Minutes of 14 February 2013

Bart van Leeuwen, Benedikt Kaempgen, Bernadette Hyland, Dave Reynolds, Deirdre Lee, Eric Stephan, Fadi Maali, Ghislain Atemezing, Hadley Beeman, James McKinney, Joao Almeida, Makx Dekkers, Martín Álvarez, Sandro Hawke, Ted Thibodeau, Yigal Arens
Hadley Beeman
Ghislain Atemezing
Original and Editable Wiki Version


15:00:03 <RRSAgent> logging to

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to

15:00:05 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

15:00:07 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be GLD

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be GLD

15:00:07 <Zakim> ok, trackbot, I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM already started

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot, I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM already started

15:00:08 <trackbot> Meeting: Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference
15:00:08 <trackbot> Date: 14 February 2013
15:00:21 <Zakim> - +1.540.898.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.540.898.aabb

15:00:38 <Zakim> -??P6

Zakim IRC Bot: -??P6

15:00:49 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software

Zakim IRC Bot: +OpenLink_Software

15:01:04 <Zakim> + +1.540.898.aacc

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.540.898.aacc

15:01:06 <TallTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

15:01:06 <Zakim> +TallTed; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +TallTed; got it

15:01:07 <TallTed> Zakim, mute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me

15:01:07 <Zakim> TallTed should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should now be muted

15:01:11 <Zakim> + +1.440.389.aadd

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.440.389.aadd

15:01:12 <bhyland> zakim, aacc is me

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, aacc is me

15:01:12 <Zakim> +bhyland; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bhyland; got it

15:01:18 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

15:01:27 <HadleyBeeman> zakim, aadd is me

Hadley Beeman: zakim, aadd is me

15:01:28 <Zakim> +HadleyBeeman; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +HadleyBeeman; got it

15:01:31 <Zakim> +??P17

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P17

15:01:39 <TallTed> TallTed has changed the topic to: Topic: Govt Linked Data WG - - agenda

Ted Thibodeau: TallTed has changed the topic to: Topic: Govt Linked Data WG - - agenda

15:01:40 <Zakim> +??P18

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P18

15:01:52 <bhyland> Meeting: GLD
15:01:53 <Zakim> -??P18

Zakim IRC Bot: -??P18

15:01:58 <BenediktKaempgen> Zakim, +??P17 is \me

Benedikt Kaempgen: Zakim, +??P17 is \me

15:01:58 <Zakim> sorry, BenediktKaempgen, I do not recognize a party named '+??P17'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, BenediktKaempgen, I do not recognize a party named '+??P17'

15:01:59 <fadmaa> hello all am still having problems joining the call

Fadi Maali: hello all am still having problems joining the call

15:02:06 <bhyland> chair: HadleyBeeman
15:02:11 <Zakim> +??P7

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P7

15:02:13 <BenediktKaempgen> Zakim, ??P17 is \me

Benedikt Kaempgen: Zakim, ??P17 is \me

15:02:13 <Zakim> +\me; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +\me; got it

15:02:16 <JoaoPauloAlmeida> ??P7 is me

Joao Almeida: ??P7 is me

15:02:18 <bhyland> Agenda:
15:02:27 <BenediktKaempgen> Zakim, ??P17 is BenediktKaempgen

Benedikt Kaempgen: Zakim, ??P17 is BenediktKaempgen

15:02:27 <Zakim> I already had ??P17 as me, BenediktKaempgen

Zakim IRC Bot: I already had ??P17 as me, BenediktKaempgen

15:02:30 <Zakim> + +

Zakim IRC Bot: + +

15:02:30 <JoaoPauloAlmeida> Zakim, ??P7 is me

Joao Almeida: Zakim, ??P7 is me

15:02:30 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, who is on the call

15:02:31 <Zakim> +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it

15:02:31 <Zakim> I don't understand 'who is on the call', bhyland

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'who is on the call', bhyland

15:02:37 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call?

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, who is on the call?

15:02:38 <Zakim> On the phone I see +1.509.967.aaaa, TallTed (muted), bhyland, HadleyBeeman, james, me, JoaoPauloAlmeida, +

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see +1.509.967.aaaa, TallTed (muted), bhyland, HadleyBeeman, james, me, JoaoPauloAlmeida, +

15:02:44 <Zakim> +??P18

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P18

15:02:53 <martin_> zakim, ??p18 is me

Martín Álvarez: zakim, ??p18 is me

15:02:53 <Zakim> +martin_; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +martin_; got it

15:02:56 <BenediktKaempgen> Zakim, me is BenediktKaempgen

Benedikt Kaempgen: Zakim, me is BenediktKaempgen

15:02:56 <Zakim> +BenediktKaempgen; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +BenediktKaempgen; got it

15:02:59 <bhyland> zakim, aaaa is ericstephan

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, aaaa is ericstephan

15:02:59 <Zakim> +ericstephan; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +ericstephan; got it

15:03:00 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

15:03:13 <gatemezi> Zakim, aaee is me

Ghislain Atemezing: Zakim, aaee is me

15:03:15 <Zakim> +gatemezi; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +gatemezi; got it

15:03:30 <bhyland> zakim, aaee is gatemezi

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, aaee is gatemezi

15:03:30 <Zakim> sorry, bhyland, I do not recognize a party named 'aaee'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, bhyland, I do not recognize a party named 'aaee'

15:04:00 <gatemezi> Zakim, + is me

Ghislain Atemezing: Zakim, + is me

15:04:00 <Zakim> sorry, gatemezi, I do not recognize a party named '+'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, gatemezi, I do not recognize a party named '+'

15:04:01 <DeirdreLee> Hi, I'm having trouble dialling in

Deirdre Lee: Hi, I'm having trouble dialling in

15:04:45 <Zakim> + +3539149aaff

Zakim IRC Bot: + +3539149aaff

15:04:50 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call?

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, who is on the call?

15:04:50 <Zakim> On the phone I see ericstephan, TallTed (muted), bhyland, HadleyBeeman, james, BenediktKaempgen, JoaoPauloAlmeida, gatemezi, martin_, DaveReynolds, +3539149aaff

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see ericstephan, TallTed (muted), bhyland, HadleyBeeman, james, BenediktKaempgen, JoaoPauloAlmeida, gatemezi, martin_, DaveReynolds, +3539149aaff

15:05:12 <bhyland> zakim, aaff is deirdrelee

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, aaff is deirdrelee

15:05:12 <Zakim> +deirdrelee; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +deirdrelee; got it

15:06:51 <Zakim> + +35386100aagg

Zakim IRC Bot: + +35386100aagg

15:06:59 <gatemezi> Scribe: gatemezi

(Scribe set to Ghislain Atemezing)

15:07:02 <fadmaa> Zakim, +353 is me

Fadi Maali: Zakim, +353 is me

15:07:02 <Zakim> +fadmaa; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +fadmaa; got it

15:07:08 <fadmaa> Zakim, mute me

Fadi Maali: Zakim, mute me

15:07:08 <Zakim> fadmaa should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: fadmaa should now be muted

15:07:22 <gatemezi> Chair: HadleyBeeman
15:08:28 <gatemezi> Topic: Mercurial Issue

1. Mercurial Issue

Summary:     made a new verion of the exemplary RDF file

15:08:54 <bhyland> Here is the problem, identified by DaveR:

Bernadette Hyland: Here is the problem, identified by DaveR:

15:08:54 <bhyland> There actually seem to be three heads in the repository at the moment. So are there are two problematic checkins, not just one.

Bernadette Hyland: There actually seem to be three heads in the repository at the moment. So are there are two problematic checkins, not just one.

15:08:54 <bhyland>

Bernadette Hyland:

15:08:54 <bhyland> Using "hg heads" on a fresh clone I see:

Bernadette Hyland: Using "hg heads" on a fresh clone I see:

15:08:54 <bhyland>

Bernadette Hyland:

15:08:54 <bhyland> [[[

Bernadette Hyland: [[[

15:08:54 <bhyland> ..changeset:   266:a849bc621eb6

Bernadette Hyland: ..changeset:   266:a849bc621eb6

15:08:54 <bhyland> ..tag:         tip

Bernadette Hyland: ..tag:         tip

15:08:55 <bhyland> ..user:        gatemezi

Bernadette Hyland: ..user:        gatemezi

15:08:55 <bhyland>        Thu Feb 07 15:18:37 2013 +0100

Bernadette Hyland:        Thu Feb 07 15:18:37 2013 +0100

15:08:55 <bhyland> ..summary:     test adding new respec

Bernadette Hyland: ..summary:     test adding new respec

15:08:56 <bhyland>

Bernadette Hyland:

15:08:56 <bhyland> ..changeset:   264:df2f123b3c12

Bernadette Hyland: ..changeset:   264:df2f123b3c12

15:08:56 <bhyland> ..user:        bkaempge

Bernadette Hyland: ..user:        bkaempge

15:08:57 <bhyland> date:        Sat Feb 02 13:06:39 2013 +0100
15:08:57 <bhyland> summary:     Added change to respec usage as Richard suggested.
15:08:57 <bhyland>

Bernadette Hyland:

15:08:58 <bhyland> ..changeset:   244:903d84fc1644

Bernadette Hyland: ..changeset:   244:903d84fc1644

15:08:58 <bhyland> ..user:        agipap <>

Bernadette Hyland: ..user:        agipap <>

15:08:58 <bhyland> date:        Thu Oct 25 16:22:59 2012 +0300
15:08:59 <bhyland> summary:     made a new verion of the exemplary RDF file
15:08:59 <bhyland> ]]]

Bernadette Hyland: ]]]

15:10:35 <gatemezi> DaveReynolds: We have to solve the issues... merge the two branches to one piece

Dave Reynolds: We have to solve the issues... merge the two branches to one piece

15:10:38 <bhyland> For clarification, we haven't lost anything.

Bernadette Hyland: For clarification, we haven't lost anything.

15:11:53 <bhyland> The good news is, each of the people were working on different docs.

Bernadette Hyland: The good news is, each of the people were working on different docs.

15:12:02 <HadleyBeeman>

Hadley Beeman:

15:12:10 <gatemezi> bhyland : Dave will look at the problem much in detail

bhyland : Dave will look at the problem much in detail

15:12:19 <bhyland> DaveR agreed to look at the various heads tonight & contact owners if there are any issues

Bernadette Hyland: DaveR agreed to look at the various heads tonight & contact owners if there are any issues

15:12:32 <bhyland> +1

Bernadette Hyland: +1

15:12:44 <DaveReynolds> +1

Dave Reynolds: +1

15:13:03 <gatemezi> +1


15:13:12 <bhyland> There is a new member on the call, ericstephan ...

Bernadette Hyland: There is a new member on the call, ericstephan ...

15:13:12 <BenediktKaempgen> +1

Benedikt Kaempgen: +1

15:13:37 <gatemezi> Topic: New on the call

2. New on the call

15:13:58 <gatemezi> Zakim, who is speaking?

Zakim, who is speaking?

15:14:09 <Zakim> gatemezi, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: HadleyBeeman (37%), gatemezi (9%)

Zakim IRC Bot: gatemezi, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: HadleyBeeman (37%), gatemezi (9%)

15:14:23 <bhyland> +1

Bernadette Hyland: +1

15:14:29 <bhyland> +q

Bernadette Hyland: +q

15:14:41 <gatemezi> Eric presented himself.

Eric presented himself.

15:15:17 <gatemezi> Topic: Review of the timeline

3. Review of the timeline

15:15:46 <Zakim> +??P32

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P32

15:15:56 <BartvanLeeuwen> Zakim, ??P32 is me

Bart van Leeuwen: Zakim, ??P32 is me

15:15:56 <Zakim> +BartvanLeeuwen; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +BartvanLeeuwen; got it

15:15:56 <bhyland> For everyone's benefit, here is the W3C process timeline:

Bernadette Hyland: For everyone's benefit, here is the W3C process timeline:

15:15:57 <bhyland> With all things going well:

Bernadette Hyland: With all things going well:

15:15:57 <bhyland> Once at LC, it takes 6 weeks

Bernadette Hyland: Once at LC, it takes 6 weeks

15:15:57 <bhyland> Once at CR, it takes 6 weeks - if we got to CR, we could get an extension.

Bernadette Hyland: Once at CR, it takes 6 weeks - if we got to CR, we could get an extension.

15:15:57 <bhyland> Once at TR, it takes 6 weeks

Bernadette Hyland: Once at TR, it takes 6 weeks

15:16:11 <gatemezi> HadleyBeeman: we have to review our work from now till the end of our group

Hadley Beeman: we have to review our work from now till the end of our group

15:16:51 <gatemezi> Topic: ORG to CR by May (DaveR)

4. ORG to CR by May (DaveR)

15:17:04 <Zakim> -gatemezi

Zakim IRC Bot: -gatemezi

15:17:32 <Zakim> -JoaoPauloAlmeida

Zakim IRC Bot: -JoaoPauloAlmeida

15:17:56 <Zakim> +??P7

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P7

15:18:03 <JoaoPauloAlmeida> Zakim, ??P7 is me

Joao Almeida: Zakim, ??P7 is me

15:18:03 <Zakim> +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it

15:18:25 <Zakim> +gatemezi

Zakim IRC Bot: +gatemezi

15:19:27 <HadleyBeeman> bhyland: We have a lot of deliverables.  We should realise we won't get them all to Rec, but we do have some within striking distance.  Especially Cube and DCAT to last call and ORG and REGORG to working group note.

Bernadette Hyland: We have a lot of deliverables. We should realise we won't get them all to Rec, but we do have some within striking distance. Especially Cube and DCAT to last call and ORG and REGORG to working group note. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

15:19:29 <gatemezi> bhyland: we need acceleration to have DQ and DCAT to have ready for end of May

Bernadette Hyland: we need acceleration to have DQ and DCAT to have ready for end of May

15:20:18 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

15:20:30 <Yigal> zakim, IPcaller is me

Yigal Arens: zakim, IPcaller is me

15:20:30 <Zakim> +Yigal; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Yigal; got it

15:21:17 <gatemezi> ...We have to be sure to have things done..

...We have to be sure to have things done..

15:21:32 <BenediktKaempgen> +1 to get things done for QB until the end of WG

Benedikt Kaempgen: +1 to get things done for QB until the end of WG

15:21:41 <gatemezi> Zakim, who is here?

Zakim, who is here?

15:21:41 <Zakim> On the phone I see ericstephan, TallTed (muted), bhyland, HadleyBeeman, james, BenediktKaempgen, martin_, DaveReynolds, deirdrelee, fadmaa (muted), BartvanLeeuwen,

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see ericstephan, TallTed (muted), bhyland, HadleyBeeman, james, BenediktKaempgen, martin_, DaveReynolds, deirdrelee, fadmaa (muted), BartvanLeeuwen,

15:21:45 <Zakim> ... JoaoPauloAlmeida, gatemezi, Yigal

Zakim IRC Bot: ... JoaoPauloAlmeida, gatemezi, Yigal

15:21:45 <Zakim> On IRC I see TallTed, Yigal, BartvanLeeuwen, james, DaveReynolds, martin_, DeirdreLee, BenediktKaempgen, Zakim, ericstephan, RRSAgent, fadmaa, JoaoPauloAlmeida, HadleyBeeman,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see TallTed, Yigal, BartvanLeeuwen, james, DaveReynolds, martin_, DeirdreLee, BenediktKaempgen, Zakim, ericstephan, RRSAgent, fadmaa, JoaoPauloAlmeida, HadleyBeeman,

15:21:45 <Zakim> ... gatemezi, bhyland, trackbot, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: ... gatemezi, bhyland, trackbot, sandro

15:22:07 <bhyland> Small correction: RegOrg only as a possible Working Note.

Bernadette Hyland: Small correction: RegOrg only as a possible Working Note.

15:22:10 <DaveReynolds> q+

Dave Reynolds: q+

15:22:20 <BenediktKaempgen> +1 to not overly extending WG

Benedikt Kaempgen: +1 to not overly extending WG

15:22:23 <bhyland> ack bhyland

Bernadette Hyland: ack bhyland

15:22:30 <DaveReynolds> ack me

Dave Reynolds: ack me

15:22:42 <bhyland> Summary of my points:

Bernadette Hyland: Summary of my points:

15:22:53 <bhyland> Get Cube to LC ASAP, get to CR by end of May.

Bernadette Hyland: Get Cube to LC ASAP, get to CR by end of May.

15:22:53 <gatemezi> HadleyBeeman:  ORG ready for end of May as Candidate REC ?

Hadley Beeman: ORG ready for end of May as Candidate REC ?

15:23:12 <bhyland> Get DCAT to LC ASAP, possible to CR by end of May

Bernadette Hyland: Get DCAT to LC ASAP, possible to CR by end of May

15:23:19 <gatemezi> Dave: Yes, we can make it! It will depends on  the discussion

Dave Reynolds: Yes, we can make it! It will depends on the discussion

15:23:33 <bhyland> Get ORG to CR, get ORG to TR by end of May

Bernadette Hyland: Get ORG to CR, get ORG to TR by end of May

15:24:17 <HadleyBeeman>  W3C process:

Hadley Beeman: W3C process:

15:24:28 <bhyland> Per W3C staffer:

Bernadette Hyland: Per W3C staffer:

15:24:28 <bhyland> With all things going well:

Bernadette Hyland: With all things going well:

15:24:28 <bhyland> Once at LC, it takes 6 weeks

Bernadette Hyland: Once at LC, it takes 6 weeks

15:24:28 <bhyland> Once at CR, it takes 6 weeks - if we got to CR, we could get an extension.

Bernadette Hyland: Once at CR, it takes 6 weeks - if we got to CR, we could get an extension.

15:24:28 <bhyland> Once at TR, it takes 6 weeks

Bernadette Hyland: Once at TR, it takes 6 weeks

15:24:36 <HadleyBeeman> 7.1.2 Maturity Levels of the Recommendation Track

Hadley Beeman: 7.1.2 Maturity Levels of the Recommendation Track

15:24:36 <HadleyBeeman> In addition to Working Drafts that are meant to advance to Recommendation, the other maturity levels of the Recommendation Track are:

Hadley Beeman: In addition to Working Drafts that are meant to advance to Recommendation, the other maturity levels of the Recommendation Track are:

15:24:36 <HadleyBeeman> Candidate Recommendation (CR)

Hadley Beeman: Candidate Recommendation (CR)

15:24:36 <HadleyBeeman> A Candidate Recommendation is a document that W3C believes has been widely reviewed and satisfies the Working Group's technical requirements. W3C publishes a Candidate Recommendation to gather implementation experience.

Hadley Beeman: A Candidate Recommendation is a document that W3C believes has been widely reviewed and satisfies the Working Group's technical requirements. W3C publishes a Candidate Recommendation to gather implementation experience.

15:24:37 <HadleyBeeman> Proposed Recommendation (PR)

Hadley Beeman: Proposed Recommendation (PR)

15:24:37 <HadleyBeeman> A Proposed Recommendation is a mature technical report that, after wide review for technical soundness and implementability, W3C has sent to the W3C Advisory Committee for final endorsement.

Hadley Beeman: A Proposed Recommendation is a mature technical report that, after wide review for technical soundness and implementability, W3C has sent to the W3C Advisory Committee for final endorsement.

15:24:37 <HadleyBeeman> W3C Recommendation (REC)

Hadley Beeman: W3C Recommendation (REC)

15:24:38 <HadleyBeeman> A W3C Recommendation is a specification or set of guidelines that, after extensive consensus-building, has received the endorsement of W3C Members and the Director. W3C recommends the wide deployment of its Recommendations. Note: W3C Recommendations are similar to the standards published by other organizations.

Hadley Beeman: A W3C Recommendation is a specification or set of guidelines that, after extensive consensus-building, has received the endorsement of W3C Members and the Director. W3C recommends the wide deployment of its Recommendations. Note: W3C Recommendations are similar to the standards published by other organizations.

15:26:48 <gatemezi> bhyland: We need to have feedbacks from the the rest of the group...Isn't it better to publish ORG and have CR?

Bernadette Hyland: We need to have feedbacks from the the rest of the group...Isn't it better to publish ORG and have CR?

15:28:02 <HadleyBeeman> q+

Hadley Beeman: q+

15:28:59 <HadleyBeeman>

Hadley Beeman:

15:30:06 <Zakim> + +3858455aahh

Zakim IRC Bot: + +3858455aahh

15:30:42 <MakxDekkers_> zakim aahh is me

Makx Dekkers: zakim aahh is me

15:30:48 <gatemezi> HadleyBeeman: there is a transition meeting where we prepare existing implementations and maybe future objections

Hadley Beeman: there is a transition meeting where we prepare existing implementations and maybe future objections

15:31:59 <ericstephan> q+

Eric Stephan: q+

15:32:03 <HadleyBeeman> q-

Hadley Beeman: q-

15:32:38 <martin_> \me Apologies, I have to leave.

Martín Álvarez: \me Apologies, I have to leave.

15:32:52 <Zakim> -martin_

Zakim IRC Bot: -martin_

15:33:21 <Zakim> -JoaoPauloAlmeida

Zakim IRC Bot: -JoaoPauloAlmeida

15:33:34 <Zakim> +??P7

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P7

15:33:41 <JoaoPauloAlmeida> Zakim, ??P7 is me

Joao Almeida: Zakim, ??P7 is me

15:33:41 <Zakim> +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it

15:34:04 <gatemezi> bhyland: we need more commitments to have ORG ready before May

Bernadette Hyland: we need more commitments to have ORG ready before May

15:34:10 <bhyland> ack bhyland

Bernadette Hyland: ack bhyland

15:34:57 <BenediktKaempgen> +q

Benedikt Kaempgen: +q

15:35:16 <HadleyBeeman> ack ericstephan

Hadley Beeman: ack ericstephan

15:36:03 <james> ack james

James McKinney: ack james

15:36:23 <gatemezi> ericstephan: It is important to push the publication of our vocabs...he volunteers to review ORG

Eric Stephan: It is important to push the publication of our ORG...he volunteers to review ORG

15:36:37 <gatemezi> s/vocabs/ORG
15:36:38 <HadleyBeeman> ericstephan: can be an implementation of ORG as well

Eric Stephan: can be an implementation of ORG as well [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

15:37:12 <DaveReynolds> Thanks to James and Eric, implementation evidence would be great!

Dave Reynolds: Thanks to James and Eric, implementation evidence would be great!

15:37:31 <gatemezi> BenediktKaempgen: How to help Dave with the next steps? creating a UCs ?

Benedikt Kaempgen: How to help Dave with the next steps? creating a UCs ?

15:38:36 <bhyland> Topic: Cube

5. Cube

15:39:13 <bhyland> If we have a hope of getting Cube to CR by end of May, we need to get Cube to LC ASAP.  DaveReynolds agreed to have a look and swap in Cube issues

Bernadette Hyland: If we have a hope of getting Cube to CR by end of May, we need to get Cube to LC ASAP. DaveReynolds agreed to have a look and swap in Cube issues

15:39:18 <gatemezi> Dave: will go throw the differents issues btw Cube and ORG and get agreement

Dave Reynolds: will go throw the differents issues btw Cube and ORG and get agreement

15:39:29 <bhyland> q+

Bernadette Hyland: q+

15:39:47 <BenediktKaempgen> ack me

Benedikt Kaempgen: ack me

15:40:10 <bhyland> ack bhyland

Bernadette Hyland: ack bhyland

15:40:37 <gatemezi> +1 to this priority: ORG, Cube and DCAT

+1 to this priority: ORG, Cube and DCAT

15:40:48 <ericstephan> +

Eric Stephan: +

15:40:57 <BartvanLeeuwen> +1

Bart van Leeuwen: +1

15:41:24 <gatemezi> BenediktKaempgen: commits to put more time in Cube in the coming weeks

Benedikt Kaempgen: commits to put more time in Cube in the coming weeks

15:42:31 <gatemezi> Zakim, mute me

Zakim, mute me

15:42:31 <Zakim> gatemezi should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: gatemezi should now be muted

15:42:49 <bhyland> May I put a fine point on this in direct American style?  There is urgency to getting LC in a week.

Bernadette Hyland: May I put a fine point on this in direct American style? There is urgency to getting LC in a week.

15:44:58 <JoaoPauloAlmeida> Do we really need another LC on ORG?

Joao Almeida: Do we really need another LC on ORG?

15:45:10 <bhyland> DaveR: There is no possibility of Cube getting to LC in a week

Dave Reynolds: There is no possibility of Cube getting to LC in a week [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ]

15:45:58 <BartvanLeeuwen> +q

Bart van Leeuwen: +q

15:46:03 <ericstephan> I will look into getting additional external reviewers on cube if that would be helpful

Eric Stephan: I will look into getting additional external reviewers on cube if that would be helpful

15:46:53 <gatemezi> HadleyBeeman: LC of Cube at the beginning of March?

Hadley Beeman: LC of Cube at the beginning of March?

15:47:46 <bhyland> yes

Bernadette Hyland: yes

15:49:00 <Zakim> -JoaoPauloAlmeida

Zakim IRC Bot: -JoaoPauloAlmeida

15:49:22 <Zakim> +??P7

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P7

15:49:32 <JoaoPauloAlmeida> Zakim, ??P7 is me

Joao Almeida: Zakim, ??P7 is me

15:49:32 <Zakim> +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it

15:49:55 <gatemezi> ACTION: DaveReynolds to contact Richard to review Cube to have Cube ready for March, 8th

ACTION: DaveReynolds to contact Richard to review Cube to have Cube ready for March, 8th

15:49:55 <trackbot> Error finding 'DaveReynolds'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.

Trackbot IRC Bot: Error finding 'DaveReynolds'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.

15:49:55 <JoaoPauloAlmeida> Sorry, for some reason, I keep disconnecting.

Joao Almeida: Sorry, for some reason, I keep disconnecting.

15:50:22 <BartvanLeeuwen> q?

Bart van Leeuwen: q?

15:50:23 <fadmaa> Zakim, unmute me

Fadi Maali: Zakim, unmute me

15:50:24 <Zakim> fadmaa should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: fadmaa should no longer be muted

15:50:48 <fadmaa>

Fadi Maali:

15:51:17 <gatemezi> Topic: DCAT


15:51:48 <gatemezi> fadmaa: we had a meeting to resolve many issues..

Fadi Maali: we had a meeting to resolve many issues..

15:52:02 <bhyland> ..notes there has been a lot of discussion on the list re: DCAT, which is great.  Thank you Fadi & others for focusing on this.

Bernadette Hyland: ..notes there has been a lot of discussion on the list re: DCAT, which is great. Thank you Fadi & others for focusing on this.

15:52:35 <bhyland> +1 to separate telecon

Bernadette Hyland: +1 to separate telecon

15:52:52 <BartvanLeeuwen> +1 to seperate telco as well

Bart van Leeuwen: +1 to seperate telco as well

15:52:56 <gatemezi> ...Decide if you have a different telecon or 30 mins to resolve remaining issues?

...Decide if you have a different telecon or 30 mins to resolve remaining issues?

15:53:13 <gatemezi> +1 to separate telco as well

+1 to separate telco as well

15:54:20 <bhyland> Fadi: Thinks DCAT is in proper shape to move to LC ASAP

Fadi Maali: Thinks DCAT is in proper shape to move to LC ASAP [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ]

15:55:26 <fadmaa> Zakim, mute me

Fadi Maali: Zakim, mute me

15:55:26 <Zakim> fadmaa should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: fadmaa should now be muted

15:55:28 <BartvanLeeuwen> q-

Bart van Leeuwen: q-

15:55:30 <BartvanLeeuwen> -q

Bart van Leeuwen: -q

15:55:41 <gatemezi> Zakim, unmute me

Zakim, unmute me

15:55:41 <Zakim> gatemezi should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: gatemezi should no longer be muted

15:55:53 <gatemezi> Topic: Glossary and BP

7. Glossary and BP

15:56:03 <bhyland> Status on BP on Linked Open Data

Bernadette Hyland: Status on BP on Linked Open Data

15:56:03 <bhyland> Sandro: We haven't talked about the controversial issues

Sandro Hawke: We haven't talked about the controversial issues [ Scribe Assist by Bernadette Hyland ]

15:56:03 <bhyland>

Bernadette Hyland:

15:56:03 <bhyland> ..Procurement: needs editing, but have content & feedback.

Bernadette Hyland: ..Procurement: needs editing, but have content & feedback.

15:56:03 <bhyland> ..Vocab selection: needs editing, but have content.

Bernadette Hyland: ..Vocab selection: needs editing, but have content.

15:56:03 <bhyland> ..URI Construction: needs editing, but have content.

Bernadette Hyland: ..URI Construction: needs editing, but have content.

15:56:03 <bhyland> ..Versioning: RDF WG talked about this a lot and couldn't come to closure. Not addressed in GLD WG.

Bernadette Hyland: ..Versioning: RDF WG talked about this a lot and couldn't come to closure. Not addressed in GLD WG.

15:56:04 <bhyland> ..Stability: Not addressed

Bernadette Hyland: ..Stability: Not addressed

15:56:04 <bhyland> ..Legacy: Not addressed

Bernadette Hyland: ..Legacy: Not addressed

15:56:04 <bhyland> ..Cookbook: Ready for review.

Bernadette Hyland: ..Cookbook: Ready for review.

15:56:12 <gatemezi> s/Fadi/fadmaa
15:56:21 <JoaoPauloAlmeida> I have reviewed the Stability section as requested.

Joao Almeida: I have reviewed the Stability section as requested.

15:56:38 <DaveReynolds> q+

Dave Reynolds: q+

15:56:58 <JoaoPauloAlmeida> I do not believe it is currently mature enough. I suggest abandoning the Stability section.

Joao Almeida: I do not believe it is currently mature enough. I suggest abandoning the Stability section.

15:57:19 <JoaoPauloAlmeida> or rewriting it

Joao Almeida: or rewriting it

15:57:30 <gatemezi> bhyland: In BP, there are some sections that need to be removed

Bernadette Hyland: In BP, there are some sections that need to be removed

15:57:40 <ericstephan> +q will telecon be available?

Eric Stephan: +q will telecon be available?

15:57:43 <BartvanLeeuwen> +1

Bart van Leeuwen: +1

15:57:46 <fadmaa> I am going as well

Fadi Maali: I am going as well

15:57:56 <gatemezi> Topic : 3F2F in Dublin

Topic : 3F2F in Dublin

15:57:57 <DaveReynolds> I'm on the queue but have concerns about retaining procurement section of BP

Dave Reynolds: I'm on the queue but have concerns about retaining procurement section of BP

15:58:00 <BartvanLeeuwen> +q

Bart van Leeuwen: +q

15:58:20 <DaveReynolds> Also URI guidance is being substantially reviewed in UK and you should take this into account

Dave Reynolds: Also URI guidance is being substantially reviewed in UK and you should take this into account

15:58:34 <DaveReynolds> It may be better to drop both of those sections

Dave Reynolds: It may be better to drop both of those sections

15:58:35 <bhyland> Topic: F2F3

8. F2F3

15:58:39 <bhyland> See wiki page:

Bernadette Hyland: See wiki page:

15:58:47 <ericstephan> I could do skype

Eric Stephan: I could do skype

15:58:53 <HadleyBeeman> The challenge with dropping URI guidance is that everyone is looking for it.

Hadley Beeman: The challenge with dropping URI guidance is that everyone is looking for it.

15:58:54 <DaveReynolds> If they are retained then please give us enough time to review

Dave Reynolds: If they are retained then please give us enough time to review

15:58:56 <HadleyBeeman> q?

Hadley Beeman: q?

15:59:27 <bhyland> FWIW, our Doodle poll taken showed enthusiasm but the list has been quiet since then, see

Bernadette Hyland: FWIW, our Doodle poll taken showed enthusiasm but the list has been quiet since then, see

15:59:28 <DaveReynolds> ack me

Dave Reynolds: ack me

15:59:57 <BartvanLeeuwen> ack me

Bart van Leeuwen: ack me

16:00:11 <gatemezi> Zakim, who is here?

Zakim, who is here?

16:00:11 <Zakim> On the phone I see ericstephan, TallTed (muted), bhyland, HadleyBeeman, james, BenediktKaempgen, DaveReynolds, deirdrelee, fadmaa (muted), BartvanLeeuwen, gatemezi, Yigal,

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see ericstephan, TallTed (muted), bhyland, HadleyBeeman, james, BenediktKaempgen, DaveReynolds, deirdrelee, fadmaa (muted), BartvanLeeuwen, gatemezi, Yigal,

16:00:15 <Zakim> ... +3858455aahh, JoaoPauloAlmeida

Zakim IRC Bot: ... +3858455aahh, JoaoPauloAlmeida

16:00:15 <Zakim> On IRC I see cygri, james, MakxDekkers, TallTed, Yigal, BartvanLeeuwen, DaveReynolds, DeirdreLee, BenediktKaempgen, Zakim, ericstephan, RRSAgent, fadmaa, JoaoPauloAlmeida,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see cygri, james, MakxDekkers, TallTed, Yigal, BartvanLeeuwen, DaveReynolds, DeirdreLee, BenediktKaempgen, Zakim, ericstephan, RRSAgent, fadmaa, JoaoPauloAlmeida,

16:00:15 <Zakim> ... HadleyBeeman, gatemezi, bhyland, trackbot, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: ... HadleyBeeman, gatemezi, bhyland, trackbot, sandro

16:00:30 <gatemezi> Bart: Do we have a specific agenda in the F2F?

Bart van Leeuwen: Do we have a specific agenda in the F2F?

16:02:21 <gatemezi> bhyland : It will be important to have things well documented for the F2F..

bhyland : It will be important to have things well documented for the F2F..

16:02:53 <gatemezi> ...a place also to have input for the deliverables part ..

...a place also to have input for the deliverables part ..

16:03:34 <Zakim> -BartvanLeeuwen

Zakim IRC Bot: -BartvanLeeuwen

16:03:35 <Zakim> -ericstephan

Zakim IRC Bot: -ericstephan

16:03:36 <Zakim> -JoaoPauloAlmeida

Zakim IRC Bot: -JoaoPauloAlmeida

16:03:36 <Zakim> -TallTed

Zakim IRC Bot: -TallTed

16:03:37 <bhyland> Thank you Hadley!

Bernadette Hyland: Thank you Hadley!

16:03:39 <Zakim> -fadmaa

Zakim IRC Bot: -fadmaa

16:03:40 <BenediktKaempgen> Thanks hadley and bernadette!

Benedikt Kaempgen: Thanks hadley and bernadette!

16:03:41 <Zakim> -gatemezi

Zakim IRC Bot: -gatemezi

16:03:44 <Zakim> -BenediktKaempgen

Zakim IRC Bot: -BenediktKaempgen

16:03:46 <Zakim> - +3858455aahh

Zakim IRC Bot: - +3858455aahh

16:03:46 <Zakim> -james

Zakim IRC Bot: -james

16:03:48 <gatemezi> Zakim, who is here?

Zakim, who is here?

16:03:48 <Zakim> -Yigal

Zakim IRC Bot: -Yigal

16:03:48 <Zakim> On the phone I see bhyland, HadleyBeeman, DaveReynolds, deirdrelee

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see bhyland, HadleyBeeman, DaveReynolds, deirdrelee

16:03:49 <Zakim> On IRC I see james, cygri, TallTed, DaveReynolds, DeirdreLee, BenediktKaempgen, Zakim, RRSAgent, fadmaa, HadleyBeeman, gatemezi, bhyland, trackbot, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see james, cygri, TallTed, DaveReynolds, DeirdreLee, BenediktKaempgen, Zakim, RRSAgent, fadmaa, HadleyBeeman, gatemezi, bhyland, trackbot, sandro

16:03:51 <Zakim> -DaveReynolds

Zakim IRC Bot: -DaveReynolds

16:03:58 <Zakim> -deirdrelee

Zakim IRC Bot: -deirdrelee

16:04:20 <gatemezi> rrsagent, generate minutes

rrsagent, generate minutes

16:04:20 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate gatemezi

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate gatemezi

16:04:52 <gatemezi> RRSAgent, set logs world-visible

RRSAgent, set logs world-visible

16:05:41 <gatemezi> RRSAgent, generate minutes

RRSAgent, generate minutes

16:05:41 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate gatemezi

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate gatemezi

16:05:52 <bhyland> Thanks Ghislain!

Bernadette Hyland: Thanks Ghislain!

Formatted by CommonScribe

This revision (#1) generated 2013-02-14 16:23:45 UTC by 'gatemezi', comments: 'I made few clean up !'