Tracking Protection Working Group Teleconference

18 Sep 2013

See also: IRC log


npdoty, Wendy, Jeff, +1.203.563.aaaa, +1.646.654.aabb, Fielding, AmyColando, Carl, +1.202.639.aacc, dsinger, LynnJohnson, eberkower, mecallahan, +1.202.347.aadd, sidstamm, Rigo, +1.408.836.aaee, Thomas, RichardWeaver, +1.650.214.aaff, +1.949.483.aagg, kulick, ifette, Peder_Magee, vinay?, JeffWilson, hefferjr, +1.646.845.aahh, Walter, +1.650.595.aaii, +49.172.147.aajj, james, Justin, Joanne, +1.646.666.aakk, +1.202.347.aall, schunter, +44.186.558.aamm, +44.142.864.aann, dwainberg, Chris_Pedigo, +1.202.346.aaoo, +1.972.664.aapp, hwest, Marc, +1.510.501.aaqq, WileyS, Chris_IAB, chapell, [Microsoft], +44.186.558.aarr, +1.303.492.aass, Brooks, paulohm, [FTC], +1.650.465.aatt, +1.609.258.aauu, efelten, +1.212.231.aavv, +1.202.587.aaww, matt, moneill2, johnsimpson, adrianba, +31.65.141.aaxx, rvaneijk, +1.646.783.aayy, BerinSzoka


<trackbot> Date: 18 September 2013

<eberkower> Zakim aabb is eberkower

<eberkower> Zakim mute me please

<vinay> I just joined from a 385 number, but I don't see it appear here

<eberkower> Thanks, nick. Zakim, mute me

<susanisrael> 201.723.xxxx is susan israel and Amy Colando, calling from a conference we are both attending

<vinay> Thanks for clearing it up, Nick

<Chris_IAB> just joined

<Chris_IAB> the call

<Walter> dsinger: Colloquy is a better IRC client for iDevices

<scribe> scribenick: npdoty


schunter: have to follow our schedule today, as I have to catch a plane
... give an update, some announcements, reviewing some initial comments
... update on chairing, introducing Jeff

jeff: wrote to WG on August 28 on announcement of Peter's being named to NSA Review Group
... recognized we needed to move quickly
... thanks to those inside and outside the working group for providing options
... when I wrote on Aug 28, looking for someone knowledgeable of the group's work, someone who understands w3c process, understand how the community works together, so that they can form consensus
... challenging to find people both with track record in the group and with a track record in building consensus
... thought it best to add two new co-chairs, with Matthias continuing, so we'll have three
... adding Justin Brookman, Center for Democracy and Technology, deeply involved with the WG for a long period of time
... and Carl Cargill, Adobe, worked with him in W3C matters for a long time, formerly on the advisory board, Adobe's AC rep, great at saying okay guys and getting to a consensus
... the three will be a fantastic team
... issues on the table, quite challenging
... make sure all viewpoints will have an ability to be expressed, drive the group to creative solutions to find consensus
... both Justin and Carl have reviewed the plan and are aligned with it
... as a practical matter, it will take some time to get up to speed, so Matthias will continue to chair these meetings for the next few weeks
... it will be a team working together on the entire set of deliverables for the WG

<Chapell> congrats to both Justin and Carl!

jeff: quite pleased with all the input that I received in terms of candidates for this position; hadn't expected to be able to find chairs within 3 weeks, but these are two excellent people

<Chapell> Question - will Justin stay on as an editor?

<JC> Congrats to both!

<Walter> congrats and much wisdom to all involved

cargill_: thank you, first of all
... I've been working standards for about 30 years, good at consensus building
... have been watching this group for a while, think most of the comments are positive

<justin> Thanks all, and no I don't think that I can remain as an editor.

<dsinger> Carl, welcome aboard!

<Chapell> Thanks Justin

<Chapell> -q

<dsinger> Justin, a well-deserved promotion!

cargill_: this is a technical meeting, technical specs can be outdated quickly, bring a sense of urgency
... looking forward to finding out how to get consensus in the group; a challenge, but that's the fun
... always available to talk standards until your arms fall off, I'd love to; easily available

justin: you all know me over the last two years, feel like I've tried to do a good job of finding a middle ground where we can compromise, take all views into consideration; not a long-time standards/w3c person like carl, but want to work in good faith
... has been a long process, I still think it's worth doing and better than the alternatives and want to renew that effort
... like Carl, always available

<matt> 212.231 is matt haies


schunter: made some changes to the plan based on feedback

<Walter> is it just me, or is Mattias breaking up a lot?

schunter: note that call for objections decision won't be made before a certain date
... feedback from Shane, would close issues after sending an email to the list
... if no comments on the poll, can start filling out the poll
... from my perspective, it's important for all people to fill out their data
... really want to gather all the opinions, all the individual positions

<sidstamm> I'm having trouble hearing all of what matthias says

schunter: poll has options, can indicate whether one is preferred

<wseltzer> Poll

<Chris_IAB> q

Chris_IAB: thanks schunter, congratulations I think to the new chairs, thanks for stepping up
... trade organizations submitted comments by Friday deadline, didn't see any kind of response to those
... put a lot of effort into it

schunter: went through all your comments, some to make changes to the plan and some I forwarded to others (regarding FTC)

<susanisrael> *can't hear Matthias well

<wseltzer> Re: Feedback on Proposed Plan from IAB, DAA, DMA and NAI

schunter: also sent a response to the mailing list -- if you haven't received it?

<vinay> I did

<JackHobaugh> yes

<WileyS> Yes

<tlr> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-tracking/2013Sep/0064.html

<johnsimpson> apologies, very bad las traffic

<justin> I think schunter said that he did make changes in response to your email, ChrisIAB.

<johnsimpson> that's LA traffic

Chris_IAB: didn't see the email, but sounds like you didn't make significant changes

jeff: Matthias did point out where he made changes, noted in the email

schunter: regarding item 9 on clear and sufficient deadlines on closing issues
... updated requirements that issue closing must be announced in writing, and 14 days ahead of time to give time for feedback
... regarding item 2, ensure that no definitive decisions on issues are made before end of the poll
... pushed out Calls for Objections (within Phase 2) that would close controversial issues, not before the end of the poll
... regarding item 4, tried to explain the definition of consensus
... in response to constraints on solutions to industry ones, tried to explain the multistakeholder approach, also important to get regulators and users on board
... a 2-3 page email; directed some portions to w3c (regarding membership) and to ftc (regarding spokespeople)
... I believe FTC rep's tend to identify who they're speaking for

Chris_IAB: thanks for the overview, will look at email in more detail (at a privacy conference)

How To

schunter: nick sent an email regarding how to raise an issue, how to add new text

<wseltzer> Poll, now open

<amyc> nick, audio is not great

<wseltzer> logistics for gathering new change proposals

<amyc> just a bit muffled

<wseltzer> npdoty: if you have a new change proposal, send a message to the list describing the proposal and rationale

<wseltzer> ... w3c team will gather proposals on the wiki and tracker

<wseltzer> ... key during phase 1, make sure we have all issues entered with change proposals for each.

<dsinger> Can I suggest we build a 'dashboard' on the wiki, with the process there, the links to the CPs, Issues, and so on? "This is how to work in the TPWG" kind of page, so we are all, um, on the same page?

<wseltzer> ... additionally, if we have issues without change proposals, can put them on vNext

<kulick> +1

<adrianba> here is the HTML WG page (not many issues left on it now): http://dev.w3.org/html5/status/issue-status.html

<scribe> ACTION: doty to add wiki page regarding how-to, dashboard on our process for issues/change proposals [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/09/18-dnt-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-429 - Add wiki page regarding how-to, dashboard on our process for issues/change proposals [on Nick Doty - due 2013-09-25].

schunter: wseltzer also created a wiki page as a way to gather non-normative text

<wseltzer> Wiki for non-normative text

schunter: once we agree on the normative text, have the non-normative text that we can gather
... any questions on the how to?

Comments about updating drafts

schunter: received some editorial comments from vinay, which I'll ask him to forward to the list
... would be nice to quickly get some comments, ask for them by Friday, September 20th

npd: have some changes regarding decisions of the group that may not be reflected
... not sure we need a new WD on such short notice

schunter: would publish another snapshot at the beginning of October (as described in the plan)

rigo: have some comments, will send to editors

schunter: anything else on this agendum?

New Issues

schunter: what I would like to do for future calls is that when we've opened a new issue, get on stage to describe the new issue and give an explanation

<WileyS> Agenda Item #7 - could you please list in IRC?

<kulick> yes, please. i dont see #7 in the agenda

<WileyS> We're preparing for change request submissions prior to the Oct deadline

npd: no new issues yet, perhaps because I just sent around logistics

<WileyS> +q

<WileyS> -q

<WileyS> Item #7 - Discussion of new open items

<WileyS> No comment

<dsinger> agreed, some explanation/discussion while the author has it 'hot in mind' is good. maybe we'll even find a quick consensus resolution :-)

schunter: useful to have more explanation
... given Justin's new role as chair, we'll be looking for editorial support on the Compliance document
... feel free to send suggestions to us
... any other questions or comments?

<WileyS> Reminder: Poll opens today

schunter: thanks a lot everybody
... can get back to filling out the poll; raising issues and change proposals
... important that we spend those two weeks making sure we have the issues and the necessary change proposals that would provide a good solution to address the issue
... ideally each person in the group should be able to go through the list and find at least one change proposal you can live; that is, to read through your preferred version of the document
... then we make sure we all have the same preferred version
... a quick call, we'll meet again next week
... adjourned.

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: doty to add wiki page regarding how-to, dashboard on our process for issues/change proposals [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/09/18-dnt-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2013/09/18 16:41:24 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138  of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Found ScribeNick: npdoty
Inferring Scribes: npdoty
Default Present: npdoty, Wendy, Jeff, +1.203.563.aaaa, +1.646.654.aabb, Fielding, AmyColando, Carl, +1.202.639.aacc, dsinger, LynnJohnson, eberkower, mecallahan, +1.202.347.aadd, sidstamm, Rigo, +1.408.836.aaee, Thomas, RichardWeaver, +1.650.214.aaff, +1.949.483.aagg, kulick, ifette, Peder_Magee, vinay?, JeffWilson, hefferjr, +1.646.845.aahh, Walter, +1.650.595.aaii, +49.172.147.aajj, james, Justin, Joanne, +1.646.666.aakk, +1.202.347.aall, schunter, +44.186.558.aamm, +44.142.864.aann, dwainberg, Chris_Pedigo, +1.202.346.aaoo, +1.972.664.aapp, hwest, Marc, +1.510.501.aaqq, WileyS, Chris_IAB, chapell, [Microsoft], +44.186.558.aarr, +1.303.492.aass, Brooks, paulohm, [FTC], +1.650.465.aatt, +1.609.258.aauu, efelten, +1.212.231.aavv, +1.202.587.aaww, matt, moneill2, johnsimpson, adrianba, +31.65.141.aaxx, rvaneijk, +1.646.783.aayy, BerinSzoka
Present: npdoty Wendy Jeff +1.203.563.aaaa +1.646.654.aabb Fielding AmyColando Carl +1.202.639.aacc dsinger LynnJohnson eberkower mecallahan +1.202.347.aadd sidstamm Rigo +1.408.836.aaee Thomas RichardWeaver +1.650.214.aaff +1.949.483.aagg kulick ifette Peder_Magee vinay? JeffWilson hefferjr +1.646.845.aahh Walter +1.650.595.aaii +49.172.147.aajj james Justin Joanne +1.646.666.aakk +1.202.347.aall schunter +44.186.558.aamm +44.142.864.aann dwainberg Chris_Pedigo +1.202.346.aaoo +1.972.664.aapp hwest Marc +1.510.501.aaqq WileyS Chris_IAB chapell [Microsoft] +44.186.558.aarr +1.303.492.aass Brooks paulohm [FTC] +1.650.465.aatt +1.609.258.aauu efelten +1.212.231.aavv +1.202.587.aaww matt moneill2 johnsimpson adrianba +31.65.141.aaxx rvaneijk +1.646.783.aayy BerinSzoka
Found Date: 18 Sep 2013
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2013/09/18-dnt-minutes.html
People with action items: doty

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]