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<trackbot> Date: 17 April 2014
<janina> Meeting: HTML-A11Y Task Force Teleconference
<scribe> scribe: Mark Sadecki
<scribe> scribeNick: MarkS
JS: Paul? PF is still working on changing our procedure
PC: going forward with DOM4.
Chairs have draft from the editor. Directors call on May
... Canvas has an Editor's Draft that is ready to go back to
LC. Now we need to prepare that document for publication.
... Will require a WG CfC
... nothing definitive yet, but HTML5 will have a heartbeat
coming up once robin wraps up DOM4
... need to get polyglot into CR
... extension specs pending: JSON form submission has last
minute breaking comments
... won't be batched into a big synchronized effort anymore.
will resume a more natural schedule
JS: PF needs to make progress on
HTML mappings doc and steve's HTML ARIA mappings guide as
... need to improve the front matter on that document as well.
there could possibly be a name change since this is to become
one of a series of related documents
JS: I think we are done here. There was a bug filed by WAI to reference a pointer. Accepted and already in the spec.
PLH: What is happening to the original?
JS: plan is for it to be parked as a note
PC: Charles as an action to run a
... recommend the old material is published as a WG Note
... could put in SoTD the list of bugs/comments
... SteveF did a great job of tracking this work
... as soon as you run the CfC in the TF, we will run it in the
MS: as Team Contact for that document, i would be handling the publication as a Note
-> CR Exit CfC
JS: CfC closes tomorrow
... I think 4 week CR period is appropriate
PC: Can i ask Mark that he and
PLH coordinate on all the Director's calls we have coming
... would like to do Longdesc and one of the others at the same
MS: I can do that
PC: longdesc and polyglot, both going into CR should be doable and advantageous for RAlph
JB: we can figure this out Team side
MS: canvas sub-group had its final meeting on monday and worked through the remaining issues for hit regions and drawfocusifneeded. Agreed that the spec was ready to return to LC. The HTML chairs have been notified of this.
PLH: on Monday, the group
discussed MouseEvent handling
... as it was in the spec and in WHAT WG spec it would be
difficult to handle MouseEvents, dispatching the events
... we discussed alternatives and agreed that not dispatching
the event, directing it to the canvas with a event.region
specified, would allow the developer to handle the event any
way they wanted.
... wanted to document that this is different from WHAT WG
... this approach is much easier.
... should be a note in there drawing attention to this
MS: I will follow up with editors that the note is included.
LW: two bugs we would like input from the TF on
LW: disallowing role of
presentation on a table that has a border of 1
... another on presentation table heuristics
JS: presentation as a name will
be changing...
... nobody on today's call that has any expertise in this
LW: recommend anyone?
JS: I will ask the ARIA sub team of PF to address this bug
LW: second bug to improve presentation table heuristics.
JS: I think we originally agreed on this at a TPAC 6 years ago. Gez Lemon and Joshue i think
LW: This was recently filed,
2014. Steve has been involved as well
... I will ping Steve on this then.
LW: as we were going through old
5.0 bugs. a handful were assigned to TF members to look into
them more closely. there is a slight possibility these could
end up back on HTML5
... we need to follow up on these
CS: I have been sick unfortunately, but will coordinate with chaals so we can work through these.
JS: I will also bring it to PF.
JB: Media sub team has a bunch
MS: I have added them to the media sub team agenda for next meeting
LW: Mark and I have also noted a decrease in bug triage participation and are looking for more members again
JB: anyone interested in what is
involved? need to know more?
... the media sub team also has this issue
JS: We do. The media sub team is also looking for new members.
JB: we can brainstorm off line then.
LW: Paul, what about putting an email to the HTML WG?
PC: yes, send out a meeting notification to the WG list
JS: to the admin list?
PC: yes
JS: This was brought up after CSUN
MS: we closed the original bug that sparked this conversation RE table summary. we have an action to open new bug to improve accessible table examples in HTML5 spec against 5.1. editorial in nature, hope it can be ported back to 5.0. details and summary will be removed from html 5.0 and are used as examples so this will need to be cleaned up anyway. hope david macdonald can help with examples and anyone else.
JS: There will be work on this in ARIA 1.1 as well
JS: while we are wrapping up HTML
5.0 our due diligence continues through to 5.1.
... the list of remaining items is getting shorter.
... 5.1 is scheduled to go to LC Q4 this year or even sooner.
We need to get back to 5.1 objectives.
... need to focus and prioritize our work. Media sub group has
taken up work again.
... we are working on the User Requirements for Accessible
... working on resources UA can use to test against
... chaals is interested in a better approach for
... we can use implementations to prioritize
... and those features which would really benefit
PLH: RE moving the date of 5.1
sooner. That is not true. what was discussed at F2F was that
the next update to rec in 2016 would be changed. We would move
to annual updates, reducing expectations for dot releases
... you would just need to prioritize what you want at the end
of 2015 and then again at the end of 2016, etc
JS: it was a goal of PF to align ARIA 1.1 with HTML 5.1 based on the timelines in 2014, so that the gold standard for accessibility would be HTML 5.1 and ARIA 1.1 etc.
PLH: was it just the names of the specs? or the dates?
JS: the dates
PLH: ok so you would need to align with 5.2 in that case.
PC: these timelines are very loose at this point.
JS: there has been some
frustration on the ARIA side of things. ARIA was a reaction to
gaps in HTML 4. a lot of it was retrospective. ARIA 1.0 was
very reparative in nature. 1.1 will be more proactive. and
leverage testing that goes along with w3c spec.
... the goal will remain that some convergence of dates
... not so much how HTML changes their pub dates, just that
these two (or more) specs align well
PLH: on the wish list, there are things like payment on it. and we weren't sure how that related to HTML 5.1. I understand this is a loose list.
PLH: i think more work needs to
happen on the wish list.
... we may need more use cases for some of these. like emotion
mark up.
JB: I think you could brainstorm
with her.
... eml would be extremely valuable
JS: I will bring that up in the
cognitive call
... Would also like to stay informed regarding any changes to
HTML publishing dates/goals
PLH: there is still support for extension specs as well.
JS: transcript was never taken up. we had two proposals on the table. ARIA is in a better position to help with that.
MS: We can revisit this in Media sub group
PC: were there actual specs developed or just email?
JS: there were some formal
proposals and some preliminary spec drafts I believe
... we were waiting to see what shakes out
PC: might get better interop by pushing these along
JS: since we are talking media, there is some work being done in IndieUI for media control.
PC: going back to heartbeats
PC: HTML5 Heartbeat to be published the same week as canvas. Perhaps we could schedule both for Thursday May 1. We'll see how Robin responds. He is on vacation next week. So an HTML5 heartbeat in 12-14 days
<paulc> Regrets from Paul for two weeks - on vacation Apr 19-May 3
JS: any volunteers for scribe next week?