ISSUE-6: Use case #6 - Add technical challenges and make a link to ESWC2013

Use case #6 - Add technical challenges and make a link to ESWC2013

Data Usage Vocabulary
Raised by:
Ghislain Auguste Atemezing
Opened on:
Use case #6:
+Add technical challenges. Summarize the text under "Current Data Summary" to make the technical challenges and/or use to complete the story.
+ Make a link to [ESWC2013] with the reference "Stefan Bischof and Axel Polleres. RDFS with attribute equations via SPARQL rewriting. In Proc. Of the 10th ESWC, vol. 7882 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), p. 335-350, May 2013. Springer".
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. dwbp-ISSUE-6: Use case #6 - Add technical challenges and make a link to ESWC2013 (from on 2014-06-03)

Related notes:

Use Case 'Open City Data Pipeline' updated.

Bernadette Farias Loscio, 5 Jun 2014, 02:45:28

Display change log ATOM feed

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