IRC log of html-a11y on 2014-04-10

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:52:39 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y
14:52:39 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:52:41 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
14:52:41 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #html-a11y
14:52:43 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 2119
14:52:43 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM scheduled to start 52 minutes ago
14:52:44 [trackbot]
Meeting: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
14:52:44 [trackbot]
Date: 10 April 2014
14:54:15 [janina]
Meeting: HTML-A11Y Task Force Teleconference
14:54:15 [janina]
Chair: Janina
14:54:15 [janina]
agenda+ Identify Scribe
14:54:18 [janina]
agenda+ HTML-WG F2F Outcomes
14:54:21 [janina]
agenda+ Upcoming Heartbeat Publications
14:54:23 [janina]
agenda+ Canvas 2D Status & Next Steps [See Below]
14:54:26 [janina]
agenda+ Alt Guidance & Next Steps [See Below]
14:54:28 [janina]
agenda+ Longdesc Update [See Below]
14:54:31 [janina]
agenda+ Bug Triage: Review of Resolved Bugs tracked by TF [see below]
14:54:33 [janina]
agenda+ Table Summary Issues Redux
14:54:36 [janina]
agenda+ Other Business
14:54:38 [janina]
agenda+ Identify Scribe for the next TF teleconference
14:54:41 [janina]
agenda+ be done
14:55:50 [LJWatson]
LJWatson has joined #html-a11y
14:57:18 [paulc]
paulc has joined #html-a11y
14:58:19 [janina]
14:58:24 [Judy]
Judy has joined #html-a11y
14:58:30 [janina]
zakim, call janina
14:58:31 [Zakim]
ok, janina; the call is being made
14:58:31 [Zakim]
WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM has now started
14:58:32 [Zakim]
14:58:58 [janina]
zakim, take up item 1
14:58:58 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "Identify Scribe" taken up [from janina]
14:59:14 [Zakim]
14:59:40 [Judy]
zakim, who's here?
14:59:40 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Janina, Judy
14:59:42 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Judy, paulc, LJWatson, Zakim, RRSAgent, IanPouncey, janina, hober, sivoais_, cabanier, MarkS, trackbot
15:00:22 [janina]
regrets: Mark
15:00:22 [Zakim]
15:00:32 [paulc]
zakim, [Microsoft] is me
15:00:32 [Zakim]
+paulc; got it
15:00:35 [aardrian]
aardrian has joined #html-a11y
15:00:47 [Zakim]
15:01:01 [Zakim]
15:02:19 [LJWatson]
zakim, [IPCaller] is LJWatson
15:02:19 [Zakim]
+LJWatson; got it
15:02:59 [aardrian]
scribe: aardrian
15:03:38 [Billy_Gregory]
Billy_Gregory has joined #html-a11y
15:03:46 [aardrian]
next item
15:04:11 [aardrian]
zakim, next item
15:04:11 [Zakim]
agendum 2 was just opened, aardrian
15:04:23 [Zakim]
15:04:34 [Zakim]
15:04:48 [Zakim]
15:06:01 [Billy_Gregory]
Zakim, +[IPcaller] is me
15:06:01 [Zakim]
sorry, Billy_Gregory, I do not recognize a party named '+[IPcaller]'
15:06:40 [janina]
zakim, who's on the phone?
15:06:40 [Zakim]
On the phone I see paulc, Adrian_Roselli, LJWatson, [IPcaller], Cynthia_Shelly, Janina
15:07:21 [Billy_Gregory]
Zakin, [IPcaller] is me
15:08:07 [Billy_Gregory]
Zakim, [IPcaller] is me
15:08:07 [Zakim]
+Billy_Gregory; got it
15:08:58 [aardrian]
PC: Sam and I have been getting feedback on whether WG needs to continue using Decision Policy
15:09:40 [aardrian]
PC: Chairs announced at F2F is that new work mode being put into place immediately.
15:10:04 [aardrian]
PC: Big change, no CfC for heartbeats, just stay on top of consensus and keep publishing.
15:10:34 [aardrian]
PC: Will stop pushing CfCs through WG, but will still use for FD, LC, etc. as defined by process doc.
15:10:44 [chaals]
chaals has joined #html-a11y
15:10:57 [aardrian]
PC: Spent time checking status of normative docs (DOM4, HTML5, Canvas) and checking testing results.
15:11:11 [Zakim]
15:11:31 [aardrian]
PC: Just sent email to Public-HTML outlining changes for what is at risk for HTML 5.0..
15:11:48 [Zakim]
15:11:55 [aardrian]
PC: Hope to publish update in next few weeks outlining what has been removed.
15:12:06 [Zakim]
15:12:19 [aardrian]
PC: Chairs will try to send HTML5 to LC in June to keep on track to deliver Rec by 4th quarter 2014.
15:12:27 [chaals]
zakim, [ip is me
15:12:27 [Zakim]
+chaals; got it
15:12:35 [aardrian]
Talked about HTML5.1 for a while, sentiment to speed up the schedule for 5.1.
15:13:09 [aardrian]
s/ Talked/PC: Talked/
15:13:29 [aardrian]
PC: Maybe 5.1 could take 18 months instead of 2 years.
15:13:31 [Zakim]
15:13:46 [chaals]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:13:46 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate chaals
15:13:48 [aardrian]
PC: PF schedule for ARIA 1.1 might be aligned with HTML 5.1 schedule.
15:14:04 [chaals]
zakim, make logs public
15:14:04 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'make logs public', chaals
15:14:13 [chaals]
rrsagent, make log public
15:15:08 [chaals]
Present+ PaulC, Judy, Aardrian
15:15:12 [chaals]
zakim, who is here
15:15:12 [Zakim]
chaals, you need to end that query with '?'
15:15:15 [aardrian]
PC: Decided to mark Ruby as at-risk for LC due to interop evidence, don't want to hold up 5.0.
15:15:19 [chaals]
zakim, who is here?
15:15:19 [Zakim]
On the phone I see paulc, Adrian_Roselli, LJWatson, Billy_Gregory, Cynthia_Shelly, chaals, Judy, Janina
15:15:22 [Zakim]
On IRC I see chaals, Billy_Gregory, aardrian, Judy, paulc, LJWatson, Zakim, RRSAgent, IanPouncey, janina, hober, sivoais_, cabanier, MarkS, trackbot
15:15:54 [aardrian]
CS: Mentioned in meeting that a11y TF and PF would be interested in timeline changes.
15:15:57 [chaals]
Present+ CynthiaS, Leonie, BillyG
15:16:19 [aardrian]
PC: Ad hoc 30min discussion about contentEditable. No quick summary, web apps / HTML overlaps.
15:16:54 [aardrian]
PC: A11y folks may have interest. Was added to agenda last minute. Check the F2F minutes for a note.
15:17:25 [aardrian]
CS: Initial discussion around more API-based approach to editing.
15:17:29 [chaals]
15:17:38 [aardrian]
CS: Keyboard shortcuts available in some browsers, not others, etc.
15:17:41 [paulc]
HTML WG F2F minutes on content editable:
15:17:52 [aardrian]
CS: API-based minimizes those issues.
15:18:20 [aardrian]
CS: Also suggested in addition to shortcuts, consistent/common visual controls.
15:18:33 [aardrian]
CS: General consensus was more API based.
15:18:48 [aardrian]
JS: Was there a sense that would happen in 5.1 timeframe?
15:18:54 [aardrian]
CS: I didn't hear a timeline.
15:19:20 [aardrian]
PC: Web Apps meeting today and tomorrow, API meeting probably happening in Web Apps. Watch over next 48 hours.
15:19:27 [janina]
15:20:17 [aardrian]
CM: Technically similar to issue with date inputs. Different controls, expectations. Complex issue.
15:21:41 [chaals]
s/issue/issues - but WebApps tends not to set time schedules for releases/
15:22:00 [paulc]
If the HTML WG does HTML 5.1 before 2016 then this might impact any plans of the TF or PF WG to align with the HTML 5.1 schedule.
15:22:09 [aardrian]
JS: Highlights: no longer CfCs in HTML for heartbeat publications,
15:22:32 [aardrian]
JS: HTML 5.1 might move down rec track faster than in plan 2014,
15:22:52 [aardrian]
JS: implications for ARIA are an open question as its timeline maybe cannot catch up.
15:23:25 [aardrian]
PC: If TF or PF plan was for a 2016 publish date, may want to stay with that plan.
15:23:38 [aardrian]
PC: That means you might end up being aligned with HTML 5.2 instead of 5.1.
15:25:14 [chaals]
15:25:31 [aardrian]
next item
15:26:19 [aardrian]
JS: Steve F is prime mover, need his input.
15:26:30 [aardrian]
PC: Let's take it offline for now and update Steve F on work plan.
15:27:30 [aardrian]
JS: Second heartbeat, HTML Mappings, we discussed in ARIA editors call yesterday.
15:27:52 [aardrian]
JS: We'll see state of document when heartbeat date is set.
15:28:46 [aardrian]
next item
15:29:22 [aardrian]
JS: We may have had a decision on last week's call to move forward, some feedback on list.
15:29:52 [aardrian]
PC: At F2F, only discussion was Mark's update. He is on board with Candidate LC Draft.
15:30:14 [aardrian]
PC: Mark reported that editors are still trying to confirm everything in document is correct.
15:30:34 [aardrian]
next item
15:30:54 [aardrian]
JS: I believe everything we expected to port from 5.1 is now in 5.0.
15:31:07 [aardrian]
JS: Bug we were awaiting from WAI has been filed, referenced in agenda.
15:31:29 [aardrian]
15:31:35 [paulc]
15:31:40 [paulc]
15:31:40 [trackbot]
ACTION-227 -- Mark Sadecki to Email group for next bug triage meeting -- due 2014-01-30 -- OPEN
15:31:40 [trackbot]
15:31:51 [paulc]
15:31:51 [trackbot]
ACTION-228 -- Steve Faulkner to Produce a list of the bugs relating to the alt guidance changes -- due 2014-02-06 -- OPEN
15:31:51 [trackbot]
15:31:53 [chaals]
15:32:39 [paulc]
15:32:44 [paulc]
15:32:44 [trackbot]
ACTION-239 -- Charles McCathie Nevile to Put a review of the html alt guidance on the agenda, and call for consensus to stop work on the original guidance note -- due 2014-04-10 -- OPEN
15:32:44 [trackbot]
15:33:40 [aardrian]
PC: This is one of the 10 documents HTML WG needs to push forward. Will copy Janina and Chaals as it moves forward.
15:34:05 [aardrian]
JS: I think we have 2 questions wrapped in alt.
15:34:30 [aardrian]
JS: 1. is the TF happy with the notion of a pointer from that section of the spec to additional resources?
15:34:35 [paulc]
15:34:35 [trackbot]
ACTION-238 -- Charles McCathie Nevile to Ensure that review of alt guidance page (not in the html spec) is on the tf agenda -- due 2014-04-10 -- OPEN
15:34:35 [trackbot]
15:34:53 [aardrian]
JS: 2. the disposition on Steve's document as an HTML WG note.
15:35:27 [aardrian]
PC: That second action is 238. Need to find if WG is comfortable with landing page prior to publishing heartbeat/
15:35:44 [aardrian]
next item
15:35:51 [janina]
15:35:57 [chaals]
15:35:58 [janina]
ack c
15:36:02 [aardrian]
next item
15:36:08 [chaals]
15:37:06 [aardrian]
CN: Have an item to write up exit criteria.
15:37:30 [aardrian]
CN: We have tests to show 2 UAs meet the "must" requirement in the spec.
15:37:57 [aardrian]
CN: For spec editing, Mark has that on his to-do list.
15:38:08 [aardrian]
CN: Expect to put spec into CR.
15:38:29 [aardrian]
CN: Think we haven't formally agreed that test suite represents all the "must" requirements.
15:38:55 [aardrian]
JS: No longer looking for zero-length CR time. Will go into CR for some short period of time.
15:39:15 [aardrian]
next item
15:39:23 [janina]
ack c
15:39:27 [aardrian]
next item
15:39:35 [chaals]
s/have tests/will have tests/
15:39:55 [aardrian]
LW: Haven't met for 2 or 3 weeks, but are nearly at end of going through 5.0 bugs. 3 left?
15:40:11 [aardrian]
LW: Now have 3 lodged under TF component in Bugzilla.
15:40:29 [aardrian]
next item
15:41:04 [aardrian]
JS: Request for editorial improvements in the spec, brought up at CSUN. Any activity?
15:41:20 [aardrian]
JS: The people behind it may not be here today.
15:41:40 [aardrian]
next item
15:41:58 [aardrian]
JS: Close to wrapping 5.0, probably need to start to focus on 5.1.
15:42:22 [aardrian]
JS: Includes looking at 5.0 features at-risk, accessibility.
15:42:34 [aardrian]
JS: There is a wiki for things we are looking to achieve in 5.1.
15:42:47 [aardrian]
15:43:26 [Zakim]
15:43:33 [Zakim]
15:43:45 [Zakim]
15:43:46 [Zakim]
15:43:47 [Zakim]
15:43:54 [Zakim]
15:43:59 [aardrian]
zakim, bye
15:43:59 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees were Janina, Judy, paulc, Adrian_Roselli, LJWatson, Cynthia_Shelly, Billy_Gregory, [IPcaller], chaals
15:43:59 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #html-a11y
15:44:17 [aardrian]
rrsagent, make minutes
15:44:17 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aardrian
16:07:50 [aardrian]
aardrian has left #html-a11y
17:34:42 [hober]
hober has joined #html-a11y
17:35:00 [cabanier__]
cabanier__ has joined #html-a11y