See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 10 April 2014
<janina> Meeting: HTML-A11Y Task Force Teleconference
<scribe> scribe: aardrian
PC: Sam and I have been getting
feedback on whether WG needs to continue using Decision
... Chairs announced at F2F is that new work mode being put
into place immediately.
... Big change, no CfC for heartbeats, just stay on top of
consensus and keep publishing.
... Will stop pushing CfCs through WG, but will still use for
FD, LC, etc. as defined by process doc.
... Spent time checking status of normative docs (DOM4, HTML5,
Canvas) and checking testing results.
... Just sent email to Public-HTML outlining changes for what
is at risk for HTML 5.0..
... Hope to publish update in next few weeks outlining what has
been removed.
... Chairs will try to send HTML5 to LC in June to keep on
track to deliver Rec by 4th quarter 2014.
... Talked about HTML5.1 for a while, sentiment to speed up the
schedule for 5.1.
... Maybe 5.1 could take 18 months instead of 2 years.
... PF schedule for ARIA 1.1 might be aligned with HTML 5.1
... Decided to mark Ruby as at-risk for LC due to interop
evidence, don't want to hold up 5.0.
CS: Mentioned in meeting that a11y TF and PF would be interested in timeline changes.
PC: Ad hoc 30min discussion about
contentEditable. No quick summary, web apps / HTML
... A11y folks may have interest. Was added to agenda last
minute. Check the F2F minutes for a note.
CS: Initial discussion around
more API-based approach to editing.
... Keyboard shortcuts available in some browsers, not others,
<paulc> HTML WG F2F minutes on content editable:
CS: API-based minimizes those
... Also suggested in addition to shortcuts, consistent/common
visual controls.
... General consensus was more API based.
JS: Was there a sense that would happen in 5.1 timeframe?
CS: I didn't hear a timeline.
PC: Web Apps meeting today and tomorrow, API meeting probably happening in Web Apps. Watch over next 48 hours.
CM: Technically similar to issue with date inputs. Different controls, expectations. Complex issues - but WebApps tends not to set time schedules for releases.
<paulc> If the HTML WG does HTML 5.1 before 2016 then this might impact any plans of the TF or PF WG to align with the HTML 5.1 schedule.
JS: Highlights: no longer CfCs in
HTML for heartbeat publications,
... HTML 5.1 might move down rec track faster than in plan
... implications for ARIA are an open question as its timeline
maybe cannot catch up.
PC: If TF or PF plan was for a
2016 publish date, may want to stay with that plan.
... That means you might end up being aligned with HTML 5.2
instead of 5.1.
JS: Steve F is prime mover, need his input.
PC: Let's take it offline for now and update Steve F on work plan.
JS: Second heartbeat, HTML
Mappings, we discussed in ARIA editors call yesterday.
... We'll see state of document when heartbeat date is set.
JS: We may have had a decision on last week's call to move forward, some feedback on list.
PC: At F2F, only discussion was
Mark's update. He is on board with Candidate LC Draft.
... Mark reported that editors are still trying to confirm
everything in document is correct.
JS: I believe everything we
expected to port from 5.1 is now in 5.0.
... Bug we were awaiting from WAI has been filed, referenced in
<paulc> ACTION-227?
<trackbot> ACTION-227 -- Mark Sadecki to Email group for next bug triage meeting -- due 2014-01-30 -- OPEN
<paulc> ACTION-228?
<trackbot> ACTION-228 -- Steve Faulkner to Produce a list of the bugs relating to the alt guidance changes -- due 2014-02-06 -- OPEN
<paulc> ACTION-239?
<trackbot> ACTION-239 -- Charles McCathie Nevile to Put a review of the html alt guidance on the agenda, and call for consensus to stop work on the original guidance note -- due 2014-04-10 -- OPEN
PC: This is one of the 10 documents HTML WG needs to push forward. Will copy Janina and Chaals as it moves forward.
JS: I think we have 2 questions
wrapped in alt.
... 1. is the TF happy with the notion of a pointer from that
section of the spec to additional resources?
<paulc> ACTION-238?
<trackbot> ACTION-238 -- Charles McCathie Nevile to Ensure that review of alt guidance page (not in the html spec) is on the tf agenda -- due 2014-04-10 -- OPEN
JS: 2. the disposition on Steve's document as an HTML WG note.
PC: That second action is 238. Need to find if WG is comfortable with landing page prior to publishing heartbeat/
CN: Have an item to write up exit
... We will have tests to show 2 UAs meet the "must"
requirement in the spec.
... For spec editing, Mark has that on his to-do list.
... Expect to put spec into CR.
... Think we haven't formally agreed that test suite represents
all the "must" requirements.
JS: No longer looking for zero-length CR time. Will go into CR for some short period of time.
LW: Haven't met for 2 or 3 weeks,
but are nearly at end of going through 5.0 bugs. 3 left?
... Now have 3 lodged under TF component in Bugzilla.
JS: Request for editorial
improvements in the spec, brought up at CSUN. Any
... The people behind it may not be here today.
JS: Close to wrapping 5.0,
probably need to start to focus on 5.1.
... Includes looking at 5.0 features at-risk,
... There is a wiki for things we are looking to achieve in