See also: IRC log
<Judy> scribe: David
<janina> Fighting with Zakim ...
<Judy> scribe: Judy
JB: Laura reminded us of the one-year anniversary of the HTML Co-Chairs' commitment to expedite Issue 30: Longdesc, which is still pending. Do have continued concerns about the time it has taken; had voiced concerns about the potential for delays from 204, which seems to have occurred.
LC: Received email from Susan Taylor, Association of American Publishers, expressing concern.
JB: We've continued to hear concern as well.
JF: Heard more from HTML Co-Chairs?
JB: JS and JB raise it at each coord meeting, but 204 is in queue before it still.
LC: Will they be responding to my email?
JB: They seemed to prefer that JS or JB respond.
JS: We declined to reply, seems more their task; they wanted something more substantive to respond with, on 204, but there 204 is still hung up.
JB: We'd said this would probably happen with 204.
JS: Did anyone ever respond to AAP's letter?
LC: Got assigned bug status.
JB: Latest reason 204 is stuck?
JS: Pending Sam's response about strong objection, since after my email to the list last Thursday.
JB: I will include that reminder in my summary of the coordination call with H5CC's from yesterday.
<David> scribe: David
JS: What is recap of next steps?
<JF> scribe: JF
JS: coordinating with David about
how to present how wrong the guidance, and examples, are
... believe I am on top of it, but need to review some older
emails. Believe Steve F was going to work on some alternative
alt text - Action 54(?)
ultimately became Steve's authoring guide
however what seems to be lost is the reason for steve's doc - which was to remove the bad alt text+
DM: so can we pull out the old
stuff and insert the new stuff, or remove the old stuff and
point to Steve's doc
... so my task was to summarize what needed to be worked on in
the HTML5 spec
JS: correct
JB: so next steps?
JS: recollection is to take
David's succinct and detail "problem" list, and turn it into
bugs in bugzilla and maintain a table based on David's
... Checked with Steve F, and we believe there are no other
bugs - so we need to create them
DM: so I need to start a table with the following columns
JS: 1) David's bulletted list of wrong guidance
2) Pointer to where in spec (i.e. section number)
3) any bugs filed on that point/issue (bugzilla)
4) where contradicts WCAG 2 or other W3C Recs
5) Comments as required
6) where in Steve's document this is addressed
(these are row headings for columns)
JB: and can we add another or aux table which singles out where there is bad alt text in the HTML5 spec
DM: WCAG 2 group have also been reviewing Steve's doc, and there is some feedback forthcoming
JB: we need to connect the dots with Steve's document which speaks to the guidance in the core HTML5 spec - pro or con?
DM: there may be a few overlaps, have not done a full cross-check to date
JB: I believe this is critical to do - to approach this holistically; if we comment on these in isolation, it will only add to the confusion.
LC: Josh Steve and Laura started this document - there are notes in the wiki, and in one of the drafts all that data is captured
LC: in the third draft we forwarded it all to WCAG
I added comments - need to locate them
JB: perhaps JS and DM should review this as well and touch back to laura as required
JS: question - is there an email from the original chairs (Dan and Chris) that suggests that this was a task to replace the bad text with this
what was the understanding of the action?
JF: collectively this was an approach by a group of people
JB: sounds like the history question should not be totally put aside
but I think we need to think about next steps forward
DM: will need at least another week or so - perhaps after the 15th
JB: there is a pending last Call
DM: so we need to do this now
JB: yes
DM: is a time-managment
... will work at it over the next couple of days then - can't
make a promise but will apply best effort
DM could use some assistance with the bugs
JS: they are listed in Steve's recent email, can forward on
DM: that would be very helpful - cross-reference Steve's doc?
JS: yes
JB: it seems that initially it appeard to be written of SME - it needs to be more General Population targetted
<scribe> scribe: David
<JF> ?me back to you sir
jf: The discussion is diverging
again, strong push-back, people not understanding normal
transcript behaviours, Charles responded to her... 2 people
from Apple want a no change jf wants programmatic association
because some authors want to hide the link
... there will be a wbs survey, the no change proposal will not
be withdrawn 3 contenders, 6 in the mix
... sylvie available for 60 minutes tonight...
jb: if it stays diverged what is the next steps
jf: looking for consensus, ben
objected, may not get consensus in task force
... i think that sylvia's draft proposal is in good
jb: 1) ted no chantge 2) ted id refs anchors on page, 3) sylvia transcript element
<Judy> jb was asking about status of the more accessibility-supporting proposals, still not getting a clear picture
jb: engineers say cannot have link right out of element
<JF> s/chales/chaals/
<Judy> JS: will check with Ted on action 219 in html wg
<Judy> JB: summarize H5CC discussion yesterday and reping sam
<Judy> JS: yes, checking
<Judy> JB: summarizing the apparent cross-linked confusion that JS and JB researched after coord meeting H5CC yesterday; pending action for this afternoon
<janina> ++1
<Judy> JB: JS willing to chair?
<Judy> JS: yes
<Judy> JB: thanks!
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/occured/occurred/ Succeeded: s/WCAG @/WCAG 2/ Succeeded: s/holistically/holistically; if we comment on these in isolation, it will only add to the confusion./ Succeeded: s/there is a pending heartbeat publish coming soon, and a pending last Call/there is a pending last Call/ Succeeded: s/chales responded/The discussion is diverging again, strong push-back, people not understanding normal transcript behaviours, Charles responded to her/ Succeeded: s/jb/jf/ FAILED: s/chales/chaals/ Found Scribe: David Inferring ScribeNick: David Found Scribe: Judy Inferring ScribeNick: Judy Found Scribe: David Found Scribe: JF Inferring ScribeNick: JF Found Scribe: David Inferring ScribeNick: David Scribes: David, Judy, JF ScribeNicks: David, Judy, JF Default Present: David_MacDonald, JF, Judy, Laura_Carlson, janina Present: David_MacDonald JF Judy Laura_Carlson janina WARNING: No meeting title found! You should specify the meeting title like this: <dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting Got date from IRC log name: 05 Jun 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]