- Minutes -

EOWG Teleconference - ATAG OUtreach SubGroup

14 Nov 2013


Jeanne, Sharron, Wayne



Jeanne: Elevator pitch would be really important to move high on priority list. Also have heard great interest in templates, expressed from the community. Especially templates for Wordpress.
... Jane Wells is the contact person

Wayne: Oh I know her from CSU, will contact her if you send current info

Sharron: Thanks Wayne, and then I have some contacts in Drupal accessibility group as well

Jeanne: Is it Cliff Tylick?

Sharron: yep that's one of them

Wayne: I know a group in N California that have a speciality in setting up accessible Drupal and Moodle templates. They have turned that interest into a business

<jeanne> It would be great to start contacting people to help us with testing.

Wayne: The ATAG Overview could be the backbone of the effort but is not right as it is now. Need an overview for ATAG2 specifically
... not usefulas it is now, but could be.

Jeanne: The problem was that it was transitional, so the intention was to update when we got to CR

Sharron: How to go about the update?

Wayne: One of this team could pick up the writing and then Jeanne or someone else from ATAG can review. It needs to be specific to ATAG2 and broad enough to pull from for all the audiences.
... and detailed enough

<jeanne> I think it should start with elevator pitch, then clarify that it works with WCAG, not replaces it. Part A vs Part B

<jeanne> Then overview of Principles, then refer to At A Glance

Jeanne: The WCAG Overview page when it was in transition, if we can find it, we could modify for this

<jeanne> Find the old WCAG Overview page during CR for language.

Sharron: I'll ask Shawn where it is.

<jeanne> Something like: ATAG 1.0 is still the official W3C Recommendation, but ATAG 2.0 is now stable and ready to be implemented, but be aware that there may still be some minor changes based on feedback from implementers.

Sharron: Wouldn't it be a good idea to invite Andrew to do this first draft? He is good at the W3C language

<jeanne> WD: ATAG facilitates implementing WCAG

Wayne: It will be improtant to tie this back to WCAG, let people know that ATAG is the way they can have confidence that they are meeting WCAG with the output. If ATAG is implemented in the tool, it facilitates WCAG conformance. make the relationship clear.

Sharron: Excellent point. So our actions and I will add to the wiki are: Sharron to ask Shawn to dig up the transitional language from when WCAG2 was in CR. Andrew to develop draft language for the transitional Overview doc. Wayne to contact his moodle/Drupal pals in NoCalif to see if there is interest in joining the outreach effort. Thanks all, see you Friday!

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2013/11/21 17:01:10 $