Provenance Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 05 April 2012

Curt Tilmes, Daniel Garijo, James Cheney, Jun Zhao, Kai Eckert, Khalid Belhajjame, Luc Moreau, Paolo Missier, Paul Groth, Sam Coppens, Sandro Hawke, Satya Sahoo, Simon Miles, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Ted Thibodeau, Timothy Lebo, Tom De Nies
Luc Moreau, Timothy Lebo, Daniel Garijo
Paul Groth
Jun Zhao
Original and Editable Wiki Version


  1. Admin

  2. PROV-DM

    The document is out for review. Reviewers are all making progress and will have reviews in by next week.

  3. PROV-O

    Prov-o is out for review. Two reviews are in and two are still to be done.

  4. PROV-primer

    The primer is out for review. One review is in. Two reviews are still out but being worked on

  5. PROV-AQ

    The editors of prov-aq have released an editors draft that they believe is ready to go out as a public working draft. Potential reviewers were recruited (Curt, Sam, MacTed, and Paolo). The timeline for reviews will be set-up at next week's telecon.

  6. Prov-sem

    James is aligning the semantics as he does the review of prov-dm. He also sent prov-sem for review by an external reviewer. Paolo agreed to produce a wiki page summarizing changes in collections for James and link to it from the semantics wiki page. There was a discussion around collections and their importance in prov-dm and how they should appear with respect to the rest of the model. This was based on reviewers feedback on the prov-o, which encouraged a deemphasis of collections. Whether or not this should be the case still is an outstanding issue and the group has yet to come to a decision. MacTed brought out the notion that there were other collection representations and the authors of collections should look at ensuring a comparison or at least identify why the spec needs something else. Paolo agreed to look at this.

  7. Linked Data Platform

    Paolo asked about the Linked Data Platform charter ( Sandro gave a summary of it's aim. Paul emphasized that the prov-aq should be considered as a mechanism for that group to access provenance of resources.

15:01:47 <RRSAgent> logging to

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to

15:01:49 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

15:01:51 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be

15:01:52 <trackbot> Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference
15:01:52 <trackbot> Date: 05 April 2012
15:01:58 <pgroth> Zakim, this will be PROV

Paul Groth: Zakim, this will be PROV

15:02:12 <pgroth> Agenda:
15:02:20 <pgroth> Chair: Paul Groth
15:02:30 <pgroth> Regrets: Luc Moreau, Timothy Lebo, Daniel Garijo
15:02:37 <MacTed> Zakim, this is PROV

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, this is PROV

15:02:39 <pgroth> rrsagent, make logs public

Paul Groth: rrsagent, make logs public

15:02:44 <MacTed> Zakim, who's here?

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, who's here?

15:03:17 <Zakim> ok, MacTed; that matches SW_(PROV)11:00AM

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, MacTed; that matches SW_(PROV)11:00AM

15:03:25 <Zakim> On the phone I see ??P22, Curt_Tilmes, ??P32, Satya_Sahoo, ??P67, +329331aaaa, [OpenLink], ??P43

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see ??P22, Curt_Tilmes, ??P32, Satya_Sahoo, ??P67, +329331aaaa, [OpenLink], ??P43

15:03:34 <pgroth> Zakim, ??P43 is me

Paul Groth: Zakim, ??P43 is me

15:03:36 <MacTed> Zakim, [OpenLink] is temporarily me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, [OpenLink] is temporarily me

15:03:54 <Zakim> +??P1

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P1

15:03:57 <jun> I am do it

Jun Zhao: I am do it

15:04:00 <Zakim> On IRC I see jcheney, kai, Zakim, RRSAgent, jun, stephenc, pgroth, satya, Tom_De_Nies, smiles, SamCoppens, Curt, Paolo, MacTed, stain, trackbot, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see jcheney, kai, Zakim, RRSAgent, jun, stephenc, pgroth, satya, Tom_De_Nies, smiles, SamCoppens, Curt, Paolo, MacTed, stain, trackbot, sandro

15:04:08 <Zakim> +pgroth; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +pgroth; got it

15:04:10 <Zakim> +MacTed; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +MacTed; got it

15:04:16 <pgroth> Topic: Admin

1. Admin

15:04:36 <pgroth> Minutes of the March 29 2012 Telecon

Paul Groth: Minutes of the March 29 2012 Telecon

15:04:42 <pgroth>

Paul Groth:

15:04:50 <Curt> +1

Curt Tilmes: +1

15:04:53 <Tom_De_Nies> +1

Tom De Nies: +1

15:05:01 <jun> scribe: jun

(Scribe set to Jun Zhao)

15:05:07 <MacTed> Zakim, mute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me

15:05:09 <jcheney> +1

James Cheney: +1

15:05:16 <SamCoppens> +1

Sam Coppens: +1

15:05:33 <jun> +1


15:05:43 <Zakim> +??P13

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P13

15:05:48 <pgroth> Approved Minutes of the March 29 2012 Telecon

Paul Groth: Approved Minutes of the March 29 2012 Telecon

15:05:54 <satya> +1

Satya Sahoo: +1

15:05:57 <Paolo> +1

Paolo Missier: +1

15:06:07 <Zakim> + +44.789.470.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: + +44.789.470.aabb

15:06:07 <jcheney> zakim, ??p13 is me

James Cheney: zakim, ??p13 is me

15:06:11 <Zakim> +??P10

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P10

15:06:14 <kai> Zakim, +??P13 is probably me.

Kai Eckert: Zakim, +??P13 is probably me.

15:06:19 <pgroth> Topic: PROV-DM


Summary: The document is out for review. Reviewers are all making progress and will have reviews in by next week.

<pgroth> Summary: The document is out for review. Reviewers are all making progress and will have reviews in by next week.
15:06:24 <kai> Zakim, ??P13 is probably me.

Kai Eckert: Zakim, ??P13 is probably me.

15:06:47 <jun> Paolo: DM constraints is out for review

Paolo Missier: DM constraints is out for review

15:06:59 <Zakim> MacTed should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: MacTed should now be muted

15:07:15 <Zakim> +Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: +Sandro

15:07:30 <jun> ... some feedback came back, all associated with issues

... some feedback came back, all associated with issues

15:07:49 <SamCoppens> zakim, +329331aaaa is SamCoppens

Sam Coppens: zakim, +329331aaaa is SamCoppens

15:07:58 <Zakim> +jcheney; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +jcheney; got it

15:08:05 <jun> ... don't see any blockers to the next draft

... don't see any blockers to the next draft

15:08:08 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:08:10 <Zakim> sorry, kai, I do not understand your question

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, kai, I do not understand your question

15:08:28 <Zakim> I already had ??P13 as jcheney, kai

Zakim IRC Bot: I already had ??P13 as jcheney, kai

15:08:37 <jun> Paul: check progress on the reviews

Paul Groth: check progress on the reviews

15:08:56 <jun> Khalid: no response, not on the call

Khalid Belhajjame: no response, not on the call

15:09:07 <jun> Satya: would like to complete the review before giving feedback

Satya Sahoo: would like to complete the review before giving feedback

15:09:23 <jun> Curt: working on it

Curt Tilmes: working on it

15:09:23 <kai> Zakim, ??P1 is probably me.

Kai Eckert: Zakim, ??P1 is probably me.

15:09:31 <Zakim> +SamCoppens; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +SamCoppens; got it

15:09:34 <jun> Jun: ongoing

Jun Zhao: ongoing

15:09:58 <Tom_De_Nies> Zakim, Tom_De_Nies is with SamCoppens

Tom De Nies: Zakim, Tom_De_Nies is with SamCoppens

15:10:02 <jun> Tim and Graham not on the call today

Tim and Graham not on the call today

15:10:09 <jun> jcheney: ongoing

James Cheney: ongoing

15:10:24 <jun> smiles: on prov-n. done that

Simon Miles: on prov-n. done that

15:10:26 <Zakim> +kai?; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +kai?; got it

15:10:33 <jun> Topic: PROV-O


Summary: Prov-o is out for review. Two reviews are in and two are still to be done.

<pgroth> Summary: Prov-o is out for review. Two reviews are in and two are still to be done.
15:11:01 <Zakim> +Tom_De_Nies; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Tom_De_Nies; got it

15:11:05 <jun> Paul: essential prov-o is out for review :)

Paul Groth: essential prov-o is out for review :)

15:11:17 <jun> ... review progress

... review progress

15:11:28 <MacTed> Zakim, unmute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, unmute me

15:11:33 <jun> Luc done it. Paul ongoing. Simon done it. Sam, ongoing

Luc done it. Paul ongoing. Simon done it. Sam, ongoing

15:11:42 <Zakim> MacTed should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: MacTed should no longer be muted

15:11:53 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:11:56 <jun> ... Mac Ted: ongoing

... Mac Ted: ongoing

15:12:13 <jun> Topic:PROV-primer

4. PROV-primer

Summary: The primer is out for review. One review is in. Two reviews are still out but being worked on

<pgroth> Summary: The primer is out for review. One review is in. Two reviews are still out but being worked on
15:12:38 <jun> smiles: out for review, expect feedback from Curt and Christine. Paolo done already

Simon Miles: out for review, expect feedback from Curt and Christine. Paolo done already

15:12:43 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:12:43 <jun> Curt: ongoing

Curt Tilmes: ongoing

15:12:53 <pgroth> Topic: PROV-AQ


Summary: The editors of prov-aq have released an editors draft that they believe is ready to go out as a public working draft. Potential reviewers were recruited (Curt, Sam, MacTed, and Paolo). The timeline for reviews will be set-up at next week's telecon.

<pgroth> Summary: The editors of prov-aq have released an editors draft that they believe is ready to go out as a public working draft. Potential reviewers were recruited (Curt, Sam, MacTed, and Paolo). The timeline for reviews will be set-up at next week's telecon.
15:12:54 <Paolo> I haven't attached my reiew to the issue, sorry

Paolo Missier: I haven't attached my reiew to the issue, sorry

15:13:00 <Paolo> but it's out there...

Paolo Missier: but it's out there...

15:13:06 <pgroth>

Paul Groth:

15:13:15 <jun> Paul: went through many big changes last week

Paul Groth: went through many big changes last week

15:13:29 <jun> ... release an editor's draft. hopefully address all the issues in the tracker

... release an editor's draft. hopefully address all the issues in the tracker

15:14:02 <jun> ... use "resource" throughout in the doc. Editors think it's ready for review, for going into working draft

... use "resource" throughout in the doc. Editors think it's ready for review, for going into working draft

15:14:23 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:14:26 <jun> ... we can come back next week for review

... we can come back next week for review

15:14:37 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:15:05 <Curt> I'll try to review PAQ...

Curt Tilmes: I'll try to review PAQ...

15:15:14 <SamCoppens> I can do it also

Sam Coppens: I can do it also

15:15:20 <Paolo> potentially me -- but a bit overloaded

Paolo Missier: potentially me -- but a bit overloaded

15:15:23 <Paolo> with other reviews atm

Paolo Missier: with other reviews atm

15:15:53 <pgroth> Potential Reviewers: Curt, SamCoppens, MacTed, Paolo

Paul Groth: Potential Reviewers: Curt, SamCoppens, MacTed, Paolo

15:15:59 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:16:07 <jun> Potential reviewers: Curt, Sam, and Paolo

Potential reviewers: Curt, Sam, and Paolo

15:16:11 <pgroth> Topic: Prov-sem

6. Prov-sem

Summary: James is aligning the semantics as he does the review of prov-dm. He also sent prov-sem for review by an external reviewer. Paolo agreed to produce a wiki page summarizing changes in collections for James and link to it from the semantics wiki page. There was a discussion around collections and their importance in prov-dm and how they should appear with respect to the rest of the model. This was based on reviewers feedback on the prov-o, which encouraged a deemphasis of collections. Whether or not this should be the case still is an outstanding issue and the group has yet to come to a decision. MacTed brought out the notion that there were other collection representations and the authors of collections should look at ensuring a comparison or at least identify why the spec needs something else. Paolo agreed to look at this.

<pgroth> Summary: James is aligning the semantics as he does the review of prov-dm. He also sent prov-sem for review by an external reviewer. Paolo agreed to produce a wiki page summarizing changes in collections for James and link to it from the semantics wiki page.  There was a discussion around collections and their importance in prov-dm and how they should appear with respect to the rest of the model. This was based on reviewers feedback on the prov-o, which encouraged a deemphasis of collections. Whether or not this should be the case still is an outstanding issue and the group has yet to come to a decision. MacTed brought out the notion that there were other collection representations and the authors of collections should look at ensuring a comparison or at least identify why the spec needs something else. Paolo agreed to look at this.
15:16:14 <Paolo> q+

Paolo Missier: q+

15:17:07 <jun> jcheney: aligned the doc with WD-3. will go ahead to align it with the latest WD soonish

James Cheney: aligned the doc with WD-3. will go ahead to align it with the latest WD soonish

15:17:37 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:17:40 <pgroth> ack Paolo

Paul Groth: ack Paolo

15:19:23 <jun> Paolo: add collections in the semantics doc?

Paolo Missier: add collections in the semantics doc?

15:19:26 <Zakim> +??P6

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P6

15:19:52 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:20:38 <smiles> q+

Simon Miles: q+

15:20:57 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:20:58 <jun> jcheney: will read through everything and think about it. would be helpful to have a summary about what's needed to be clarified

James Cheney: will read through everything and think about it. would be helpful to have a summary about what's needed to be clarified

15:21:19 <jun> Paolo: I can put up a wiki page to summarize things

Paolo Missier: I can put up a wiki page to summarize things

15:21:33 <jun> ... put a link on the formal semantics wiki page

... put a link on the formal semantics wiki page

15:21:33 <pgroth> ack smiles

Paul Groth: ack smiles

15:21:39 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:22:19 <pgroth> q+

Paul Groth: q+

15:22:27 <Paolo> q+

Paolo Missier: q+

15:22:30 <jun> smiles: collection as a separate/lesser part of the DM model? where is this idea coming from?

Simon Miles: collection as a separate/lesser part of the DM model? where is this idea coming from?

15:23:16 <pgroth> ack pgroth

Paul Groth: ack pgroth

15:23:23 <pgroth> ack Paolo

Paul Groth: ack Paolo

15:23:24 <jun> Paul: they add a level of complexity. and we don't want to scary people away by this and put a lesser emphasis on it

Paul Groth: they add a level of complexity. and we don't want to scary people away by this and put a lesser emphasis on it

15:23:55 <jun> Paolo: this is really about introducing a new data structure. believe this is fundamental.

Paolo Missier: this is really about introducing a new data structure. believe this is fundamental.

15:24:59 <pgroth> q+

Paul Groth: q+

15:25:07 <jun> .... things become more complicated than anticipated. took longer to reconcile. and left with less time to include collection properly in documents

.... things become more complicated than anticipated. took longer to reconcile. and left with less time to include collection properly in documents

15:25:08 <MacTed> Zakim, unmute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, unmute me

15:25:08 <Zakim> MacTed was not muted, MacTed

Zakim IRC Bot: MacTed was not muted, MacTed

15:25:14 <MacTed> q+

Ted Thibodeau: q+

15:25:46 <jun> Paul: and we should take Luc's comments as his own comments, not final or for the group

Paul Groth: and we should take Luc's comments as his own comments, not final or for the group

15:25:53 <pgroth> ack pgroth

Paul Groth: ack pgroth

15:26:23 <jun> Mac: we should try to avoid thinking about reinventing everything

Ted Thibodeau: we should try to avoid thinking about reinventing everything

15:26:40 <jun> ... collection is just another type of entity

... collection is just another type of entity

15:27:12 <jun> ... we don't need to redefine what a collection is

... we don't need to redefine what a collection is

15:27:36 <Paolo> q+

Paolo Missier: q+

15:27:39 <jun> ... concerned that there might be re-definition of things or re-invention of things

... concerned that there might be re-definition of things or re-invention of things

15:27:42 <MacTed> ack me

Ted Thibodeau: ack me

15:27:44 <pgroth> ack MacTed

Paul Groth: ack MacTed

15:27:47 <pgroth> ack Paolo

Paul Groth: ack Paolo

15:27:52 <jcheney> ??

James Cheney: ??

15:28:11 <jun> Paolo: pointers for specific places to draw knowledge for provenance for collections?

Paolo Missier: pointers for specific places to draw knowledge for provenance for collections?

15:28:25 <MacTed>

Ted Thibodeau:

15:28:56 <jun> @mac, I think the collections spec is a bit different from what sioc means

@mac, I think the collections spec is a bit different from what sioc means

15:29:25 <jun> Mac: the sioc spec is an example

Ted Thibodeau: the sioc spec is an example

15:29:39 <pgroth> jun can you use MacTed not Mac

Paul Groth: jun can you use MacTedTed not MacTed

15:29:52 <pgroth> it's hard to process the minutes otherwise

Paul Groth: it's hard to process the minutes otherwise

15:29:55 <jun> Paolo: it's slightly different to describe evolution of collections

Paolo Missier: it's slightly different to describe evolution of collections

15:30:15 <jun> s/Mac/MacTed/
15:30:34 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:30:38 <smiles> q+

Simon Miles: q+

15:30:46 <jun> Paolo: we should take this offline and will take a look at the sioc doc

Paolo Missier: we should take this offline and will take a look at the sioc doc

15:30:47 <Curt> collections of provenance (out of scope -- use existing ways) != provenance of collections (we are trying to model a common way to represent that)

Curt Tilmes: collections of provenance (out of scope -- use existing ways) != provenance of collections (we are trying to model a common way to represent that)

15:31:01 <pgroth> ack smiles

Paul Groth: ack smiles

15:31:05 <jun> smiles: do we have reviewers for the semantics doc?

Simon Miles: do we have reviewers for the semantics doc?

15:31:34 <jun> Paul: we are not yet ready for the semantics doc. it's not planned to be in sync with other docs

Paul Groth: we are not yet ready for the semantics doc. it's not planned to be in sync with other docs

15:32:11 <pgroth> ack smiles

Paul Groth: ack smiles

15:32:35 <jun> jcheney: plan to review everything to identify things to be updated for the semantics. rather to align semantics against a fixed document. people can sign up for reviews now though

James Cheney: plan to review everything to identify things to be updated for the semantics. rather to align semantics against a fixed document. people can sign up for reviews now though

15:32:48 <jun> Paul: semantics is a note. we are not as pressed for this as for other docs

Paul Groth: semantics is a note. we are not as pressed for this as for other docs

15:33:09 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:33:15 <jun> jcheney: I want to contribute to the reviews of other doc. and it should be fairly straightforward to update the semantics doc

James Cheney: I want to contribute to the reviews of other doc. and it should be fairly straightforward to update the semantics doc

15:33:40 <pgroth> Topic: Linked Data Platform

7. Linked Data Platform

Summary: Paolo asked about the Linked Data Platform charter ( Sandro gave a summary of it's aim. Paul emphasized that the prov-aq should be considered as a mechanism for that group to access provenance of resources.

<pgroth> Summary: Paolo asked about the Linked Data Platform charter ( Sandro gave a summary of it's aim. Paul emphasized that the prov-aq should be considered as a mechanism for that group to access provenance of resources.
15:34:16 <stainPhone> @Paolo, url..?

Stian Soiland-Reyes: @Paolo, url..?

15:34:38 <jun> Paolo: feedback to this from the group?

Paolo Missier: feedback to this from the group?

15:35:24 <jcheney> is this it

James Cheney: is this it

15:35:25 <jun> Sandro: the group was formed based on a critical mass

Sandro Hawke: the group was formed based on a critical mass

15:36:14 <pgroth> @jcheney

Paul Groth: @jcheney

15:36:30 <jcheney> aha I see it

James Cheney: aha I see it

15:36:30 <jun> ... provide a place for common mind people to talk together

... provide a place for common mind people to talk together

15:36:37 <pgroth> +q

Paul Groth: +q

15:36:44 <jun> ... they are putting up documents up to describe what they did

... they are putting up documents up to describe what they did

15:36:59 <jun> .. not sure where provenance fits into this

.. not sure where provenance fits into this

15:37:18 <jun> Paolo: thanks for the response

Paolo Missier: thanks for the response

15:37:35 <pgroth> ack pgroth

Paul Groth: ack pgroth

15:37:37 <pgroth> q?

Paul Groth: q?

15:37:38 <jun> Paul: PAQ should be very related to their work

Paul Groth: PAQ should be very related to their work

15:37:48 <jun> Paul: AOB?

Paul Groth: AOB?

15:38:09 <Zakim> -Satya_Sahoo

Zakim IRC Bot: -Satya_Sahoo

15:38:11 <Zakim> -??P6

Zakim IRC Bot: -??P6

15:38:11 <Zakim> -??P22

Zakim IRC Bot: -??P22

15:38:13 <Zakim> -??P67

Zakim IRC Bot: -??P67

15:38:13 <Zakim> - +44.789.470.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: - +44.789.470.aabb

15:38:14 <Zakim> -Curt_Tilmes

Zakim IRC Bot: -Curt_Tilmes

15:38:14 <Zakim> -jcheney

Zakim IRC Bot: -jcheney

15:38:15 <Zakim> -??P10

Zakim IRC Bot: -??P10

15:38:16 <Zakim> -MacTed

Zakim IRC Bot: -MacTed

15:38:19 <Zakim> -Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -Sandro

15:38:21 <Zakim> -SamCoppens

Zakim IRC Bot: -SamCoppens

15:38:22 <Zakim> -pgroth

Zakim IRC Bot: -pgroth

15:38:26 <Zakim> -??P32

Zakim IRC Bot: -??P32

15:38:44 <pgroth> rrsagent, set log public

Paul Groth: rrsagent, set log public

15:38:49 <pgroth> rrsagent, draft minutes

Paul Groth: rrsagent, draft minutes

15:38:49 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate pgroth

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate pgroth

15:38:53 <pgroth> trackbot, end telcon

Paul Groth: trackbot, end telcon

15:38:53 <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, list attendees

15:38:53 <Zakim> As of this point the attendees have been Curt_Tilmes, Satya_Sahoo, pgroth, MacTed, +44.789.470.aabb, Sandro, jcheney, SamCoppens, kai?, Tom_De_Nies

Zakim IRC Bot: As of this point the attendees have been Curt_Tilmes, Satya_Sahoo, pgroth, MacTed, +44.789.470.aabb, Sandro, jcheney, SamCoppens, kai?, Tom_De_Nies

15:39:01 <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, please draft minutes

15:39:01 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate trackbot

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate trackbot

15:39:02 <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, bye

15:39:02 <RRSAgent> I see no action items

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I see no action items

Formatted by CommonScribe

This revision (#1) generated 2012-04-05 15:57:32 UTC by 'pgroth', comments: 'fixed irc errors and added summaries'