WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force Teleconference

13 Mar 2014

See also: IRC log


Shadi, Liz, Martijn, Sarah, Eric, Detlev, MaryJo, MoeKraft, Richard
Kathy, Tim, Alistair



Eric: test run discussion
... sent round info thid morning

<shadi> Detlev: thought we agreed to have controlled test run

<shadi> ...and additionally people to evaluate other websites

<shadi> ...but now it looks like we are all doing one website

<shadi> ...confused about this change

Detlev: explains his understanding

Eric: explains his understandign (first the one site, later more)

Sarah: one survey for the one identifed site, another one for open evaluations
... survwey just for the one werbsite?

Eric: yes, at the moment
... could remove name of site from survey

I would prefer that

<Sarah_Swierenga> +1 to generic survey for other websites

Shadi: prefers not to have the chosen werbsite named in public
... two versions: one only for the group, send urls off-list; another general public survey
... remove link from our survey, provide URL off-list

Eric: why

<richard> I agree with Shadi

Shadi: people should not get hung up that we evaluated this particvular website - the important thing is feedback on methodology

Sarah: As long as survey is distributed just to the group there is no concern on behalf of MSU
... A second generic version for the testerun for the wider public

Eric: put EVAL TF survey bwehind password?

Sarah: would work

Shadi: Link was already circulated, people can identify the site

Sarah: having two surveys helps

Eric: EVAL TF has and avantage
... otheer comments?
... specifc evaluation for the EVAL TF group only, remove referecne to site, make survey password protected?

Sarah: It's ben okeyed that survey with reference to URL can be sent to trusted evaluators (also beyond EVAL TF)

<Liz> +1

<Sarah_Swierenga> +1 to relaunching the 4-H survey with a password

<MoeKraft> +1

<richard> +1

Eric: will close current survey, put out new survey where evaluator


<MaryJo> +1

Shadi: Will you remove link from Survey?

Eric: Yes - link to survey can stand, URL IN survey will be removed.

Shadi: Needs modified message to tel people that they can pick their own website for evaluaton

Eric: The survey for the specific evaluation will be sent to EVSAL TF members plus selected evaluators - reference to site will be sent off-list
... there is no harm because the output of the evaluation will not be publicly visible

<shadi> +1

Shadi: even though, we will talk about resulats later - better not to have too much info in public space on specific sites

<MartijnHoutepen> +1

Eric: will make changes after this call
... any mire comments?

Detlev: give a rationale for picking a range of sites

Eric: not many other topics

<Sarah_Swierenga> Sorry, but I need to leave for my off-site grant research meeting now. I'm looking forward to meeting/seeing some of you next week at CSUN. Safe travels!

Disposition of comments

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/2011/eval/f2f_CSUN

Shadi: no comment yet, still working on disposition of comments to prepare it for face 2 face meeting
... one open thing to discuss is the issue of scoring
... any other thing you find important?

<shadi> Detlev: from going through the techniques, it seems that several are quite out of date

<shadi> ...how does this impact WCAG-EM

Shadi: WCAG WG will publish techniques more regularly in the future
... Techniques are just advisory, focus is on SC

Mentioning that WCAG-EM, leaving the how-to-evaluate up to evaluators, might set a realistic expectatino level in the text itself

Eric: good point for the agrnda
... Group comments in dsposition of comments, then think of answers

Shadi: important for prioritization
... will work on comments to make it easier to tacke

When is the deadline?

Eric: project deadline is passed

Test-run work after publishng the note, possibly

Shadi: deadline for testrun is 10 April
... test run may change recommendations
... process the resutls of test run until end of April

Publication end of May

Detlev: as draft

Shadi: depends on comments - if there is need for substantial changes int may delay finalisation
... there are hints that oveerall WCAG-EM is on the right track

Detlev: wondering if further work wil be done on it, and how it is funded

Shadi: wortk was chartered to lead to a WG note, and that is it for the moment

No plan to publish the note of the public notes and test run results, final note wil include this feedback

That was Shadi

Shadi: hopes that by end of May work will be finished.... :-)
... there is more work needed on continued maintenance of the Techniques and Failures

Eric: No further issues

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014/03/14 13:46:19 $