See also: IRC log
trackbot, start meeting
<trackbot> Date: 01 August 2012
<scribe> Scribe: Josh_Soref
<scribe> Agenda:
Jo: present, Jo, darobin,
Josh_Soref, andrew_betts
... jfmoy
... bryan
... tobie
kai: Kai Fritz, vodafone
jo: who else?
... is the w3c contact?
darobin: probably not
[ Chairs negotiate ]
Jo: the summary took 2 days to
produce, which is rather long for me
... i'd like people to make sure the resolutions were recorded
... particularly the after lunch resolutions on day 2
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Adopt the draft minutes from this meeting with the amendment that the meeting took place on 25 and 26 June not 28 and 29 June as stated
darobin: sounds good
tobie: ian jacobs asked for an
executive summary
... it would be useful for w3, for us internally, and maybe for
the w3c blog
Jo: sounds reasonable
... since it is rather lengthy
RESOLUTION: Adopt the draft minutes from this meeting with the amendment that the meeting took place on 25 and 26 June not 28 and 29 June as stated
<Jo> ACTION: Rabin to summarise the summary and post on CG blof [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-46 - Summarise the summary and post on CG blof [on Jo Rabin - due 2012-08-08].
<Jo> > Current Draft Level 1
tobie: i'm going through the
updates on the spec
... i've gone through most if not all of the actions specific
to it
... there's a couple i have not done yet
... mostly because i have further questions about them
... or a bit of work to do
... but mostly i've closed the related actions
Jo: we'll step through your
... i've moved your actions to pending-review
... anything you'd like to raise?
tobie: not really
... i need to do some research before bringing them back to the
... i don't want to bother the group before
Jo: anything else on level 1 current draft?
[ no ]
Jo: thanks tobie
Jo: AT&T offered
... to redraft level 0
Jo: my action-2 was to propose
something different about level 0
... a way that would allow it to proceed in some orderly
... we baselined features based on Matt Kelly's list
... there's also a discussion based on Mobile Web Best
Jo: here's my action-2 +
... i've joined those two things together
... i'm proposing reconsidering what level 0 is
... to focus on a small set of UCs from Matt Kelly's
... i wonder if anyone has any views?
bryan: i sent to the list our
intent here
... we're ok with creating a document based on a wide range of
... for a defined set of features
... or taking a UC based approach
... analyze the features
... i think the UC based approach is interesting
... but i think people need information about what's available
in browsers
Jo: isn't that exactly what
derailed progress on Level 0 initially?
... i'd rather not capture the initial state
... but capture definitional
... the group has reached a point where we can say Level 0 is
<darobin> Josh_Soref: I think that we've reached a point where calling Level Zero is going to be a third rail
<darobin> ... so if someone wants to draft something they shouldn't mention level or zero
<darobin> ... there are sites that list features and support on browsers
<darobin> ... and don't do compliance, but some sites do things like it
<darobin> ... while we don't have test suites that do compliance, we should defer to other sites (e.g.
<bryan> public sites e.g. caniuse provide support info inconsistently and incompletely
<darobin> ... it doesn't seem like a very good use of resources for us here to do that
<darobin> ... and I'm okay with something aspirational or definitional, but it should be somewhat narrow
<darobin> ... working from Matt Kelly's list isn't unreasonable
<darobin> ... but it should be limited in scope
<bryan> I do support the strategic focus either on verification or aspiration
<darobin> ... and use meaningful names in its title
tobie: one of the mistakes we
made when we announced level things
... was not to consider the audience of these documents
... we got feedback from the implementers
... who are the audience
<bryan> but we need to be clear which we are trying to achieve
<chaals> [seems that it would make more sense to spend effort providing information so or whatever you like most is more accurate and complete. It's the same work that would be required anyway]
tobie: was that they are *REALLY*
not interested in documenting things we're moving away
... but would rather document things we're moving towards
... this is something to keep in mind when talking about level
... if the main target is developers
<bryan> Tobie, what does "moving away from" mean?
tobie: then produce a document like that which would make implementers less cringy
bryan: what did you mean by "moving away from"
tobie: a document containing
"EcmaScript 3"
... where implementers are moving to EcmaScript 5
... implementers are moving from HTML4 to HTML5
... that's the crux around documenting anything around the main
market of mobile devices
bryan: i think i understand what
you said
... i'm not sure i get it
... as i dropped on irc
... i think the group needs to decide if it's going to document
what's supported
... or to establish aspirations
... if you're looking at aspirations, you can look at what's
around the corner
... i don't think scope
... is complete or consistent
... the methodology is extremely fragmented
... it's extremely difficult to use as a developer
... one of our main focuses is to draw that together into a
place that's automated, easy to consume
Jo: i don't think it's this
group's job to repeat what's done by browserscope/caniuse
... i'd like us to agree to move on if that's a consensus
... it seems the group has proven by a non-existence
... that the baseline doesn't exist
... and to move to an aspirational thing
... defining "if it has this, this and this" then it is a
mobile application [host?]
tobie: if we're interested in
giving a good picture of the world today
... this could be done by publishing the results of how well
existing browsers fair on the level 1 spec
<bryan> agree, we are not trying to replace caniuse etc, but trying to promote consistency or agreement on what should be consistent
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: This group does not intend to reproduce the results of Browserscope or CanIUse
tobie: if we have a good test
suite, then the current state
... of browsers is whatever percentile you're interested
... say 90% of the browsers get as results
<bryan> how do developers fill the gaps then?
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION 2: There is no test suite below Level 1
<bryan> above the 85-90%
jfmoy: i agree with bryan
... on these concerns
... i'm surprised with discussions on caniuse / similar
... the results they provide is far from being
... i don't have a good level of trust in them
... we found discrepancies when comparing with our own internal
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION 3: Level 0 (if it exists at all) exists as a definition only what it means to be a mobile web app
darobin: as a data point
darobin: matrix maker is being
... so you could pick browsers, specifications
... to give you a matrix of support for various
... and you'll be able to save that report
... it ought to be available by the end of the month
<bryan> that will be useful, and CoreMob could then based upon that data issue some statement as to the baseline
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: This group does not intend to reproduce the results of Browserscope or CanIUse
<bryan> +1
<darobin> +1
<jfmoy> +1
dan: i'm blocked from irc
Jo: have you tried ?
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION 2: There is no test suite below Level 1
RESOLUTION: This group does not intend to reproduce the results of Browserscope or CanIUse
<bryan> but based upon some testing somewhere, will the group establish what t thinks *is* the current state of the "Core Mobile Web" support?
Jo: bryan, no, i don't think it
will do that
... it might define what it means to be a mobile web
bryan: and explain why/when it matters
Jo: i think defining the difference between a mobile web site and a mobile web application
bryan: defining the
... the output needs to be something that is useful for
... if things aren't supported, but are filled through
... that has a place in the landscape
Jo: i think that could be discussed on list
bryan: i think that should be noted
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION 2: This group will not produce a test suite that is below the aspirational Level 1
<bryan> how polyfills play a role in current levels of support across browsers, and that they are a fact of the "mobile web" experience for developers
dan: for level 0, if we only have
... are we recommending developers use
Jo: we're saying we want to
complete a range of features across a range of browsers
... the point of the group is to look forwards
... maybe slightly in the future being december
... any test suite that would cover level 1 will cover the
features that are important today
<bryan> I think one can only look forward and make sense of what is seen, by knowing the current point from which the observation is made, e.g. is the camera ahead or behind us?
Jo: aside from a discussion of what is in a level 0 test suite
dan: will we include all the specific features from level 0 into level 1?
Jo: i'm not sure how one would do a test suite of HTTP
tobie: i've already folded all
the non-controversial parts of level 0 into level 1
... i did that before the f2f
<bryan> Folding level 0 into level 1 is I think a good compromise approach, if we want only to look forwrd
dan: what do you mean by the controversial stuff
<bryan> appcache etc?
tobie: there were a number of
features included in the early draft of level 0
... some accidentally
... which made a lot of people very unhappy
... these included things that were encumbered by patents
... and vendor prefixed css features
dan: for prefixed features
... i thought we agreed to test nonprefixed
jo: we're going off topic
... we agreed at the F2F to only focus on spec'd features
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION 2: This group will not produce a test suite that is below the aspirational Level 1
jo: i'd like to return to the conversation
<tobie> +1
<darobin> +1
Josh_Soref: +1
RESOLUTION: This group will not produce a test suite that is below the aspirational Level 1
<bryan> +1 given that level 1 is as described by Tobie
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION 3: Level 0 (if it exists at all) exists as a definition only what it means to be a mobile web app
<tobie> bryan:
Jo: we define a mobile application
<bryan> thanks, I will review the current level 1 spec
Jo: as something which has a
degree of autonomy
... and doesn't require online access for extended periods in
order to do whatever it does
... whatever came out of it would be a minimal spec
... http capable, bootstrap from the web
... is it meaningful to call that level 0?
<bryan> I think it's a useful definition
dan: i think that's too minimal
Jo: what i'm proposing is that we
review the list of features that matt kelly came up with
... if it can do this, you can't call it a mobile web app
tobie: there's been a notion of dropping leveling
<inserted> [WHy not let Bryan have a go and see if he writes something that convinces us? It might be quicker
<chaals> for everyone else) than deciding a priori whether there is something people might accept and value]
tobie: since we don't have a
level 0, and don't have a notion of a level 2
... let's release level 1 as "Core Mob ..." or "Mobile
... and then see if we want to do things as yearly
... or levels
<bryan> I would like to see some results from whatever testing is done, either in the Testing IG or elsewhere, factored into the discussion on defining "what a mobile web app is" as what is supported clearly limits what an app "can be"
tobie: maybe later have a modern
web app definition
... have something distinct from level 1
Josh_Soref: +1
dan: i agree
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION:Rename proposed definition doc as "What is a Web App" drop the whole idea of Level 0 and rename Level 1 as ScoreMob 2012
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION:Rename proposed definition doc as "What is a Web App" drop the whole idea of Level 0 and rename Level 1 as CoreMob 2012
<darobin> +1
<dan> +1
Jo: any objections to dropping level 0?
<bryan> +1 (sorry, don't want to belabor a difficult discussion, the group should move on)
Josh_Soref: +1 from me for dropping it
RESOLUTION: Rename proposed definition doc as "What is a Web App" drop the whole idea of Level 0 and rename Level 1 as CoreMob 2012
Jo: is there support for doing a
small definitional document on what is a web app?
... bryan, would you volunteer to do it?
... you volunteered for something different
<bryan> we will have opportunity to do what is needed, once we have the data to do so - any document prior to that would be preliminary
<andrew_betts> +1 to the need for a clearer understanding of what a 'web app' is.
<darobin> ScribeNick: dan
<darobin> ScribeNick: darobin
<Jo> ACTION: Sullivan to draft a chapter outline of "What is a Web App?" [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-47 - Draft a chapter outline of "What is a Web App?" [on Bryan Sullivan - due 2012-08-08].
jo: we won't have time to do action bashing
jo: three things to discuss
... 1) shall we have another call in 2 weeks' time?
jfmoy: I would prefer a month
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Further meeting in 1 month
RESOLUTION: Further meeting in 1 month
<Jo> ACTION: Jo to arrange September call [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-48 - Arrange September call [on Jo Rabin - due 2012-08-08].
<bryan> jo, please send me what you described as the basic characteristics of a "mobile web app", and we will flesh it out
jo: 2) noting the dates of the
f2f are Oct 2-3, with logistics to follow, any further
questions? I'll circulate details
... AOB?
... then let us thanks the FT
<Jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Coremob thanks the FT for hosting the voice channel for this call
<dan> +1
RESOLUTION: Coremob thanks the FT for hosting the voice channel for this call
<Jo> rrsagent draft miniutes
<Jo> rrsagent: draft minutes
<Jo> rrsagent: draft minutes
<Jo> s/member://
<Jo> [Following the adjournment co-Chair realised that he'd been dreadfully rude in not thanking the Scribe]
<Jo> rrsagent: draft minutes
<Jo> member:rrsagent: draft minutes
<Jo> rrsagent: draft minutes
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/oresent/present/ Succeeded: s/Jo/Josh_Soref/ Succeeded: s/happy for you to Josh. if you would be so kind// Succeeded: s/ScribeNick: Josh_Soref// Succeeded: s/Josh_Soref - yes// Succeeded: i/Agenda:/Topic: Attendance Succeeded: s/RESOLUTION: Adopt the draft minutes from this meeting with the amendment that the meeting took place on 25 and 26 June not 28 and 29 June as stated// Succeeded: s/defintions/definitions/ Succeeded: s/or/for/ Succeeded: s/the/if the/ Succeeded: s/XX/dan/ Succeeded: i/for everyone/[WHy not let Bryan have a go and see if he writes something that convinces us? It might be quicker Succeeded: s/gah!// FAILED: s/member:rrsagent draft miniutes// Succeeded: s/rrsagent draft miniutes// Succeeded: s/Kai Fritz/Kai_Fritz/ Found Scribe: Josh_Soref Inferring ScribeNick: Josh_Soref Found ScribeNick: dan WARNING: No scribe lines found matching ScribeNick pattern: <dan> ... Found ScribeNick: darobin ScribeNicks: Josh_Soref, dan, darobin Present: Bryan_Sullivan Jo Josh_Soref Andrew_Betts Dan_Sun dan_sun Jean-francois_Moy chaals Tobie_Langel Kai_Fritz Regrets: Aaron_Randall Kenneth_Auchenberg Agenda: Found Date: 01 Aug 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jo rabin sullivan[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]