ISSUE-160: Should we add at BP about subsetting data?


Should we add at BP about subsetting data?

Best practices document(s)
Raised by:
Annette Greiner
Opened on:
For very large datasets, working with the entire dataset can be impractical. Even smaller datasets are more useful if data consumers can obtain subsets of the data as needed. Subsetting enables re-use and custom analysis by breaking the data into building blocks. Recognizing the utility of subsetting, should we add a best practice reflecting that? We have use cases for it. We also have a use case for enabling bulk access, so maybe we could write a best practice that suggests making data available in both ways.
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. Re: Freezing the Best Practices text this week (from on 2016-04-07)
  2. Re: Freezing the Best Practices text this week (from on 2016-04-06)
  3. Re: ISSUE-220: Should we include a more complexe example to illustrate provenance? (from on 2016-03-13)
  4. [Minutes] 2016-03-11 (from on 2016-03-11)
  5. dwbp-ISSUE-160 (annette_g): Should we add at BP about subsetting data? [Best practices document(s)] (from on 2015-04-13)

Related notes:

A BP about subsetting was included in the doc.

Bernadette Farias Loscio, 7 Apr 2016, 12:46:06

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