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<trackbot> Date: 23 October 2013
trackbot, start telecon
<trackbot> Meeting: Web Performance Working Group Teleconference
<trackbot> Date: 23 October 2013
<plh> so, RAF, User Timing, and Performance Timeline should be moving forward
plh: We should have a issues list for our specs prior to TPAC.
<plh> performance.getEntries() == performance.getEntries() returns false
performance.getEntries()[0] == performance.getEntries()[0]
performance.getEntries() == performance.getEntries()
Jatinder: IE11 gives me false on both tests
performance.getEntries()[0] == performance.getEntries()[0]
Jatinder: Returns true in Chrome
performance.getEntries() == performance.getEntries() is false for the entire list
Jatinder: Seems like we should
test both cases.
... I made updates to Performance Timeline based on feedback
from Philippe, namely note to wiki page with latest known
entryTypes and a new Vendor Extensions section,
Plh: Let's plan to do the transition request sometime next week.
Jatinder: Navigation Timing L1 Errata: Update Performance object to implement EventTarget,
plh: NTL1 change would have no
compatibility hit, but will have a conformance hit. We would
have to go to Last Call again and the whole process
... Alternatively, we can just define this change in NT L2 and
deprecate NT L1. Resource Timing would be tied to NT L2
Jatinder: Seeing that we have
defined all the attributes in the NT L2 spec, I am okay with
deprecating NT L1 in favor of NT L2. IE11 already supports NT
L2. I'll email the list.
... High Resolution Time L1 Errata: Move navigationStart
reference to note,
Plh: I'll make the update to the Errata.
Jatinder: Page Visibility L1 had a spelling mistake on visibilitychange, which was fixed in the latest draft. Do we need to update errata or can this change just be pushed out?
Plh: Let me follow and see what I can do about this.
ACTION Plh to fix visibilitychange typo in Page Visibility L1 spec.
<trackbot> Created ACTION-109 - Fix visibilitychange typo in page visibility l1 spec. [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due 2013-10-30].
Jatinder: I have been making changes based on feedback on Resource Priorities. I don't believe we have any significant feedback changes remaining, but there may be some. Can we at least publish this spec as a FPWD?
<plh> Resolved: Publish resource priorities as FPWD
Jatinder: I haven't looked at the Beacon spec in a while, but I didn't think there was a lot of feedback on that spec. I may need to strengthen the processing model. Can we publish this spec as FPWD as well?
<plh> Resolved: Publish beacon API as FPWD
Jatinder: We had quite a bit
discussion on Navigation Error Logging and Resource Error
Logging, and I think there are changes that remain to be made.
I'll ping Arvind and I'll try to help make changes.
... I believe for Prerender we decided that we should try to
get the link = prerender text added to the HTML5 spec. Is there
a bug open on that?
Plh: We updated the wiki page
pointed on the HTML5 spec. We will want to ask HTML WG to put
this into the spec.
... Why topics did you want to talk to with HTML WG?
Jatinder: Mainly the prerender
spec and we can introduce the Resource Priorities spec.
... I believe we still have plans to document HAR as a note. We
should try to make progress on that
... Based on the last discussions, I'm not sure if we are yet
committed to JavaScript Injection. We should close on whether
we want to pursue it or not.
... Since TPAC is only two weeks away, why don't we talk about
this spec at TPAC.
Plh: Mark will be at TPAC.
Jatinder: We'll be sure to talk about this with Mark and Alois in the room.
Jatinder: Philippe shared documentation here:
plh: I will add the agenda on a wiki page
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: JatinderMann Inferring Scribes: JatinderMann Default Present: Plh, +1.503.264.aaaa, Ganesh, +1.425.681.aabb, Jatinder Present: Plh +1.503.264.aaaa Ganesh +1.425.681.aabb Jatinder WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 23 Oct 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]