See also: IRC log
<fsasaki> discussing ITS IG charter revision and interest group promotion
chriLi: Asks whether the IG can move things or not
<dF> will join audio within 15min or so..
<fsasaki> ok
<fsasaki> IG homepage
<fsasaki> IG charter
chriLi: Asks whether the guidelines for the IG are same than the WG
fsasaki: W3C management agrees
with a new charter but it will take time
... The IG promotion is a good idea
chriLi: we definetey need to have
a good situation for implementors
... we have the IG to help
fsasaki: I have a pending action to create push the creation of material such as videos...
chriLi: last comment wrt the charter, thinks that would be helpful for people to know more about the scope and work items, even if the charter update takes time
<fsasaki> ACTION: felix to add a "work items" link to the IG homepage [recorded in]
fsasaki: nothing needed at the moment
@joerg: starts the presentation
@joerg: Interoperability now was created in 2010 out of neccessity
<fsasaki> [question about relation of tasks to ITS 2.0 provenance?]
<dF> sorry I missed most of Jörgs presentation, will the recording be available?
<fsasaki> hi dF, yes, I am recording the gotomeeting
@joerg: Ends the presentation
pnietoca: Q/A
<daveL> .. still recording
<Pedro> Thank you Felix.
<fsasaki> np
@joerg: Answers Dave's question
daveL: Would be good to have a BP on TIPP
@joerg: Depends on if you're working in a cloud or on a more private cloud
daveL: asks whether they can share with the community
@joerg: yes
<fsasaki> yves: xliff:doc is syntactically xliff 1.2, but semantically it is different
<fsasaki> .. e.g. notation for segemtnation is not 1.2 segmentation marker
<fsasaki> .. the xliff 1.2 issue it is not resolved although interop now is aware of that
<fsasaki> joerg: or we might move over to xliff 2.0
fsasaki: any other questions?
chriLi: what's the direction regarding ITS 2.0?
@joerg: not sure for the moment
<omstefanov> fsasaki: I see in the minutes that you have been recording the session. Like dF I had other conf call. I'd appreciate a way to see/listen to the presentation and discussion.
fsasaki: Arle would not be
joining today
... so no mqm discussion this week, come back to it next week
daveL: ITS ontology can be postponed to next week
fsasaki: Gather issues wrt XLIFF Mapping
<fsasaki> ACTION: Yves to try to present open issues for xliff mapping, focusing on xliff 1.2 [recorded in]
Yves_: I can present something next week
<Yves_> ITS mapping to XLIFF 1.2:
fsasaki: Next week we will focus on the XLIFF Mapping
@joerg: Will be covered the dicussion about MQM next week?
<fsasaki> next week - xliff mapping and mqm as topics
chriLi: We need to stay focus on the IG in ITS 2.0
daveL: Agrees
dF: Wrt Feistgilt I asked everybody to upload presentations and other material