See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 04 October 2012
scribe is mmartin3
<Frans_> +41 is Frans
<mijordan> Andrew_Kirkpatrick is mijordan
<plh> action-103?
<trackbot> ACTION-103 -- Glenn Adams to delete R0020 and add introductory text about these styles with descriptions for Section 6.4.2. -- due 2012-09-27 -- PENDINGREVIEW
mmartin3: See
Sean: Keep example. Delete requirement R0020.
mmartin3: Suggest we close
Actions -102, -103.
... Relates to Issue-189
mike: Can close Action-102.
... Close Action-103.
Sean: Pushing for scroll. Falls out from XSL processing model.
mike: Disagreement on scrolling
happening or not in TTML.
... Clarify example.
c/example/with example in TTML 1.0 Second Edition.
Sean: Illustrate semantics.
Resolve to close Action-102 and defer to Issue-189.
Close Action-102.
Close Action-102
<trackbot> ACTION-102 Make changes in Section 8.1.2 as specified closed
Resolve to close Action-103 and defer to Issue-189.
Close Action-103
<trackbot> ACTION-103 Delete R0020 and add introductory text about these styles with descriptions for Section 6.4.2. closed
<trackbot> ISSUE-189 -- do regions scroll their flowed content? -- raised
Mike: Example 5 needs to be revised to handle roll-up.
Create examples in TTML 1.0 Second Edition to specify.
Sean: Example 5 is incomplete.
Need to define the region to close in SDP.
Create Action Mike to provide examples for TTML 1.0 SE.
Create ACTION: Mike to provide examples for TTML 1.0 SE.
<scribe> ACTION: Mike to provide examples for TTML 1.0 SE. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-109 - Provide examples for TTML 1.0 SE. [on Mike Dolan - due 2012-10-11].
<scribe> ACTION: Monica update example 5 for SDP based on Issue-189 discussion on scrolling. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-110 - Update example 5 for SDP based on Issue-189 discussion on scrolling. [on Monica Martin - due 2012-10-11].
<trackbot> ISSUE-183 -- semantics of using profile in a document -- raised
mmartin3: Explains issue.
Mike suggested document conformance.
Sean: Both are specified in the profile.
Mike: Use of profile was related to document conformance.
Sean: TTML 1.0 allows profile on
... SDP-US is focused on document conformance and sufficiently
constrain to deliver profile.
... CFF can be part decoder.
Mike: CFF model is about document
... Make a few revisions in TTML 1.0 SE to clarify that
document conformance applies.
Sean: Agree.
Resolve to make SDP-US a document conformance profile.
Mike: Will develop sentence to change TTML 1.0 SE.
Sean: How to capture CFF constraints if document authoring?
Mike: No changes needed in SDP-US.
Action Mike Proposal to close Issue-183 - identify revisions in TTML 1.0 SE.
<trackbot> Created ACTION-111 - Proposal to close Issue-183 - identify revisions in TTML 1.0 SE. [on Mike Dolan - due 2012-10-11].
<trackbot> ACTION-99 -- Monica Martin to soften text in Abstract regarding USG requirements. -- due 2012-09-20 -- OPEN
SDP draft
Need to close.
Close Action-99.
Close Action-99
<trackbot> ACTION-99 Soften text in Abstract regarding USG requirements. closed
<trackbot> ISSUE-177 -- Clarify mandatory processing semantics referenced in Section 3.2.1. Consider whether to use Appendix D, Table E-2. -- pending review
Close Issue-177 by Action-96
Close Issue-177
<trackbot> ISSUE-177 Clarify mandatory processing semantics referenced in Section 3.2.1. Consider whether to use Appendix D, Table E-2. closed
<trackbot> ISSUE-185 -- confusion about processor versus player -- raised
Close Issue-185
<trackbot> ISSUE-185 confusion about processor versus player closed
<trackbot> ISSUE-187 -- R0006 is overly constraining as drafted -- raised
c/element/timed element
Sean: Agree, objections?
Action Glenn Update R0006 based on discussion in Issue-187 on Oct 4
<trackbot> Created ACTION-112 - Update R0006 based on discussion in Issue-187 on Oct 4 [on Glenn Adams - due 2012-10-11].
Resolved to close Issue-187 based on new Action-112.
Close Issue-187
<trackbot> ISSUE-187 R0006 is overly constraining as drafted closed
pal: Describes issue.
... Doesn't set constraints of the document - characters,
regions, drawing, etc.
... characters per second for example.
Sean: Explore document authoring
constraint - Mike.
... How does this relate?
pal: CFF has rendering model that
answers this question.
... Template can be used.
... Limit characters that author stream that the renderer has
to process.
Sean: Synchronic document model - 2 points in time, document display to t1, t2. Differ by certain number characters?
Mike: Treats performance limitations for simplicity. Acts on each of sychronic document.
Sean: Characters per second doesn't make sense in synchronic documents.
mmartin3: CFF model targets specific use cases correct?
pal: No, SDP-US doesn't speak to these aspects?
Sean: Cast in TTML text, duration to render an instance.
pal: How much processing allocated to rendering? Character drawing is complicated. How many characters per second?
Sean: In captions, end of one
document and start of the second specifies what to do and how
to specify the stream.
... i.e. 4 seconds to draw.
pal: Put in SDP-US?
Sean: Create constraints that relate to synchronic document.
Mike: Recast in a different language is an issue.
Sean: They will be different because the 2 profiles are different.
pal: When CFF sets limits on drawing rate, what does the average of 120 characters mean?
Mike: Concerned about making them different.
pal: We seem to agree on
character constraints.
... Benefit with compatibility on use of CFF. 2 items to
Action Sean to recast the constraints for the SDP-US.
<trackbot> Created ACTION-113 - Recast the constraints for the SDP-US. [on Sean Hayes - due 2012-10-11].
<trackbot> ISSUE-189 -- do regions scroll their flowed content? -- raised
pal: Leave Issue-189 open on the scrolling.
Related to other actions.
<trackbot> ISSUE-190 -- Background vs Window Color -- raised
mmartin3: Describes issue.
... Suggest a note.
Sean: Add an example too.
Mike: Wasn't initially clear to me.
Sean: TTML 1.0 describes this. Have to understand XSL.
Mike: This is a TTML issue.
Sean: Decide if put in Second
Edition or SDP-US.
... Primer?
Action Sean. Monica will help. Add a note and example on backgroundColor and windows. Respond back to Apple. Decide where to place the example. Relates to Issue-190.
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find Sean.. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
Extra meting
<trackbot> ACTION-107 -- Monica Martin to clarify references to named colors and align to TTML 1.0. -- due 2012-10-04 -- OPEN
mmartin3: Describes editor action.
Close Action-107
<trackbot> ACTION-107 Clarify references to named colors and align to TTML 1.0. closed
Meeting Oct 11
Sean: mmartin3 and plh will host.
trackbot, end meeting
trackbot, generate minutes
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137 of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: mmartin3 Inferring Scribes: mmartin3 WARNING: No "Topic:" lines found. WARNING: Replacing list of attendees. Old list: +1.650.525.aaaa +49.893.aabb +44.154.558.aacc Plh mmartin3 Andrew_Kirkpatrick +41.22.717.aadd pal New list: +1.650.525.aaaa +44.154.558.aacc Plh mmartin3 Andrew_Kirkpatrick +41.22.717.aadd pal Sean +1.858.847.aaee Andreas +1.212.664.aaff Default Present: +1.650.525.aaaa, +44.154.558.aacc, Plh, mmartin3, Andrew_Kirkpatrick, +41.22.717.aadd, pal, Sean, +1.858.847.aaee, Andreas, +1.212.664.aaff, Mike Present: +1.650.525.aaaa +44.154.558.aacc Plh mmartin3 Andrew_Kirkpatrick +41.22.717.aadd pal Sean +1.858.847.aaee Andreas +1.212.664.aaff Mike Found Date: 04 Oct 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: mike monica WARNING: No "Topic: ..." lines found! Resulting HTML may have an empty (invalid) <ol>...</ol>. Explanation: "Topic: ..." lines are used to indicate the start of new discussion topics or agenda items, such as: <dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]