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From Linked Data Platform
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1 Admin
- Chair: Arnaud Le Hors
- Scribe: First available on the scribe list.
1.1 Minutes of last meeting
Proposal: Approve the minutes of the January 13 teleconf:
1.2 Next meeting
- Teleconference 2014.02.03
2 Tracking of actions
Here's a link to the Tracker Summary Page; for the purpose of the agenda here are some more specific link:
- Actions:
- Actions Pending Review: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/pendingreview
- Open Actions: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/open
3 2nd Last Call timeline
We're dangerously approaching the time when we won't be able to produce a REC by the end of our charter (1 June 2014) This means we must settle on the remaining issues within the next two weeks!!
- Possible timeline looks something like this:
- close all remaining issues by 27 January
- two weeks for editors to get the spec up-to-date: 10 February
- two weeks for the WG to review and approve publication of LC2: 24 February
- one week for W3C to publish: 3 March
- three weeks for LC period: 24 March
- one month for CR: 21 April
- two months for PR: 21 June
Some of this might be compressed but we may also have to deal with additional comments...
4 Next Face to Face meeting
- New tentative dates: 18-20 March
5 Status of Accept-POST draft
- Checkpoint on Accept-Post HTTP Header draft
6 ISSUE-92 - Interaction Model
- ISSUE-92 Interaction Model
- PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-92 by changing rel=type to rel=profile for client introspection of interaction model
- It the above doesn't pass, PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-92 by keeping rel=type for client introspection of interaction model
7 ISSUE-89 - Managed Resources
- ISSUE-89 Managed resources
- PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-89 by adopting John's Proposal to materialize ldp:contains with a Prefer header to filter triples
- If the above passes, PROPOSED: Remove all mention of non-member-properties and non-containment resources from the spec, the need is addressed by the Prefer header.
- If the above passes, PROPOSED: Add Prefer: include per John's addition proposal
- PROPOSED: Get rid of ldp:created which is subsumed by ldp:contains
- Alexandre's Containment
- Henry's Member
- Henry's MembershipInferencing
- Arnaud's Membership
- Arnaud's Containers
8 ISSUE-86 - "membership triples" misnamed
- ISSUE-86 "membership triples" misnamed
- PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-86 as is.
9 ISSUE-93 - AcceptLevels
- ISSUE-93 Accept and Auth
- PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-93 removing section 4.3.2, meaning that LDP doesn't add any additional requirements to HTTP, it is up to the server what is taken into account when responding to a request with an Accept header