See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 22 October 2013
<clown> zakim GVoice is Joseph_Scheuhammer
<clown> davidb, I can hear you.
<scribe> scribe: janina
<clown> issue-612?
<trackbot> issue-612 -- Review ia2/atk rule in group position. should this really determine level based on aria-owns chain. see uaig: and test case 69: -- open
<clown> "If aria-level is not provided or inherited for an element of role treeitem, user agents implementing IAccessible2 or ATK/AT-SPI MUST compute it by following the explicit or computed RELATION_NODE_CHILD_OF relations."
db: Suggests we remove, or remove the 'must'
<davidb> +1 to remove
clown: Any objections?
... to removal?
RESOLUTION: Remove this sentence beginning: "If ARIA-Level is not provided ..."
<clown> issue-616?
<trackbot> issue-616 -- ISSUE: Review potentially at-risk statement "When the user triggers an element with a defined activation behavior in a manner other than clicking it, such as by pressing Enter, simulate a click on the element." -- open
clown: Monday ARIA discussion suggested removing this from UAIG
clown: HTML 5 has the same
requirement, except that H is specific to elements
... We tested an onclick on a div; this doesn't work but an
anchor does
<clown> <div role="link" onclick="…">Hi there</div>
<davidb> i don't recall a 'click in progress' flag
[we're unclear how interoperable this is yet, though we agree we want it everywhere]
cyns: Leary of removing this because it seems we'd be losing ground on this discussion
mc: We already have it in tracker, and not having two implementations holds us back from finishing 1.0
cyns: Mark at risk?
mc: OK by me
cyns: I'd prefer
mc: Concerned not all of us are OK
db: Tend to agree with James to remove
<davidb> note what I care about is that we simple agree to implement what is needed - less concerned about what spec and version
js: Suggest week's discussion on list, pro and con keeping this, possibly as at risk
cyns: Will start that at your request
<scribe> ACTION: Cyns to start the conversation re keeping Issue-616 feature in the spec on list, realizing it may go LC at risk. We need to determine what to do by next Tuesday. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1284 - Start the conversation re keeping issue-616 feature in the spec on list, realizing it may go lc at risk. we need to determine what to do by next tuesday. [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2013-10-29].
<clown> issue-564?
<trackbot> issue-564 -- ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT is not used role="heading" -- open
clown: suggested removal
cyns: Doesn't ff have a bug on this?
db: yes
... Do believe we were going to remove, however
clown: Which would change expected result to "examine IA2 role"
db: Confirmed with several AT,
but not all, that OK to remove
... Shouldn't break anything
[general agreement to remove]
clown: have to written, run, and any changes needed in uaig completed to keep LC on track
js: Else we slip a calendar quarter
mc: Bullet 2 seems covered
... ditto 3
... 4 has test cases already
... so now we have 3 to go, but only 2 in the spec ... !!
<clown> "Elements that have an ID which is referenced by another element via a WAI-ARIA relation"
js: Pointing out this isn't holding up LC. We're confident this is OK
<clown> "Elements that have a global WAI-ARIA attribute but do not have aria-hidden="true".
db: Also a slam dunk
[discussing tests 69 and 71, relevant?]
[discussion to remove owns]
[agreement to remove]
[agreement to add Issue-612 to ARIA-1.1]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/only in/only 2 in/ Found Scribe: janina Inferring ScribeNick: janina Default Present: Joseph_Scheuhammer, David_Bolter, janina, Michael_Cooper, Bryan_Garaventa, cyns Present: Joseph_Scheuhammer David_Bolter janina Michael_Cooper Bryan_Garaventa cyns Agenda: Found Date: 22 Oct 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: cyns WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]