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14:14:14 <yvesr> Guest: Steve (SteveH) Harris
14:14:14 <RRSAgent> logging to
RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to ←
14:14:16 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world ←
14:14:18 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 73394
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be 73394 ←
14:14:18 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 46 minutes
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 46 minutes ←
14:14:19 <trackbot> Meeting: RDF Working Group Teleconference
14:14:19 <trackbot> Date: 03 April 2013
14:15:02 <ivan> ivan has changed the topic to: RDF WG -- current agenda:
Ivan Herman: ivan has changed the topic to: RDF WG -- current agenda: ←
14:25:54 <ivan> Regrets: Guus, DavidW, AndyS
14:52:38 <gavinc> Ugh, it seems my update today is: No I haven't had time to send the Grant requests or setup something to deploy to 2013/turtle-testsuite/
(No events recorded for 37 minutes)
Gavin Carothers: Ugh, it seems my update today is: No I haven't had time to send the Grant requests or setup something to deploy to 2013/turtle-testsuite/ ←
14:57:55 <Zakim> SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has now started
(No events recorded for 5 minutes)
Zakim IRC Bot: SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has now started ←
14:58:02 <Zakim> +GavinC
Zakim IRC Bot: +GavinC ←
14:58:58 <Zakim> +Sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: +Sandro ←
14:59:20 <Zakim> +Ivan
Zakim IRC Bot: +Ivan ←
14:59:28 <ivan> Chair: Ivan
14:59:29 <Zakim> +??P4
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P4 ←
15:00:15 <yvesr> Zakim: ??P4 is me
15:00:17 <Zakim> +cgreer
Zakim IRC Bot: +cgreer ←
15:00:23 <yvesr> Zakim, ??P4 is me
Yves Raimond: Zakim, ??P4 is me ←
15:00:23 <Zakim> +yvesr; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +yvesr; got it ←
15:00:42 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software
Zakim IRC Bot: +OpenLink_Software ←
15:00:50 <yvesr> ivan, sorry, a bit slow today :)
Yves Raimond: ivan, sorry, a bit slow today :) ←
15:00:52 <Zakim> + +1.908.251.aaaa
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.908.251.aaaa ←
15:00:52 <Zakim> +??P8
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P8 ←
15:00:56 <TallTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me ←
15:00:56 <Zakim> +TallTed; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +TallTed; got it ←
15:00:57 <gkellogg> zakim, I am ??P8
Gregg Kellogg: zakim, I am ??P8 ←
15:00:58 <TallTed> Zakim, mute me
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me ←
15:00:58 <Zakim> +gkellogg; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +gkellogg; got it ←
15:00:58 <Zakim> TallTed should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should now be muted ←
15:01:02 <pfps> zakim, aaaa is me
Peter Patel-Schneider: zakim, aaaa is me ←
15:01:02 <Zakim> +pfps; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +pfps; got it ←
15:01:06 <Zakim> +??P13
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P13 ←
15:01:16 <manu> zakim, I am ??P13
Manu Sporny: zakim, I am ??P13 ←
15:01:16 <Zakim> +manu; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +manu; got it ←
15:01:17 <Zakim> +??P14
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P14 ←
15:01:26 <AZ> Zakim, ??P14 is me
Antoine Zimmermann: Zakim, ??P14 is me ←
15:01:26 <Zakim> +AZ; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +AZ; got it ←
15:01:30 <ivan> zakim, who is here?
Ivan Herman: zakim, who is here? ←
15:01:30 <Zakim> On the phone I see GavinC, Sandro, Ivan, yvesr, cgreer, TallTed (muted), pfps, gkellogg, manu, AZ
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see GavinC, Sandro, Ivan, yvesr, cgreer, TallTed (muted), pfps, gkellogg, manu, AZ ←
15:01:32 <Zakim> On IRC I see cgreer, pfps, AZ, Guus, Zakim, RRSAgent, TallTed, SteveH, ivan, Arnaud, gavinc, gkellogg, manu, yvesr, ericP, manu1, davidwood, mischat, sandro, trackbot
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see cgreer, pfps, AZ, Guus, Zakim, RRSAgent, TallTed, SteveH, ivan, Arnaud, gavinc, gkellogg, manu, yvesr, ericP, manu1, davidwood, mischat, sandro, trackbot ←
15:02:17 <Zakim> +??P20
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P20 ←
15:02:19 <ericP> waiting for HCLS call to finish
Eric Prud'hommeaux: waiting for HCLS call to finish ←
15:02:24 <SteveH> Zakim, ??P20 is me
Scribe problem: the name 'SteveH' is ambiguous. It could be any of: Steve Harris Steve Harris . Either change the name used or insert a 'PRESENT: ...' line to restrict the active names.
Scribe problem: the name 'SteveH' is ambiguous. It could be any of: Steve Harris Steve Harris . Either change the name used or insert a 'PRESENT: ...' line to restrict the active names.
Unknown SteveH: Zakim, ??P20 is me ←
15:02:25 <Zakim> +SteveH; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +SteveH; got it ←
15:03:53 <ivan> zakim, pick a victim
Ivan Herman: zakim, pick a victim ←
15:03:53 <Zakim> Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose SteveH
Zakim IRC Bot: Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose SteveH ←
15:04:06 <SteveH> sorry, I'm not on a speakerphone, so typing is not easy
Scribe problem: the name 'SteveH' is ambiguous. It could be any of: Steve Harris Steve Harris . Either change the name used or insert a 'PRESENT: ...' line to restrict the active names.
Scribe problem: the name 'SteveH' is ambiguous. It could be any of: Steve Harris Steve Harris . Either change the name used or insert a 'PRESENT: ...' line to restrict the active names.
Unknown SteveH: sorry, I'm not on a speakerphone, so typing is not easy ←
15:04:17 <ivan> zakim, pick a victim
Ivan Herman: zakim, pick a victim ←
15:04:17 <Zakim> Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose GavinC
Zakim IRC Bot: Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose GavinC ←
15:04:26 <ivan> zakim, pick a victim
Ivan Herman: zakim, pick a victim ←
15:04:26 <Zakim> Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose yvesr
Zakim IRC Bot: Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose yvesr ←
15:04:31 <yvesr> yep
Yves Raimond: yep ←
15:04:36 <yvesr> scribe: yvesr
(Scribe set to Yves Raimond)
15:04:45 <Zakim> +cygri
Zakim IRC Bot: +cygri ←
15:05:00 <pfps> can we start up the scribe list again? it is much easier to scribe if one knows in advance
Peter Patel-Schneider: can we start up the scribe list again? it is much easier to scribe if one knows in advance ←
15:05:01 <yvesr> ivan: We are back in schedule for the TZ, until October
Ivan Herman: We are back in schedule for the TZ, until October ←
15:05:28 <ivan> -> minutes of last meeting
Ivan Herman: -> minutes of last meeting ←
15:05:34 <pfps> minutes are fine
Peter Patel-Schneider: minutes are fine ←
15:05:50 <markus> zakim, code?
Markus Lanthaler: zakim, code? ←
15:05:50 <Zakim> the conference code is 73394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, markus
Zakim IRC Bot: the conference code is 73394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, markus ←
15:06:01 <Zakim> +??P25
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P25 ←
15:06:10 <yvesr> RESOLVED: Minutes from the 2013-03-27 are accepted
RESOLVED: Minutes from the 2013-03-27 are accepted ←
15:06:25 <markus> zakim, ??P25 is me
Markus Lanthaler: zakim, ??P25 is me ←
15:06:25 <Zakim> +markus; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +markus; got it ←
15:06:38 <yvesr> ivan: there are a number of actions to review
Ivan Herman: there are a number of actions to review ←
15:06:48 <cygri> ACTION-222?
Richard Cyganiak: ACTION-222? ←
15:06:48 <trackbot> ACTION-222 -- Richard Cyganiak to work with PatH to make sure there is no duplicated content between RDF Concepts and RDF Semantics -- due 2013-01-23 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-222 -- Richard Cyganiak to work with PatH to make sure there is no duplicated content between RDF Concepts and RDF Semantics -- due 2013-01-23 -- OPEN ←
15:06:48 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
15:06:52 <yvesr> ivan: 221 and 222 are the same action, on cygri and path
Ivan Herman: 221 and 222 are the same action, on cygri and path ←
15:07:15 <Zakim> +Souri
Zakim IRC Bot: +Souri ←
15:07:20 <yvesr> cygri: this is not something that needs to be addressed at this point
Richard Cyganiak: this is not something that needs to be addressed at this point ←
15:07:28 <Zakim> +Guus_Schreiber
Zakim IRC Bot: +Guus_Schreiber ←
15:07:29 <yvesr> ... i'd rather leave it open at the moment
... i'd rather leave it open at the moment ←
15:07:30 <pfps> In my opinion Concepts and Semantics are not totally aligned, but there are no serious issues.
Peter Patel-Schneider: In my opinion Concepts and Semantics are not totally aligned, but there are no serious issues. ←
15:07:51 <cygri> pfps, I agree. Needs a careful review.
Richard Cyganiak: pfps, I agree. Needs a careful review. ←
15:07:56 <cygri> ACTION-226?
Richard Cyganiak: ACTION-226? ←
15:07:56 <trackbot> ACTION-226 -- Richard Cyganiak to implement ISSUE-111 resolution -- due 2013-02-13 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-226 -- Richard Cyganiak to implement ISSUE-111 resolution -- due 2013-02-13 -- OPEN ←
15:07:56 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
15:08:01 <yvesr> ivan: there is another action on cygri's name - ACTION-226
Ivan Herman: there is another action on cygri's name - ACTION-226 ←
15:08:12 <cygri> ACTION-227?
Richard Cyganiak: ACTION-227? ←
15:08:12 <trackbot> ACTION-227 -- Richard Cyganiak to present concrete wording for ISSUE-105 -- due 2013-02-13 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-227 -- Richard Cyganiak to present concrete wording for ISSUE-105 -- due 2013-02-13 -- OPEN ←
15:08:12 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
15:08:23 <yvesr> cygri: ACTION-226 is not done
Richard Cyganiak: ACTION-226 is not done ←
15:08:29 <Zakim> +zwu2
Zakim IRC Bot: +zwu2 ←
15:08:37 <yvesr> ... as is ACTION-227
... as is ACTION-227 ←
15:08:51 <yvesr> ivan: ACTION-332 was on sandro
Ivan Herman: ACTION-332 was on sandro ←
15:08:57 <gavinc> Issue is now mine.
Gavin Carothers: Issue is now mine. ←
15:09:02 <yvesr> sandro: my understanding is that we can close it
Sandro Hawke: my understanding is that we can close it ←
15:09:41 <sandro> close action-232
Sandro Hawke: close ACTION-232 ←
15:09:41 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-232 Learn about the w3c test suite license.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-232 Learn about the w3c test suite license. ←
15:10:02 <sandro> action-233?
15:10:02 <trackbot> ACTION-233 -- Gavin Carothers to publish the consolidated test suite -- due 2013-03-06 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-233 -- Gavin Carothers to publish the consolidated test suite -- due 2013-03-06 -- OPEN ←
15:10:02 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
15:10:16 <yvesr> ivan: is ACTION-233 more than publishing the consolidated test suite?
Ivan Herman: is ACTION-233 more than publishing the consolidated test suite? ←
15:10:33 <yvesr> ivan: we have 3 actions all on the JSON-LD review
Ivan Herman: we have 3 actions all on the JSON-LD review ←
15:10:52 <sandro> close action-240
Sandro Hawke: close ACTION-240 ←
15:10:52 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-240 Review JSON-LD API document.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-240 Review JSON-LD API document. ←
15:10:54 <yvesr> ivan: i believe 3 have been done
Ivan Herman: i believe 3 have been done ←
15:10:56 <Zakim> +EricP
Zakim IRC Bot: +EricP ←
15:11:00 <Zakim> +??P32
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P32 ←
15:11:20 <pchampin> zakim, ??P32 is me
Pierre-Antoine Champin: zakim, ??P32 is me ←
15:11:20 <Zakim> +pchampin; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +pchampin; got it ←
15:11:26 <cygri> ACTION-239?
Richard Cyganiak: ACTION-239? ←
15:11:26 <trackbot> ACTION-239 -- Richard Cyganiak to review Semantics draft regarding move to FPWD -- due 2013-03-13 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-239 -- Richard Cyganiak to review Semantics draft regarding move to FPWD -- due 2013-03-13 -- OPEN ←
15:11:26 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
15:11:26 <sandro> action-241?
15:11:26 <trackbot> ACTION-241 -- Zhe Wu to review JSON-LD API document -- due 2013-03-27 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-241 -- Zhe Wu to review JSON-LD API document -- due 2013-03-27 -- OPEN ←
15:11:27 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
15:11:52 <yvesr> close action-239
close ACTION-239 ←
15:11:52 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-239 Review Semantics draft regarding move to FPWD.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-239 Review Semantics draft regarding move to FPWD. ←
15:12:13 <cgreer> close action-238
Charles Greer: close ACTION-238 ←
15:12:13 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-238 Review the JSON-LD syntax document, after Sandro's review has been taken into account.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-238 Review the JSON-LD syntax document, after Sandro's review has been taken into account. ←
15:12:29 <yvesr> action-235?
15:12:29 <trackbot> ACTION-235 -- Antoine Zimmermann to review RDF 1.1 Semantics -- due 2013-03-06 -- CLOSED
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-235 -- Antoine Zimmermann to review RDF 1.1 Semantics -- due 2013-03-06 -- CLOSED ←
15:12:29 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
15:12:32 <yvesr> action-236?
15:12:32 <trackbot> ACTION-236 -- Guus Schreiber to put spec of scope bnodes in Concepts on agenda for 6 Mar -- due 2013-03-06 -- CLOSED
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-236 -- Guus Schreiber to put spec of scope bnodes in Concepts on agenda for 6 Mar -- due 2013-03-06 -- CLOSED ←
15:12:32 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
15:12:35 <pfps> zakim, mute me
Peter Patel-Schneider: zakim, mute me ←
15:12:35 <Zakim> pfps should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: pfps should now be muted ←
15:12:50 <gavinc> Non NON NFC
Gavin Carothers: Non NON NFC ←
15:13:00 <gavinc> NFC only IRIs
Gavin Carothers: NFC only IRIs ←
15:13:19 <yvesr> gavinc: the job was to delete the non-non nfc test from the test suite
Gavin Carothers: the job was to delete the non-non nfc test from the test suite ←
15:13:44 <yvesr> gavinc: i added an approval status to all of the tests, make them all approved, and added a rejected column for that one
Eric Prud'hommeaux: i added an approval status to all of the tests, make them all approved, and added a rejected column for that one ←
15:13:55 <gavinc> s/gavinc/ericP
15:14:11 <yvesr> ericP: i expect there will be some pushback
Eric Prud'hommeaux: i expect there will be some pushback ←
15:14:15 <ivan> close action-246
Ivan Herman: close ACTION-246 ←
15:14:15 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-246 Remove #localName_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-246 Remove #localName_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries. ←
15:14:24 <ivan> action-245?
15:14:24 <trackbot> ACTION-245 -- Eric Prud'hommeaux to (with Sandro) to copy or proxy Turtletests2013 to, updating all base or ttl references to http://example/base/ to be -- due 2013-04-03 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-245 -- Eric Prud'hommeaux to (with Sandro) to copy or proxy Turtletests2013 to, updating all base or ttl references to http://example/base/ to be -- due 2013-04-03 -- OPEN ←
15:14:25 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
15:14:28 <yvesr> ... as people need to look up approved tests before running them
... as people need to look up approved tests before running them ←
15:14:32 <gavinc> That's dependent on me finishing
Gavin Carothers: That's dependent on me finishing ←
15:14:52 <yvesr> ericP: has the license issue been sorted?
Eric Prud'hommeaux: has the license issue been sorted? ←
15:14:55 <yvesr> gavinc: no, not yet
Gavin Carothers: no, not yet ←
15:15:04 <ivan> action-225?
15:15:04 <trackbot> ACTION-225 -- Eric Prud'hommeaux to update extension request with Turtle publication dates -- due 2013-01-30 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-225 -- Eric Prud'hommeaux to update extension request with Turtle publication dates -- due 2013-01-30 -- OPEN ←
15:15:04 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
15:15:30 <ivan> close action-225
Ivan Herman: close ACTION-225 ←
15:15:30 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-225 Update extension request with Turtle publication dates.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-225 Update extension request with Turtle publication dates. ←
15:15:39 <yvesr> ericP: it is overtaken by events - it was for the CR publication
Eric Prud'hommeaux: it is overtaken by events - it was for the CR publication ←
15:16:01 <yvesr> ... About ACTION-245, I am still getting comments from the list on tests
... About ACTION-245, I am still getting comments from the list on tests ←
15:16:08 <yvesr> ... we made a decision last week to approve the tests
... we made a decision last week to approve the tests ←
15:16:19 <yvesr> ... some of the corrections I am seeing from the comments list are corrections
... some of the corrections I am seeing from the comments list are corrections ←
15:16:27 <gavinc> We had invalid Test case N-Triples as well
Gavin Carothers: We had invalid Test case N-Triples as well ←
15:16:50 <yvesr> ... escaping, case, etc. - should we normalise what to do with escaped characters?
... escaping, case, etc. - should we normalise what to do with escaped characters? ←
15:17:04 <yvesr> gavinc: we did resolve that - there is only one way to represent each character in n-triples
Gavin Carothers: we did resolve that - there is only one way to represent each character in n-triples ←
15:17:20 <yvesr> ... There are a couple of edge-cases
... There are a couple of edge-cases ←
15:17:39 <yvesr> ... If we get further comments, we'll need to reapprove the test suite
... If we get further comments, we'll need to reapprove the test suite ←
15:18:03 <ivan> Topic: JSON-LD
15:18:04 <yvesr> ivan: next topic is JSON-LD
Ivan Herman: next topic is JSON-LD ←
15:18:22 <yvesr> ... We have 3 reviews, could we get an overview of them?
... We have 3 reviews, could we get an overview of them? ←
15:18:32 <yvesr> manu: Markus has been dealing with the comments
Manu Sporny: Markus has been dealing with the comments ←
15:18:42 <yvesr> ... We do have one thing the RDF WG probably wants to look at
... We do have one thing the RDF WG probably wants to look at ←
15:18:45 <Zakim> -EricP
Zakim IRC Bot: -EricP ←
15:18:49 <yvesr> markus: most of the feedbacks are editorial
Markus Lanthaler: most of the feedbacks are editorial ←
15:18:59 <yvesr> ... sandro replied he's happy with the changes
... sandro replied he's happy with the changes ←
15:19:08 <yvesr> ... one comment from zwu2 was about the algorithm - they are too long
... one comment from zwu2 was about the algorithm - they are too long ←
15:19:14 <yvesr> ... but we decided not to change them
... but we decided not to change them ←
15:19:37 <Zakim> +Philippe
Zakim IRC Bot: +Philippe ←
15:19:49 <yvesr> Zakim, who is speaking?
Zakim, who is speaking? ←
15:20:01 <Zakim> yvesr, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: markus (3%), zwu2 (99%)
Zakim IRC Bot: yvesr, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: markus (3%), zwu2 (99%) ←
15:20:24 <yvesr> zwu2: It would be nice to modularise the algorithm description - it is very long
Zhe Wu: It would be nice to modularise the algorithm description - it is very long ←
15:20:36 <yvesr> ... I understand it is a big effort, so I am willing to let it pass
... I understand it is a big effort, so I am willing to let it pass ←
15:21:04 <yvesr> manu: We did start out with a fairly modularised way of explaining the algorithm
Manu Sporny: We did start out with a fairly modularised way of explaining the algorithm ←
15:21:28 <yvesr> ... when implementers were reading the spec, they were very confused, as you needed to jump between different points of the spec
... when implementers were reading the spec, they were very confused, as you needed to jump between different points of the spec ←
15:22:00 <yvesr> ... implementers seem to prefer the non-modularized versions
... implementers seem to prefer the non-modularized versions ←
15:22:03 <gavinc> yay :D
Gavin Carothers: yay :D ←
15:22:11 <yvesr> manu: as they are much easiers to read
Manu Sporny: as they are much easiers to read ←
15:22:48 <yvesr> ... the algorithm are long and verbose for a reason
... the algorithm are long and verbose for a reason ←
15:22:57 <yvesr> ... we want to be clear about what they're doing
... we want to be clear about what they're doing ←
15:23:07 <yvesr> ivan: I think we can move on with this
Ivan Herman: I think we can move on with this ←
15:23:32 <yvesr> markus: the only other issue which hasn't been addressed is the data round-tripping section
Markus Lanthaler: the only other issue which hasn't been addressed is the data round-tripping section ←
15:23:51 <yvesr> ... where we specify how e.g. json true and false are converted to RDF
... where we specify how e.g. json true and false are converted to RDF ←
15:23:59 <sandro> q+ to ask about lists-of-lists
Sandro Hawke: q+ to ask about lists-of-lists ←
15:24:02 <yvesr> ... sandro raised some concerns about that
... sandro raised some concerns about that ←
15:24:18 <yvesr> ivan: what about the third review from charles?
Ivan Herman: what about the third review from charles? ←
15:24:35 <yvesr> manu: it was mostly editorial comments
Manu Sporny: it was mostly editorial comments ←
15:24:51 <yvesr> ivan: so we only need to discuss sandro's comment
Ivan Herman: so we only need to discuss sandro's comment ←
15:25:08 <ivan> ack sandro
Ivan Herman: ack sandro ←
15:25:08 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to ask about lists-of-lists
Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to ask about lists-of-lists ←
15:25:14 <yvesr> markus: yes, i think that's right - we would be OK to go to LC
Markus Lanthaler: yes, i think that's right - we would be OK to go to LC ←
15:25:44 <sandro> manu: we agreed to add At Risk for the list-of-lists thing
Manu Sporny: we agreed to add At Risk for the list-of-lists thing [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ] ←
15:25:48 <yvesr> gkellogg: marking the list-of-lists as 'at-risk' but it would cause a bit of a mess
Gregg Kellogg: marking the list-of-lists as 'at-risk' but it would cause a bit of a mess ←
15:26:26 <yvesr> markus: it's worth to say that list-of-lists are supported
Markus Lanthaler: it's worth to say that list-of-lists are supported ←
15:26:43 <yvesr> ... but there isn't a simple way to express that in short-form in JSON-LD
... but there isn't a simple way to express that in short-form in JSON-LD ←
15:26:57 <yvesr> sandro: I missed the fact you could use first/rest
Sandro Hawke: I missed the fact you could use first/rest ←
15:27:07 <yvesr> ... If you can, then I can live with it
... If you can, then I can live with it ←
15:27:18 <yvesr> ... I am certainly happy with the at-risk solution
... I am certainly happy with the at-risk solution ←
15:27:27 <markus> Here's the list of the features at risk:
Markus Lanthaler: Here's the list of the features at risk: ←
15:27:36 <yvesr> ivan: so the only other issue is the round-tripping?
Ivan Herman: so the only other issue is the round-tripping? ←
15:27:41 <yvesr> manu: yes
Manu Sporny: yes ←
15:28:09 <yvesr> sandro: I sent this in an email just before the meeting started
Sandro Hawke: I sent this in an email just before the meeting started ←
15:28:32 <yvesr> ... If you have an RDF graph if you have things like doubles in it, which can be expressed in JSON
... If you have an RDF graph if you have things like doubles in it, which can be expressed in JSON ←
15:28:47 <yvesr> ... there are situations where you can export to JSON and back again
... there are situations where you can export to JSON and back again ←
15:28:53 <yvesr> ... and not end up with the same graph
... and not end up with the same graph ←
15:29:01 <yvesr> ... e.g. when the literal is not in canonical form
... e.g. when the literal is not in canonical form ←
15:29:18 <yvesr> ... or when using doubles
... or when using doubles ←
15:29:21 <Guus> for the agenda: see my admin message about the 4 FPWDs
Guus Schreiber: for the agenda: see my admin message about the 4 FPWDs ←
15:29:40 <yvesr> ... you could keep it in expanded type in JSON-LD rather than native type
... you could keep it in expanded type in JSON-LD rather than native type ←
15:29:58 <yvesr> ... which would ensure you end up with the same graph
... which would ensure you end up with the same graph ←
15:30:04 <manu> q+
Manu Sporny: q+ ←
15:30:05 <yvesr> ... the question is, do we care?
... the question is, do we care? ←
15:30:14 <ivan> ack manu
Ivan Herman: ack manu ←
15:30:43 <yvesr> manu: the guidance we give in the JSON-LD API spec is that if accuracy of numbers are important, use a string to express them
Manu Sporny: the guidance we give in the JSON-LD API spec is that if accuracy of numbers are important, use a string to express them ←
15:30:59 <yvesr> ... and type it with xsd:double
... and type it with xsd:double ←
15:31:15 <yvesr> ... if you use JSON native types, then you will have rounding issues
... if you use JSON native types, then you will have rounding issues ←
15:31:39 <gkellogg> that flag is in fromRDF, not for native JSON-LD
Gregg Kellogg: that flag is in fromRDF, not for native JSON-LD ←
15:31:41 <yvesr> ... if the 'use native type' flag is off, then no rounding issues
... if the 'use native type' flag is off, then no rounding issues ←
15:31:48 <ericP> iirc, XML Schema requires preservation of 18 digits on doubles
Eric Prud'hommeaux: iirc, XML Schema requires preservation of 18 digits on doubles ←
15:31:51 <TallTed> may need to include something like --
Ted Thibodeau: may need to include something like -- ←
15:31:58 <yvesr> ... The other advice we give in the spec is how to express the canonical lexical form
... The other advice we give in the spec is how to express the canonical lexical form ←
15:32:06 <TallTed> which data types convert cleanly, which have issues such as were just flagged
Ted Thibodeau: which data types convert cleanly, which have issues such as were just flagged ←
15:32:08 <yvesr> ... there is an interoperability issue some of us are concerned about
... there is an interoperability issue some of us are concerned about ←
15:32:14 <yvesr> ... captured in the test suite
... captured in the test suite ←
15:32:30 <gavinc> JSON has interop issues with large numbers ;) It's sadly not a JSON-LD issue
Gavin Carothers: JSON has interop issues with large numbers ;) It's sadly not a JSON-LD issue ←
15:32:41 <yvesr> ... The guidance we tell people is that you must use the string format when you convert a string literal with an xsd:double datatype
... The guidance we tell people is that you must use the string format when you convert a string literal with an xsd:double datatype ←
15:32:42 <sandro> q?
Sandro Hawke: q? ←
15:33:09 <gavinc> +1 sounds very reasonable!
Gavin Carothers: +1 sounds very reasonable! ←
15:33:12 <TallTed> explicit example is the numeric conversions page, here --
Ted Thibodeau: explicit example is the numeric conversions page, here -- ←
15:33:14 <yvesr> manu: Do we want to do something else in the JSON-LD API spec?
Manu Sporny: Do we want to do something else in the JSON-LD API spec? ←
15:33:16 <ivan> q?
Ivan Herman: q? ←
15:33:41 <gavinc> q+
Gavin Carothers: q+ ←
15:33:44 <yvesr> sandro: I don't like the API flag - I don't think people are going to know how to use them
Sandro Hawke: I don't like the API flag - I don't think people are going to know how to use them ←
15:33:52 <yvesr> ... It depends on the data
... It depends on the data ←
15:33:56 <yvesr> manu: It depends on the application
Manu Sporny: It depends on the application ←
15:34:03 <TallTed> q+
Ted Thibodeau: q+ ←
15:34:18 <TallTed> Zakim, unmute me
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, unmute me ←
15:34:18 <Zakim> TallTed should no longer be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should no longer be muted ←
15:34:36 <ivan> ack gavinc
Ivan Herman: ack gavinc ←
15:34:37 <yvesr> manu: We tried to make the documentation very clear around rounding errors introduced by native JSON datatypes
Manu Sporny: We tried to make the documentation very clear around rounding errors introduced by native JSON datatypes ←
15:34:39 <cygri> castToNativeType?
Richard Cyganiak: castToNativeType? ←
15:34:52 <yvesr> gavinc: JSON and JS do not specify the exact behavior of numbers
Gavin Carothers: JSON and JS do not specify the exact behavior of numbers ←
15:35:09 <yvesr> ... they are plenty of incompatible JSON implementations in terms of numbers
... they are plenty of incompatible JSON implementations in terms of numbers ←
15:35:18 <ivan> ack TallTed
Ivan Herman: ack TallTed ←
15:35:41 <yvesr> TallTed: It would be worth introducing a table of conversions in the spec
Ted Thibodeau: It would be worth introducing a table of conversions in the spec ←
15:36:03 <yvesr> ... What are the status messages you get back when errors are introduced?
... What are the status messages you get back when errors are introduced? ←
15:36:23 <yvesr> manu: We would have to make one table per implementation - which would be very hard
Manu Sporny: We would have to make one table per javascript implementation - which would be very hard ←
15:36:35 <yvesr> s/per implementation/per javascript implementation
15:36:42 <yvesr> gkellogg: it's also all the JSON processors
Gregg Kellogg: it's also all the JSON processors ←
15:36:42 <sandro> q?
Sandro Hawke: q? ←
15:36:49 <yvesr> TallTed: so basically JSON doesn't preserve data?
Ted Thibodeau: so basically JSON doesn't preserve data? ←
15:36:57 <yvesr> markus: It's just not specified
Markus Lanthaler: It's just not specified ←
15:37:04 <gavinc> or python! until you run out of memory bit!
Gavin Carothers: or python! until you run out of memory bit! ←
15:37:09 <pchampin> q+
15:37:28 <yvesr> manu: lots of people use JSON to exchange data and it doesn't seem to have caused any issues
Manu Sporny: lots of people use JSON to exchange data and it doesn't seem to have caused any issues ←
15:37:37 <ivan> ack pchampin
Ivan Herman: ack pchampin ←
15:37:41 <yvesr> pchampin: I see two things about the useNativeDatatype flag
Pierre-Antoine Champin: I see two things about the useNativeDatatype flag ←
15:37:49 <yvesr> ... the first one is that you may have rounding problems
... the first one is that you may have rounding problems ←
15:38:04 <yvesr> ... the second one is that even without it, you end up in an interoperability issue
... the second one is that even without it, you end up in an interoperability issue ←
15:38:17 <yvesr> ... it should be said in the specification
... it should be said in the specification ←
15:38:38 <yvesr> ... that round-tripping is not possible in this case
... that round-tripping is not possible in this case ←
15:38:40 <sandro> q?
Sandro Hawke: q? ←
15:38:44 <sandro> q+
Sandro Hawke: q+ ←
15:38:46 <manu> q+
Manu Sporny: q+ ←
15:38:51 <manu> q-
Manu Sporny: q- ←
15:38:58 <ivan> ack sandro
Ivan Herman: ack sandro ←
15:39:01 <yvesr> pchampin: If you care about round tripping, this flag should be set to off
Pierre-Antoine Champin: If you care about round tripping, this flag should be set to off ←
15:39:07 <TallTed> Zakim, mute me
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me ←
15:39:07 <Zakim> TallTed should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should now be muted ←
15:39:26 <yvesr> sandro: I know JS requires IEEE 24 bits, I didn't realise people implemented JSON at a lower level than JS
Sandro Hawke: I know JS requires IEEE 24 bits, I didn't realise people implemented JSON at a lower level than JS ←
15:39:30 <pchampin> pchampin: if I care about round tripping preserving the lexical values of literals, this flag should be set to off
Pierre-Antoine Champin: if I care about round tripping preserving the lexical values of literals, this flag should be set to off [ Scribe Assist by Pierre-Antoine Champin ] ←
15:39:41 <TallTed> +1 sandro
Ted Thibodeau: +1 sandro ←
15:39:49 <yvesr> ... If you care about data integrity - this flag should be set to off
... If you care about data integrity - this flag should be set to off ←
15:40:19 <yvesr> ivan: So if this is closed, where are we exactly wrt JSON-LD to LC?
Ivan Herman: So if this is closed, where are we exactly wrt JSON-LD to LC? ←
15:40:29 <yvesr> markus: That's the only remaining change we need to make
Markus Lanthaler: That's the only remaining change we need to make ←
15:40:39 <sandro> WebIDL
Sandro Hawke: WebIDL ←
15:40:47 <yvesr> ivan: the LC shows the design is done
Ivan Herman: the LC shows the design is done ←
15:41:08 <yvesr> ... Let's discuss that later, but can we plan that next week we vote for LC?
... Let's discuss that later, but can we plan that next week we vote for LC? ←
15:41:10 <yvesr> markus: sure
Markus Lanthaler: sure ←
15:41:14 <gkellogg> agreed
Gregg Kellogg: agreed ←
15:41:36 <yvesr> ACTION: WG to resolve on LC status on 10/04/2013
ACTION: WG to resolve on LC status on 10/04/2013 ←
15:41:36 <trackbot> Error finding 'WG'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
Trackbot IRC Bot: Error finding 'WG'. You can review and register nicknames at <>. ←
15:41:44 <manu> So, we're going to shoot for a LC of JSON-LD and JSON-LD API for April 19th 2013...
Manu Sporny: So, we're going to shoot for a LC of JSON-LD and JSON-LD API for April 19th 2013... ←
15:41:48 <pfps> zakim, unmute me
Peter Patel-Schneider: zakim, unmute me ←
15:41:48 <Zakim> pfps should no longer be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: pfps should no longer be muted ←
15:41:56 <ivan> Topic: redefinition of blank nodes
15:41:57 <yvesr> ACTION: davidwood to resolve with WG on LC status of JSON-LD on 10/04/2013
ACTION: davidwood to resolve with WG on LC status of JSON-LD on 10/04/2013 ←
15:41:57 <trackbot> Created ACTION-249 - Resolve with WG on LC status of JSON-LD on 10/04/2013 [on David Wood - due 2013-04-10].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-249 - Resolve with WG on LC status of JSON-LD on 10/04/2013 [on David Wood - due 2013-04-10]. ←
15:42:02 <manu> (just to be clear about what the JSON-LD editors and CG are going to shoot for)
Manu Sporny: (just to be clear about what the JSON-LD editors and CG are going to shoot for) ←
15:42:04 <ivan> issue-107?
15:42:04 <trackbot> ISSUE-107 -- Revised definition of blank nodes -- open
Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-107 -- Revised definition of blank nodes -- open ←
15:42:04 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
15:42:11 <sandro> ivan, are we going to talk about Guus' report of not publishing as planned?
Sandro Hawke: ivan, are we going to talk about Guus' report of not publishing as planned? ←
15:43:13 <yvesr> pfps: I went through both concepts and semantics, they describe the current situation quite well already
Peter Patel-Schneider: I went through both concepts and semantics, they describe the current situation quite well already ←
15:43:18 <yvesr> ... they only need tiny changes
... they only need tiny changes ←
15:43:47 <yvesr> ... What it doesn't have is an explanation of what the change is
... What it doesn't have is an explanation of what the change is ←
15:43:54 <yvesr> ... It needs to be added to concepts or primer
... It needs to be added to concepts or primer ←
15:44:38 <yvesr> ivan: It would be good to have an explicit action on cygri and path to check whether it's fine with them
Ivan Herman: It would be good to have an explicit action on cygri and path to check whether it's fine with them ←
15:45:17 <yvesr> ACTION: cygri to review pfps's proposal on ISSUE-107
ACTION: cygri to review pfps's proposal on ISSUE-107 ←
15:45:18 <trackbot> Created ACTION-250 - Review pfps's proposal on ISSUE-107 [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2013-04-10].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-250 - Review pfps's proposal on ISSUE-107 [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2013-04-10]. ←
15:45:35 <yvesr> cygri: Happy to take the action, however I don't see how that would close the issue
Richard Cyganiak: Happy to take the action, however I don't see how that would close the issue ←
15:46:46 <yvesr> topic: Update on publications
15:47:15 <yvesr> ivan: The plan is to publish the first public working draft tomorrow
Ivan Herman: The plan is to publish the first public working draft tomorrow ←
15:47:58 <yvesr> sandro: They need to be using the latest version of respec
Sandro Hawke: They need to be using the latest version of respec ←
15:48:11 <yvesr> pfps: I don't know what exactly is required
Peter Patel-Schneider: I don't know what exactly is required ←
15:48:12 <Guus> if Peter can do the links, that would be great
Guus Schreiber: if Peter can do the links, that would be great ←
15:48:33 <yvesr> pfps: I can fix up the links, but not sure how to rebase respec
Peter Patel-Schneider: I can fix up the links, but not sure how to rebase respec ←
15:49:15 <yvesr> sandro: We shouldn't have a local copy of respec
Sandro Hawke: We shouldn't have a local copy of respec ←
15:49:24 <Guus> we should point to the new version, the https version
Guus Schreiber: we should point to the new version, the https version ←
15:49:42 <Guus> i'll unmute myself
Guus Schreiber: i'll unmute myself ←
15:49:50 <pfps> zakim, unmute me
Peter Patel-Schneider: zakim, unmute me ←
15:49:50 <Zakim> pfps was not muted, pfps
Zakim IRC Bot: pfps was not muted, pfps ←
15:49:51 <Guus> q+
Guus Schreiber: q+ ←
15:49:58 <pfps> zakim, mute me
Peter Patel-Schneider: zakim, mute me ←
15:49:58 <Zakim> pfps should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: pfps should now be muted ←
15:50:30 <ivan> ack guus
Ivan Herman: ack guus ←
15:50:44 <yvesr> Guus: We need to point to the new respec version - what I didn't realise is that it's nice for editing, but difficult for publishing
Guus Schreiber: We need to point to the new respec version - what I didn't realise is that it's nice for editing, but difficult for publishing ←
15:51:06 <gavinc> Where is the THE ReSPEC?
Gavin Carothers: Where is the THE ReSPEC? ←
15:51:30 <gavinc> ?
Gavin Carothers: ? ←
15:51:46 <sandro> The right version is:
Sandro Hawke: The right version is: ←
15:52:03 <markus> here's the ReSpec script to convert to html on the command line:
Markus Lanthaler: here's the ReSpec script to convert to html on the command line: ←
15:52:18 <yvesr> gavinc: the XHTML processor for respec uses divs instead of sections, the HTML one uses sections
Gavin Carothers: the XHTML processor for respec uses divs instead of sections, the HTML one uses sections ←
15:52:51 <gkellogg> We should be using the version in w3c space:
Gregg Kellogg: We should be using the version in w3c space: ←
15:53:09 <gkellogg> That's what the EARL report uses
Gregg Kellogg: That's what the EARL report uses ←
15:53:11 <pfps> someone has to tell me where the references database is
Peter Patel-Schneider: someone has to tell me where the references database is ←
15:53:29 <yvesr> Guus: in our repository i created a draft repository with all the documents
Guus Schreiber: in our repository i created a draft repository with all the documents ←
15:53:44 <yvesr> ericP: We need to do the same across all our different specs
Sandro Hawke: We need to do the same across all our different specs ←
15:53:58 <yvesr> s/ericP/sandro
15:54:21 <pfps> OK
15:54:23 <sandro> +1 guus saved-from-respec goes in to pub/<shortname>/Overview.html
Sandro Hawke: +1 guus saved-from-respec goes in to pub/<shortname>/Overview.html ←
15:54:31 <yvesr> Guus: if pfps fixes the links, I can fix the references
Guus Schreiber: if pfps fixes the links, I can fix the references ←
15:54:33 <gavinc>
Gavin Carothers: ←
15:55:02 <yvesr> Guus: I may be able to do it tonight, or next Tuesday
Guus Schreiber: I may be able to do it tonight, or next Tuesday ←
15:55:04 <pfps> I'll work on the links today
Peter Patel-Schneider: I'll work on the links today ←
15:55:14 <Guus> zakim, mute me
Guus Schreiber: zakim, mute me ←
15:55:14 <Zakim> Guus_Schreiber should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: Guus_Schreiber should now be muted ←
15:55:15 <ivan> Topic: dependecies
15:55:31 <yvesr> s/dependecies/dependencies
15:55:40 <yvesr> ivan: We have a bunch of dependencies when we go to CR
Ivan Herman: We have a bunch of dependencies when we go to CR ←
15:55:49 <yvesr> ... JSON-LD depends on the concepts document
... JSON-LD depends on the concepts document ←
15:56:03 <yvesr> ... It already depends on the not-yet-existing Schema document
... It already depends on the not-yet-existing Schema document ←
15:56:18 <yvesr> ... Concepts on DOM4 and HTML5
... Cdepends oncepts depends on DOM4 and HTML5 ←
15:56:25 <yvesr> s/on/depends on/
15:56:38 <yvesr> ... We have the WebID dependency on the JSON-LD API
... We have the WebID dependency on the JSON-LD API ←
15:56:46 <ericP> q+ to ask if we can refer but shortname to our internal specs 1 version behind the doc being published
Eric Prud'hommeaux: q+ to ask if we can refer but shortname to our internal specs 1 version behind the doc being published ←
15:56:58 <yvesr> ... Hopefully we can avoid putting documents on hold because of that
... Hopefully we can avoid putting documents on hold because of that ←
15:57:03 <ivan> ack ericP
Ivan Herman: ack ericP ←
15:57:04 <Zakim> ericP, you wanted to ask if we can refer but shortname to our internal specs 1 version behind the doc being published
Zakim IRC Bot: ericP, you wanted to ask if we can refer but shortname to our internal specs 1 version behind the doc being published ←
15:57:05 <cygri> q+
Richard Cyganiak: q+ ←
15:57:06 <pfps> were are is our respec publications DB?
Peter Patel-Schneider: were are is our respec publications DB? ←
15:57:13 <yvesr> ericP: What we try to avoid is to point to first drafts, which can change
Eric Prud'hommeaux: What we try to avoid is to point to first drafts, which can change ←
15:57:26 <yvesr> ... But we can point to version of documents that are one step behind us
... But we can point to version of documents that are one step behind us ←
15:57:38 <yvesr> ivan: But HTML5 won't become a PR before 2014
Ivan Herman: But HTML5 won't become a PR before 2014 ←
15:57:55 <yvesr> ... So if we depend on it, we can't go to REC with RDF Concepts before then
... So if we depend on it, we can't go to REC with RDF Concepts before then ←
15:58:17 <ivan> ack cygri
Ivan Herman: ack cygri ←
15:58:17 <yvesr> ivan: JSON-LD would like to go to REC quickly, and we might have to wait for Concepts before we do that
Ivan Herman: JSON-LD would like to go to REC quickly, and we might have to wait for Concepts before we do that ←
15:58:36 <yvesr> cygri: About the DOM4 dependency, there are a couple of options
Richard Cyganiak: About the DOM4 dependency, there are a couple of options ←
15:58:55 <yvesr> ... When we moved the DOM3 ref to DOM4, we could change that back
... When we moved the DOM3 ref to DOM4, we could change that back ←
15:58:56 <gavinc> DOM3 is WRONG :P
Gavin Carothers: DOM3 is WRONG :P ←
15:59:00 <yvesr> ... And still refer to DOM3
... And still refer to DOM3 ←
15:59:13 <yvesr> ... We might have to do some explanation there
... We might have to do some explanation there ←
15:59:35 <yvesr> ... When we reference the HTML5 parsing algorithm, we might need to describe the output in terms of DOM3
... When we reference the HTML5 parsing algorithm, we might need to describe the output in terms of DOM3 ←
15:59:41 <yvesr> ... So we might need to be careful
... So we might need to be careful ←
15:59:46 <ericP> q?
Eric Prud'hommeaux: q? ←
15:59:49 <yvesr> ... But that might be the easiest way
... But that might be the easiest way ←
16:00:09 <yvesr> gavinc: We can refer to DOM3, but every implementers is going to run into bugs
Gavin Carothers: We can refer to DOM3, but every implementers is going to run into bugs ←
16:00:24 <yvesr> ericP: Are we confident DOM4 is backward-compatible?
Eric Prud'hommeaux: Are we confident DOM4 is backward-compatible? ←
16:00:29 <yvesr> ivan: Nobody knows
Ivan Herman: Nobody knows ←
16:00:36 <yvesr> ericP: The WG should have a pretty good idea
Eric Prud'hommeaux: The WG should have a pretty good idea ←
16:00:42 <gavinc> Reality ;)
Gavin Carothers: Reality ;) ←
16:00:57 <yvesr> ivan: For the time being all the evolution of DOM4 is happening in the WhatWG
Ivan Herman: For the time being all the evolution of DOM4 is happening in the WhatWG ←
16:01:36 <yvesr> ivan: Maybe a possibility is to have a normative ref to DOM3, and a note pointing at DOM4 elsewhere in the doc
Ivan Herman: Maybe a possibility is to have a normative ref to DOM3, and a note pointing at DOM4 elsewhere in the doc ←
16:01:50 <yvesr> ... Not sure how to do that exactly, but there might be some wording that could work
... Not sure how to do that exactly, but there might be some wording that could work ←
16:02:54 <yvesr> ericP: What's the trick to point people to what they need to read to actually implement it?
Eric Prud'hommeaux: What's the trick to point people to what they need to read to actually implement it? ←
16:03:04 <Zakim> -manu
Zakim IRC Bot: -manu ←
16:03:48 <yvesr> ... If I support HTML literals, I will have to read that spec on the WhatWG
... If I support HTML literals, I will have to read that spec on the WhatWG ←
16:04:48 <yvesr> ... We could move that out of the doc, and push them as notes, but no one would really care
... We could move that out of the doc, and push them as notes, but no one would really care ←
16:05:10 <yvesr> ivan: Could we push it in a non-normative section?
Ivan Herman: Could we push it in a non-normative section? ←
16:05:56 <yvesr> ericP: we should really explain what to do with HTML literals - if we don't then it needs to be pushed somewhere else
Eric Prud'hommeaux: we should really explain what to do with HTML literals - if we don't then it needs to be pushed somewhere else ←
16:07:14 <yvesr> ... We're saying that the processing of XHTML literals has changed - where is the example data showing what's changed?
... We're saying that the processing of XHTML literals has changed - where is the example data showing what's changed? ←
16:07:56 <Zakim> -Guus_Schreiber
Zakim IRC Bot: -Guus_Schreiber ←
16:08:36 <yvesr> ACTION: cygri to investigate dependencies in concepts and semantics
ACTION: cygri to investigate dependencies in concepts and semantics ←
16:08:36 <trackbot> Created ACTION-251 - Investigate dependencies in concepts and semantics [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2013-04-10].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-251 - Investigate dependencies in concepts and semantics [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2013-04-10]. ←
16:08:47 <cygri> ACTION-251?
Richard Cyganiak: ACTION-251? ←
16:08:48 <trackbot> ACTION-251 -- Richard Cyganiak to investigate dependencies in concepts and semantics -- due 2013-04-10 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-251 -- Richard Cyganiak to investigate dependencies in concepts and semantics -- due 2013-04-10 -- OPEN ←
16:08:48 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
16:09:06 <yvesr> ivan: Another dependency is WebIDL from JSON-LD
Ivan Herman: Another dependency is WebIDL from JSON-LD ←
16:09:15 <yvesr> markus: I'll try to figure that out
Markus Lanthaler: I'll try to figure that out ←
16:09:23 <cygri> (I changed the description of ACTION-251)
Richard Cyganiak: (I changed the description of ACTION-251) ←
16:09:26 <cygri> ACTION-251?
Richard Cyganiak: ACTION-251? ←
16:09:26 <trackbot> ACTION-251 -- Richard Cyganiak to investigate dependencies on DOM4 and HTML5 in Concepts -- due 2013-04-10 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-251 -- Richard Cyganiak to investigate dependencies on DOM4 and HTML5 in Concepts -- due 2013-04-10 -- OPEN ←
16:09:26 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
16:09:48 <yvesr> markus: We have to right a couple of tests ourselves to prove the part we're using is stable enough
Markus Lanthaler: We have to right a couple of tests ourselves to prove the part we're using is stable enough ←
16:10:02 <yvesr> ... I am working with Robin to address that
... I am working with Robin to address that ←
16:11:00 <yvesr> ivan: AOB?
Ivan Herman: AOB? ←
16:11:09 <pchampin> q?
16:11:12 <zwu2> bye
16:11:12 <pchampin> q+
16:11:24 <Zakim> -zwu2
Zakim IRC Bot: -zwu2 ←
16:11:27 <Zakim> -cgreer
Zakim IRC Bot: -cgreer ←
16:11:27 <ivan> ack pchampin
Ivan Herman: ack pchampin ←
16:11:28 <Zakim> -SteveH
Scribe problem: the name 'SteveH' is ambiguous. It could be any of: Steve Harris Steve Harris . Either change the name used or insert a 'PRESENT: ...' line to restrict the active names.
Zakim IRC Bot: -SteveH ←
16:11:43 <yvesr> pchampin: I was wondering with Turtle being in CR - would it be too late to add a small feature
Pierre-Antoine Champin: I was wondering with Turtle being in CR - would it be too late to add a small feature ←
16:12:02 <markus> profile media type parameter?
Markus Lanthaler: profile media type parameter? ←
16:12:04 <cygri> LDP-WG perhaps would like text/turtle;profile=xxx
Richard Cyganiak: LDP-WG perhaps would like text/turtle;profile=xxx ←
16:12:11 <yvesr> gavinc: Would it be possible to add a parameter to the media-type registration
Pierre-Antoine Champin: Would it be possible to add a parameter to the media-type registration ←
16:12:21 <pchampin> s/gavinc/pchampin/
16:12:41 <gavinc> why do we want profile?
Gavin Carothers: why do we want profile? ←
16:12:46 <cygri> q+
Richard Cyganiak: q+ ←
16:13:00 <yvesr> pchampin: I raised this question in the LDP WG
Pierre-Antoine Champin: I raised this question in the LDP WG ←
16:13:05 <ivan> ack cygri
Ivan Herman: ack cygri ←
16:13:38 <yvesr> cygri: The LDP WG is considering whether to define a new media type to Turtle
Richard Cyganiak: The LDP WG is considering whether to define a new media type to Turtle ←
16:13:40 <pchampin> I agree we don't have time to discuss that today;
Pierre-Antoine Champin: I agree we don't have time to discuss that today; ←
16:13:48 <pchampin> I was just asking to know if it was not too late
Pierre-Antoine Champin: I was just asking to know if it was not too late ←
16:13:56 <gavinc> or just point to LDP thead... clearly
Gavin Carothers: or just point to LDP thead... clearly ←
16:13:56 <yvesr> ... Adding a parameter would enable them to avoid that
... Adding a parameter would enable them to avoid that ←
16:14:06 <pchampin> If it is not, I can send an email as well
Pierre-Antoine Champin: If it is not, I can send an email as well ←
16:14:13 <Zakim> -Souri
Zakim IRC Bot: -Souri ←
16:14:22 <Zakim> -AZ
Zakim IRC Bot: -AZ ←
16:14:26 <Zakim> -Ivan
Zakim IRC Bot: -Ivan ←
16:14:40 <Zakim> -gkellogg
Zakim IRC Bot: -gkellogg ←
16:15:27 <yvesr> RRSAgent, make minutes
RRSAgent, make minutes ←
16:15:27 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate yvesr
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate yvesr ←
16:15:38 <yvesr> RRSAgent: make logs public
RRSAgent IRC Bot: make logs public ←
16:15:53 <gavinc> ?
Gavin Carothers: ? ←
16:16:08 <Zakim> -yvesr
Zakim IRC Bot: -yvesr ←
16:16:58 <sandro> q?
Sandro Hawke: q? ←
16:18:59 <TallTed> Zakim, unmute me
Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, unmute me ←
16:19:00 <Zakim> TallTed should no longer be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should no longer be muted ←
16:20:31 <Zakim> -GavinC
Zakim IRC Bot: -GavinC ←
Formatted by CommonScribe