how all pieces fit together
preliminary review should be a draft, maybe can get through and get to near final
if other suggestions, send to Shawn
WCAG-EM draft, WCAG-EM review wiki page
review question: Is it clear that this evaluation is for an existing website?
Sylvie: not clear enough
other situations need to be made clear
introduction says "website developers
during development process" - contradiction
Vicki: agree. contradicts later
in the document
... uncomfortable with saying only for website after
development. take out "only". can be used in other situations as
... can use it during development
too restrictive to say "only"
[discussion on generally improving readability, especially getting rid of all the internal links]
Shawn:Maybe this is a candidate for being able to toggle off links.
Suzette: some information maybe easier to understand in tables, e.g., bullets under 3.3.2 Step 3.b
Shawn:3.2.2 Step 2.b -> Step 2.b
Shawn:Focus for October on evaluation materials.
... probably not meeting 12 October
... WCAG-EM comments due 20 Oct, so will wrap those on 19 Oct meeting
... 26 Oct discussion in prep for f2f, especially get input from those not attending