MPTF/Agenda Telco 19th July 2012

From Web and TV IG


Today's meeting is for the (final) review of any suggested changes to the ABR media requirements and content protection requirements documents. I will not be walking through the documents. We will just review specific comments from TF participants. After this meeting, I don't intend to have further meetings unless we get a new charter. We will submit our requirements documents to the HTML-Media group and essentially shut down. I plan to keep the reflector up for now in case MPTF topics need to be discussed, but I don't plan for any activity beyond that.

  1. Bug review
  2. Review of changes to either of the requirements documents
    1. Adaptive Bitrate Requirements for HTML5 Media Element (WIP)
    2. Content Protection Requirements for HTML5 Media Element (WIP)
  3. Plans
  4. Other issues?