See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 21 June 2012
<scribe> scribe: MichaelC
js: 194, proposal in?
jf: plan to work on that before the weekend
js: don't expect major surprises at this point, media sub-team has discussed the points
and have accommodated Apple concerns
hope to move to single proposal, but don't know yet
199, waiting to hear from Ted
chairs have a priority order on these?
pc: expecting 201 to be partially fulfilled by last night
have a timeline in the public archive
Ted promised 22 June for 199 and 201
a further week from him for 199, was pending Silvia's input which is now in
204 expected for 6 July
jf: talked with Ted at hackathon last week, similar info on his timelines
exploring MAY language, need to look at that more
js: any last-minute counter-proposals?
pc: haven't checked yet, don't see anything
jf: don't see any
pc: should we focus a meeting on closing out some of these items?
concerned there was a peak of activity during and after the FtF
but now it's drying up
understand there's lots of work going on
but could be good to focus efforts
rs: hoping for faster responses to emails
pc: working on getting busy people looped in
have various concrete steps in play towards that
js: should we handle these issue by issue?
pc: yes, because they're not same sub-sets of people across the issues
js: I'll pursue getting some sessions set up with relevant parties for the issues
rs: FtF tend to have lots of energy, then it flags afterwards
js: so virtual FtF on topics may help
pc: trying very hard to get everybody together
jf: I have specific action on 204 to rework language, think it's relatively minor and can be cleaned up in next week or so
for 194, we should do another call, can help with that
js: for 204, John, Cynthia, Ted, Jonas
201, Rich, Frank, Ted
199, Michael, Ted
194, Janina, John, Silvia, Ted, Eric, Charles?
I will work to schedule 194 discussion
pc: believe 204 is in TF hands, awaiting consensus?
jf: that's pretty close
the clock has run out
just down to a bit of RFC2199 language details
js: anybody can propose MAY language, it's MUST and SHOULD that makes consensus more difficult
jf: so just chasing that stuff down
think consensus is emerging
pc: we need to put something down soon, if not go to survey
jb: thought we had stated what would be acceptable
pc: would like a clear indication of whether you think gulf is too wide and go to survey
jb: think it's about whether requirements met or not
js: does MAY solve this?
various: maybe
pc: don't want to wait indefinitely when don't see activity
so, what's the deadline?
if waiting on a middle ground, can put down yourselves, not just wait for someone else
js: think JF has that on his plate
jf: I will rewrite draft by 25 June
after that, ball will be on Ted and Jonas to review
might go to survey if they don't like that version
think they will accept, but they need to see the specifics
jb: couldn't we just go to survey now?
js: if it gets surveyed, other issues muddy it
pc: there's a message from Maciej Monday, looks like a thread was hard to follow
jb: so JF proposal for next steps seems optimal now
js: JF, please make wiki "version 4"
<JF> ACTION: JF to re-work the 204 V3 CP to a V4 that uses MAY language by due Monday June 25 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-139 - Re-work the 204 V3 CP to a V4 that uses MAY language by due Monday June 25 [on John Foliot - due 2012-06-28].
action-139 due 25 june
<trackbot> ACTION-139 Re-work the 204 V3 CP to a V4 that uses MAY language by due Monday June 25 due date now 25 june
js: who will convene 201 and 199 meetings?
rs: ???
pc: will convene 201
mc: just awaiting Ted's feedback on 199, which is known on his radar
we can meet after if he has further changes to propose
js: getting close on analysis document
but not quite ready to promote to TF wiki
jb; text sub-team just awaiting responses on things now
so may not need to meet regularly anymore
js: though this one still active
think we can close quickly once we get the right people together
will aim to do do that Tuesday
jb: see above
sf: met this week, still plugging away
jf: it's just something to finish, not holding anything else up?
sf: separate document, not holding anything up
lw: Hans just sent an updated review of a11y keyword bugs
processing by email
js: none identified
nothing to review today
LĂ©onie Watson volunteers
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Ju;ly/July/ Succeeded: s/meeitngs/meetings/ Succeeded: s/jf: who/js: who/ Succeeded: s/ARIA mappings/HTML mappings/ Found embedded ScribeOptions: -implicitContinuations -final *** RESTARTING DUE TO EMBEDDED OPTIONS *** Found Scribe: MichaelC Inferring ScribeNick: MichaelC Default Present: Janina_Sajka, John_Foliot, Leonie, Cooper, Paul_Cotton, Judy, Rich, Steve_Faulkner Present: Janina_Sajka John_Foliot Leonie Cooper Paul_Cotton Judy Rich Steve_Faulkner Regrets: Mike_Smith Laura_Carlson Found Date: 21 Jun 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jf[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]