See also: IRC log
<chaals> We are waiting on PF for a proposal that would satisfy them. HTML is waiting on a new proposal.
<chaals> What to do with the tests proposed
<chaals> Plan for resolving last call issues
<chaals> Plan for tracking LC comments explicitly
<scribe> scribe: janina
<chaals> CN: PF objected tothe procedures, so the CfCs failed.
Charles: Proposes that telecon may propose a CFC, and the facilitators will start with a email
<JF> thought we were talking about longdesc / thought we were talking about longdesc
Charles: Proposes comments in telecon will count
janina: Suggests lang needs to confirm telecon can make decisions, but subject to email or WBS CFC confirmation
Charles: Suggests telecon comments should count because commenter is responsible for correcting any mistatement by the scribe
<JF> +1 to Chaals re: minutes. Gregory R. used to always note that corrections should be sent to the list
charles: Wrote some tests
jf: Looks good, can help
... Have strong objections re LC comments received in email
charles: Can we talk testing first?
jf: OK
Charles: Don't know how to
automate tests ...
... Tests I've proposed have no status yet, expect we'll
consider for a few days yet then do cfc against them
... Would be helpful for people to run tests know and email
initial results
<lwatson> Zakim:
Mark: Tests look good ...
... Can get a stble uri for them and add the
<scribe> ACTION: Mark to add descriptions [recorded in]
<trackbot> 'Mark' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., mhakkine, msadecki, mwatson2).
<scribe> ACTION: marks to add Charles descriptions to the proposed longdesc tests [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-190 - Add charles descriptions to the proposed longdesc tests [on Mark Sadecki - due 2013-08-22].
Chalres: Suggest we start collecting results on a wiki page
Charles: Not worried about how
people report. It's a small set, and we can normalize results
in our report
... Suggest we run CFC on these test longer than usual as it's
August vacation for many people
DM: Asks about where the tests are and how to use them
Charles: They're on github
janina: URI above
Charles: Let's move to the comments discussion ...
jf: Have strong concerns about
comments received. Words like "better" may not be appropriate
in this doc
... e.g. epub authoring guidance should be in epub, not in this
TF's spec
janina +`1
charles; Think it may be useful to provide some guidance on when and how to use the spec
charles: So, an ongoing discussion in email on what may be OK
jf: Our spec is about images, why are we discussing svg, or epub?
charles: because are images
... Notes that only some ua's make svg a11y
jf: Suggest it's counter to our purpose to put qualified authoring guidance into this spec, i.e. ua X & Y support, but on others do Z
charles: Suggests JF chime in on email thread
janina: Agree with JF but also concerned that there are still use cases, even when full ml might exist, to provide an overview of the structure e.g. in a textbook
leonie: Suggest we not try accomplish all this in this early doc
charles: Agree with LW. People
should be able to generalize from our spec
... Notes that even jpeg supports providing an overview, also
... In a transitionary world, which we're in, we do, because
not all can take advantage of svg a11y
... I expect to raise a bug on how we handle this
marks: Have we considered using comment tracker?
marks: Have input comments received just to see how the tool works and might help with responses
charles: agree it's a good
... So, if there, let's use it?
janina: Agree. We're obligated to show response to all comments with rationale
marks: Heard from Jason White
that we should look how a11y apis map lang
... Otherwise no issue to test
... Requested extension on our response to Sep 4
... Inasmuch as current Sep 1 is Sunday of a 3-day holliday
... Have test file from Rich for testing focus rings, and have
run tests with mixed results
... Definitely useful to forward
<David_> Longdesc test files uploaded
marks: No quorum in Bug
... Looked at bugs, have one to ask now
marks: Wondering whether this sufficiently supports magnification, i.e. to find the iframe
dm: Don't think so at this time, what would help?
leonie: Mags will follow mouse for focus, including into an iframe
marks: OK
marks: we need dialog or transcripts ml? Perhaps?
charles: This issue has a
history, even back in HTML 4
... agree it would be useful to ml discussions better than we
can now
janina: Also suggesting date pickers
charles: Suggest people look at inputs and web components. Important for html
<scribe> ACTION: Charles to provide pointer for web components work to the list [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-191 - Provide pointer for web components work to the list [on Charles McCathie Nevile - due 2013-08-22].
<David_> Focus enhancements page 25
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/ me/ thought we were talking about longdesc / Found Scribe: janina Inferring ScribeNick: janina Default Present: Mark_Sadecki, [IPcaller], John_Foliot, lwatson, Janina, chaals, David_MacDonald Present: Mark_Sadecki [IPcaller] John_Foliot lwatson Janina chaals David_MacDonald WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Got date from IRC log name: 15 Aug 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: charles mark marks WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]