UI scale

From Web and TV IG

UI scale

UC-1: UI is downscaled on the client device


As an application i would like to know how the UI is perceived by the end-user
  1. The cloud browser renders the UI on 1920x1080 resolution
  2. The client is only capable of displaying 1280x720 only
  3. cloud browser downscale the UI to 1280x720
Typical example: the UI is specifically authored for a higher resolution or the UI is displayed in a other way (e.g. in a PiP on a TV). The screen properties are providing the same resolution however the scale is changed.


  • client
  • application
  • cloud browser


A workable solution is to look at the devicePixelRatio on the window object (window.devicePixelRatio). However this is not how the property is used today. There should be a way how to obtain this information.

Provide a mechanism for users to resize the UI, where the UI will accommodate scaling of the text and the interface itself up to 200%, without degradation to the interface.


Colin Meerveld (talk)