See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 12 March 2014
<janina> Meeting: PFWG telecon
<janina> agenda: this
<scribe> scribe: MaryJo
LS: For the hackathon we could
build a database of right and wrong examples for ARIA to use as
test cases.
... For example a <span> with a role of 'main' is a
... Welcomes members to add more examples and report any issues
to Lisa Seeman.
LS: More fields can be added if we need them.
JS: Are there any edits or corrections from last week's meeting minutes?
RESOLUTION: Approved minutes as redacted for public publication.
JS: We had a last-minute comment
saying we were using the wrong RDF-related language.
... We have a proposed solution and it has gone out for
MC: The director had looked at
the proposed solution which doesn't change how things are
referenced. The director thought the IRI change is a broader
change and suggested we roll back the change and keep the 'any
RDF reference such as a URI' to fix the comment.
... We need input from implementers to get feedback on this
comment resolution.
... Have feedback from some companies like Microsoft, but need
additional responses. Need input from James Craig and some
RS: IBM approves. We don't use RDF.
<Zakim> ShaneM, you wanted to clarify URI vs IRI when we are talking about @role
SM: With regards to role, role attribute, etc. URI is the same as IRI. It wasn't changed in the RDF text either, just noted that a URI is an IRI.
<janina> Draft RESOLUTION: PF approves the ARIA 1.0 edit regarding IRI's proposed in the CfC at
RESOLUTION: PF approves the ARIA 1.0 edit regarding IRI's proposed in the CfC at
JS: We will have to wait for the
end of the 48 hours before actually closing this out.
... We are otherwise approved to move ARIA to recommendation
MC: Covered 3 older action items and will have to follow up with the owners who aren't on the call today.
<MichaelC> Linked Data Platform 1.0
MC: Describes a set of best practices for linked data using the RDF model.
JS: Doesn't see any UI implications, so it isn't of concern.
MC: HTML imports isn't a first public working draft - about HTML includes.
JS: We can wait till last call on that.
<MichaelC> ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) CG
MC: Mission is to define object-centered communications for mobile.
JS: We might want to check into this a little bit more.
MC: Will put this in the list of groups we want to do a bit of investigation into.
JS: We have to organize how to track the API work. We should work on this after CSUN.
CS: Read through it and it has a
strongly worded note about background images and sprites for
high contrast. However the solution is costly in server cycles,
so we need a good solution to probably have added to this
... For a custom focus ring, it would be nice to have an
example or a link to an example.
... There could be a special treatment for the styling of items
in the focus ring.
LS: If they haven't mentioned how to do these things in the spec, they need to add them.
CS: This spec doesn't contain a
lot of examples.
... Having an example would be useful.
... If an example wouldn't be added because there aren't many
examples, we want to ask where would they put examples.
<ShaneM> I like the idea of a high contrast media query
CS: Another new feature would be a media query for high contrast to switch images to high contrast images, modify borders, etc.
<joanie> +1 to making it generalized
RESOLUTION: Formalize Cynthia's comments into PF working group comments.
<MichaelC> close action-1387
<trackbot> Closed action-1387.
LS: Did a review, and now PF needs to review.
JS: Will take ownership of this.
JS: Nothing we can do on this today.
JS: Leonie isn't here today, so we should hold off on this.
JS: Told Judy PF would like to
rename itself. We've done our due diligence and are waiting to
hear back.
... This is tied to our new charter, the next item on the
... It looks like all blocking issues are out of the way, so we
can move forward getting the new name.
JS: This is in progress, awaiting processing.
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say ARIA / HTML 5 a11y push focus and to say temp WG focus and to say infracstructure
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say doesn´t affect cognitive and to say review
JF: It looks like the ARIA techniques task force can soon reach a logical conclusion. Originally the Task force was created to take up development of techniques to help out the WCAG working group.
MC: The task force started in the WCAG working group but they needed the PF expertise on ARIA and HTML5 to develop examples and so PF members joined the WCAG working group to contribute in that task force.
JF: The task force may have run
it’s time and wants to determine if it should remain in the
future. When WCAG takes up the example development, the PF
members won’t need to be involved in regular meetings.
... The PF working group can propose techniques and also review
techniques as they are developed by the WCAG working group.
RS: Additional technologies like SVG may require a joint effort, but not necessarily require a task force.
MC: The cognitive task force can propose techniques as part of its work.
RS: We’ve got to work on a transition to the WCAG working group for developing techniques.
JS: The meeting for this coming
Wednesday, the 19th has been canceled due to CSUN.
... This means the next meeting is in 2 weeks, on the 26th.
JS: Meeting adjourned.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/'main'./'main' is a failure./ Succeeded: s/REOLUTION:/RESOLUTION:/ Succeeded: s/rssagent, draft minutes// Succeeded: s/rssagent, make minutes// Succeeded: s/rssagent, make minutes// Succeeded: s/I need to drop temporarily// Found Scribe: MaryJo Inferring ScribeNick: MaryJo Default Present: janina, James_Nurthen, Michael_Cooper, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Lisa_Seeman, Shane_McCarron, +1.512.659.aaaa, Joanie_Diggs, Suzann_Keohane Present: janina James_Nurthen Michael_Cooper Rich_Schwerdtfeger Lisa_Seeman Shane_McCarron Mary_Jo_Mueller Joanie_Diggs Susann_Keohane John_Foliot wuwei Cynthia_Shelly Regrets: Billy_Gregory Agenda: Found Date: 12 Mar 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]