See also: IRC log
<olivier> trackbot, start
<trackbot> Sorry, olivier, I don't understand 'trackbot, start'. Please refer to for help
<olivier> trackbot, start meeting
<trackbot> Date: 09 May 2012
Hi olivier!
<olivier> Scribe: Chris Lowis
<olivier> ScribeNick: chrislowis
<roc> I think I joined
<roc> it's completely silent
<mdjp> mdjp - same problem
<jussi> for me VOIP worked fine
mdjp, olivier: ?
<olivier> yup
<olivier> got in
mdjp: try again?
roc: are you ??P7 ?
<roc> guess so
<olivier> yes I think so
<jussi> might be me
<jussi> although I'm muted
<jussi> I think
<jussi> thanks
<olivier> jussi, ack-ing you will unmute you
<olivier> shepazu, are you joining?
<jussi> olivier: alright
olivier: today I want to talk
... 1) what are we going to do with our two specs
... 2) What are we going to do with UC and recs document
... Last week we noted that there was a lot of buy in for the
Web Audio API, but less so for the Mediastream API.
... today I'd like to hear from the two editors about what they
... I've had a quick conversation with roc.
... It feels like we will proceed with the Web Audio API and
try to fold the Mediastream API in as a note.
shepazu: given what I've seen a good strategy would be to keep in mind the Use Cases around streaming that roc contributed, especially around the consistancy of video and audio.
roc: I think that what you are
proposing is reasonable
... There's still issues I have around syncronisation and I
still have a strong desire for tight integration with
... and some way of processing different types of media.
... I want to try and figure out how to integrate the two. I'd
like the semantics of mediastreams and web audio nodes to
... I think we can do that while still keeping compatability
for the people who are currently using the web audio api
olivier: I think the biggest
question was the necessity of having consistancy between web
audio and mediastreams.
... Chris Rogers, could you respond to the question about how
the web audio spec could better integrate with
CRogers: it's a good time to talk about this as we are starting to prototype mediastreams in Chrome right now.
chris: I put a proposal of how the two might integrate based on roc's use cases, which were a very useful starting point.
chris: this document is my first
best stab at how the integration might work. We're going to try
it in a prototype.
... it's two new methods on the audioContext, so it's fairly
... we'd like to show our progress with WebRTC
olivier: I'd say go ahead and add it to the spec, note that it's still under discussion exactly how'd they'd work.
chris: there's still a lot of
discussion, such as how to deal with multiple audio and video
... it's useful to be able to split out the streams and deal
with the separately.
roc: in mediastream processing spec you can get a video stream from a canvas and use that for overlays. That's a logical way of doing that. With multiple audio tracks you can mix them together too.
chris: I'm sure we'll find some
cases where we'll overlay video tracks together in a canvas,
but I suspect it'll be more normal that each video track will
have a separate layout on a page.
... e.g. video conference-type application.
roc: if you're going to process multiple tracks you will need some API to allow them to be mixed. To keep the simple case simple the default behaviour might be to mix them together by default, then have an API to allow them to be split.
chris: even without the Web Audio API in the picture you'd still need to cope with multiple streams. So maybe that is the best default behaviour.
olivier: I'd like to give
everyone the chance to register their objections to this and
document in our rechartering that we'll focus on the web audio
api going forward.
... roc: if we're going to republish your work as a note, do
you need some time to reflect any changes you've made?
roc: I think we'll try to publish it the way it is, there's not much point in changing it now.
shepazu: if we decide later to change anything we can update the note.
olivier: it's quite important to have it in a state we're happy with as it's a cornerstone of our work on the web audio api, so if you'd like to make changes feel free.
roc: at the moment it reflects the implementation so it makes sense to keep it as it is, even though there's a couple of things I could change.
<olivier> RESOLVED: the group will publish the mediastream processing API as a note
<olivier> RESOLVED: our new charter will document the focus on the web audio API as our audio processing spec
olivier: Moving to the 2nd question:
(What are we going to do with UC and recs document)
olivier: if you go to the spec
today there is a section called Use Cases and
... my question is whether the work we have done this winter on
the UC&R document should go into the spec as an informative
section. Or whether we'd rather keep it in the wiki.
chris: my preference would be to
take it from the wiki into a separate html file but to link to
it from the spec.
... I think the wiki made more sense when we were brainstorming
the ideas. It could be formatted more nicely as a formal
olivier: that's pretty close to
my preference: take the use cases and requirements, turn it
into a working draft and eventually to publish it as a note
when it's more mature.
... then we'd link that note from the spec.
... and note which use cases we considered out of scope for the
chris: I would put them in the use cases and requirements doc.
olivier: agreed. Objections?
None noted.
olivier: Then I'll start on preparing that for that draft. The door is open for volunteers to take that on.
<olivier> RESOLVED: the group will publish the use cases & requirements as a WD, with a view to publish as a note
<olivier> RESOLVED: features left out of scope for the v1 of web audio API will be documented in the UC&D Note
<olivier> ISSEU-13?
<olivier> ISSUE-13?
<trackbot> ISSUE-13 -- JavaScriptNode Delays -- raised
<olivier> ISSUE-14?
<trackbot> ISSUE-14 -- Default value for bufferSize in createJavaScriptNode() -- raised
I'll start with ISSUE-13. mdjp, would you explain a little more?
mdjp: the main thing is to make people aware that when using the JS node that there is a delay introduced by the node.
<mdjp> I should be muted now
chris: yes, the JS audio node has
an inherent latency due to its buffering. We talked about
adding a latency method to query what the latency is on a
... the point is that we need a latency attribute on the
... there's a Rendering Time attribute that supplies additional
jernoble: are we asking about adding an attribute to query the latency on all nodes, not just the JS node?
chris: yes.
... in the link above there's an attribute called event time to
determine where you are in the playback stream.
... it provides a way for JS nodes to syncronise themselves
with other nodes.
olivier: so using this you could compensate in other parts of the graph for this delay.
chris: yes, so using this you would be able to compensate for this.
roc: in mediastream processing you don't need to query nodes for the latency. If we can avoid it in the web audio api that would be best for authors.
chris: my feeling is we can't do
everything automatically - there's some cases where you would
want to compensate and some where you wouldn't, and the system
wouldn't be able to detect reliable which mode to be in.
... c.f Logic Audio 9 screenshot previously on the list.
olivier: could you see a case where the developer might add latency deliberately and this would hurt that?
chris: Referring to a thread on the list where this was discussed.
olivier: could you find that thread and add it to ISSUE-13?
chris: sure.
roc: forcing developers to do latency calculations themselves is something we should avoid.
chris: my feeling is the latency compensation should be opt-in rather than opt-out.
olivier: thanks :)
... perhaps we could add something to the next WD of the spec,
to look for feedback.
chris: one of the examples in the previous thread I mentioned was someone playing a MIDI synth along with a generated sequence - if people are trying to use the API in a simple way they won't understand where the delay is coming from.
olivier: do you (chris) have any notion of the performance issues caused by always-on latency compensation?
chris: in terms of CPU load?
olivier: yes. I don't think it would have an appreciable effect. I'm not sure. I'm more concerned about the impact on delays.
<olivier> chrislowis: wanted to point out that the problem we ran into was when using synthesis, when phase was important.
<olivier> … we were missing a few native building blocks, like additions
<olivier> … the more native blocks, the less of an issue it becomes
chris: I'd like to bring up the
playback time attribute --^
... the playback time is a timestamp, so you know exactly what
time things are happen so you can syncronise events in a JS
node exactly.
olivier: is this just a matter of documentation?
chris: we should still have the latency attribute, to handle both synthesis and the generation of note events.
<roc> seems to me that using the playbackTime attribute gives you the information you need about latency
<olivier> ISSUE-14?
jussi: if the implementation could put in a default value for good latency that would be an option.
<jussi> np
<trackbot> ISSUE-14 -- Default value for bufferSize in createJavaScriptNode() -- raised
roc: in mediastreams processing the implementation always chooses the buffer size.
olivier: what does it choose as the default?
roc: it'll be implementation dependent - depending on whether you're buffering ahead. In my implementation it changes dynamically depending on the amount of buffering. I can dig up more information off-call.
olivier: would this make inter-operability difficult?
chris: we've had a bit of a
discussion about this a few months ago with Joe. We were going
back and forth on whether we should go with roc's suggestion,
or whether we should allow the developer to specify the buffer
... I don't really have a firm opinion either way, it's a tough
question. roc's suggestion has a lot of merit, and I think joe
<olivier> mute jussi
chris: jussi - do you have any objections?
jussi: I'm not sure, need to think about it.
chris: me too. It's really hard!
I think we should talk about it on the list.
... in principle I agree with roc on this.
roc: interop won't be a problem if implementation that are widely used *do* vary the buffer size dynamically, but if devs start working around things, it'll be tricky.
olivier: I think the way forward
is to continue the discussion on the list.
... good time to wrap up the call as we're reaching an hour.
None noted.
olivier: same time next week.
shepazu: before we go...
... did we resolve to go forward with publication?
olivier: we decided we would be
we haven't talked about logistics.
... we have a recorded resolution.
shepazu: we'll have to wait a couple of weeks, as there's a moritorium on publication at the moment.
<jussi> thanks everyone! bye
olivier: let's figure out the logistics after the AC meeting.
<gabriel> bye
<mdjp> bye all
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/CRogers/chris/ Succeeded: s/document/spec/ Succeeded: s/compentacy/compensation/ Found Scribe: Chris Lowis Found ScribeNick: chrislowis WARNING: No "Present: ... " found! Possibly Present: CRogers Doug_Schepers F1LT3R P0 P1 P10 P12 P7 P8 P9 ScribeNick chris chrislowis colinbdclark foolip gabriel https inserted jernoble jussi kennyluck kinetik mdjp olivier paul_irish roc shepazu trackbot You can indicate people for the Present list like this: <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary <dbooth> Present+ amy Regrets: Alistair Agenda: Found Date: 09 May 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]