiencing the Web on TV without realising it while others are enjoying the social and business opportunities it offers. This session will focus on how HTML5 can co-exist with regional TV standards as well as what's being done to fill the remaining gaps in the Open Web Platform. TV is spreading to a variety of devices thanks to the Web and here's your chance to stay ahead of the curb.
[Talk+Demo] Web and TV: The convergence of two ubiquitous platforms, by Daniel Davis (W3C Web TV staff contact)
[Talk+Demo] PARS - A Distributed Web App Platform, by Dong-Young Lee (LG Electronics)

10APRIL14h00 - 15h30

W3C Track

Shawn Henry and Shadi Abou-Zhara

Session 4: Web Accessibility

                Abou-Zhara picture Shawn Henry "Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web". More specifically, Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web, and that they can contribute to the Web. Web accessibility also benefits others, including older people with changing abilities due to aging.

10APRIL16h00 - 17h00

W3C Track

Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee picture

Session 5: Special anniversaries: Priorities about the Web in the next 25 years
"If we want a Web that is truly for everyone, then everyone must play a role in shaping its next 25 years". As new ideas for the Web also came from the WWW conference series, W3C and Tim Berners-Lee are eager to ask conference participants how they see the Web "technically growing" during the next 25 years. This special W3C track session will give the floor to the audience, so come and discuss!

W3DevCampus logo

W3C Training Courses

HTML5Apps logo

HTML5 Apps

In contrast to native applications or “apps”, HTML5-based apps are platform and device agnostic, meaning that it becomes easy to move apps between devices. However, today, HTML5 lacks important functionalities such as rich APIs to interact with devices and payment support. The goal of the HTML5Apps EU project is to close the gap between native and HTML5 apps through the standardisation of missing HTML5 functionalities.


Celebrate with us!

In 1989 Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web and in 1989 he launched W3C to lead the Web to its full potential. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and partners will celebrate two anniversaries throughout 2014: Web@25 and W3C@20.

At WWW2014, W3C is proud to sponsor the conference "anniversaries" pens.